when a regular player is set to manager he can not edit player permissions properly unless he adds himself to the area as owner or admin.
This only happens if "Admin priv." are turned OFF and it is more or less by design (as in this case, non-explicitly granted permissions ARE turned off); if admin priv. are turned ON, managers can edit all permissions of other players.
"Admin priv. OFF" is a kind of debug setting; these privileges are assumed to be normally ON.
also, when having owners rights or admin rights on an area, I placed a stick of tnt and lit it and it would not blow up. It doesn't blow if you have explosions on or off now.
By "you have" you mean "you, as personal player permissions" or "generic area permissions"?
The first case is in some circumstances expected: in some circumstances, the API does not tell the plug-in who the player is who planted the TNT and the plug-in has to rely on the generic area permissions (this is described in the manual). The latter is NOT expected.
The fuse burns but no boom and you can't remove the tnt after it is lit. F7 removal tools will not remove the tnt either.
I assume this has nothing to do with the plug-in, but with what happens as RW level when the explosion is cancelled.
we still need a way to edit secondary areas while within them. A go to area list button would be very handy.
The general "Go to Area" button is only two mouse clicks away (only one more than having the button in the Area Properties dlg box itself): press "UPDATE" and then press "Go to Area" in the main menu.
After having thought about it, I prefer to have to press the "UPDATE" button explicitly.
When adding a player or editing a player's permissions, they have to log out and back in before the permissions take effect.
Well, I cannot replicate this in a debug session: to me, edited player permissions are immediately available to the player. Can you give me a precise list of steps?
I noticed that newly created areas are always at the top of the list (not sorted alphabetically) until the server is restarted. Not a big deal, but can they be sorted right away?
They should be sorted right away (in fact, they are in my test server)
It appears that you can't quite put a BP right to the edge of an area that you have BP permission (can put one block in). This may be by design and should be fine.
Very probably this is due to the same API bug about 1 block off coordinate conversions.
Now changes to permissions appear to be taking affect right away instead of having to re-log on my test server now. Yeah!
And then (in another message) they seems no longer work. As they consistently work (since several updates) on my local test server, I cannot reproduce this issue, which might be due to something other than the plug-in; see my answer above to sharkbitefischer: a precise list of steps could be useful.