Posts by Miwarre

    Soweit ich von @red51 verstanden habe, wird es in Zukunft möglich sein, Berechtigung für einzelne Befehle zu erstellen & zu überprüfen
    und zwar Zentral in den Serverpermissions. D.h. wenn ich z.B. für WorldEdit die Permission (=Jemanden erlauben, mit WorldEdit Blöcke zu plazieren) erstelle,
    dann kann nur diese Gruppe / Player den Befehl ausführen, der diese Permissions besitzt.

    Und damit nicht Plugin-Eigene-Gruppen erstellt werden müssen, wird es dann einen Befehl geben, der die Server-Permissions (also die Permissions im permission-Ordner sind) abgerufen und geprüft,
    ob diese Gruppe / Player diese Berechtigung besitzt.

    I am not sure to understand, but:

    1) server permissions cannot foresee plug-ins yet to come; this means that once a new plug-in is added, server permissions have to be updated to include the permissions for the new plug-in and the server needs to be restarted each time these plug-in - specific permissions are adjusted (which is likely to occur frequently while the new plug-in is tuned to the server); if permissions are under the direct control of the plug-in, reloadplugins is enough to test the new permissions.

    2) groups for different plug-ins are likely not to overlap; assuming optimistically that:

    - there are only two plug-ins A and B;
    - plug-in A (dealing, say, with building) requires three groups A1, A2 and A3;
    - plug-in B (dealing, say, with money) requires two groups B1 and B2;
    - the server already has 3 groups S1, S2 and S3 dealing with levels;
    - and all permissions are implemented at server level;

    it may happen that 18 permission groups are needed to cover the 18 combinations: S1-A1-B1, S1-A1-B2, S1-A2-B1, S1-A2-B2, S1-A3-B1, S1-A3-B2, S2-A1-B1, S2-A1-B2, S2-A2-B1, S2-A2-B2, S2-A3-B1, S2-A3-B2, S3-A1-B1, S3-A1-B2, S3-A2-B1, S3-A2-B2, S3-A3-B1, S3-A3-B2.

    I suspect that maintaining such a system would be a nightmare...

    I am receiving wrong results by Area.rearrange() if (some of?) the start point coordinates are greater than the ending point's. In practice, both points become equal to the original ending point.

    Looking into the matter, I noticed it uses code like this (and similarly for other conditions or other coordinates):

    which in fact makes both end and start chunk/block equal to the original end chunk/block. I suppose it should be instead:

    Am I wrong?

    Whether done as a plugin or as a direct part of the game, I can see this as being a massive project, and I can see it being introduced in stages. Maybe as a "plugin to control all plugins."

    This would be waaaaaay beyond the possibilities of the current plug-in API and of any foreseeable extension of it in the short-to-medium term. I assume it has to be an built-n development.

    About a "plug-in to control all plug-ins", I have released and made available (in some case with the sources) several projects to promote the interaction between plug-ins and so far they attracted very little attention. It seems this is not the way the community looks at plug-ins...


    Is it possible to set up groups as owners? this is a huge limitation of the existing area protection script

    Well, development goes on rather slowly; also, the API support for relevant events is currently incomplete and this does not help a quick release.

    Assuming the owner of an area can
    1) modify the area generic permissions
    2) add new (non-owning) players with specific permissions
    3) modify the area boundaries (not implemented yet, but I plan to add it)
    it would be rather simple to add a specific permission which allows to do the above.

    I understand this is a busy moment, still I have to raise these points.

    As far as I can tell, neither the PlayerPickupItemEvent or the PlayerInventoryAddEvent do fire, at least not for the actions I would them expect to. Picking a plant up (tomatoes, broccoli, etc.) or an object laying on the ground does not fire either event.

    Is this intended?

    As an aside, may I expect the events which where present in the LUA binding (related to vegetation, construction objects, chests, etc.) to be added to the Java API too?

    This is awesome! If you want, I could add you to the Github organization, and this would allow others to create issues (improvements, suggestions, bugs, etc.) and collaborate on the code.

    Hello @LordFoobar! Thanks for the offer. I have already published one of my plug-ins, the GUI back-end plug-in RWGui, in my own github area, but having a (hopefully!) single place for RW plug-in development would make a lot of sense.

    I think that at least 'low level' sources, intended to be provide services shared among other plug-ins would surely benefit from this. So far, I have two of them: RWGui quoted above and the Bank interface definition. If you agree, I can move them to the RW github org.

    A new version of the interface, which adds definitions for a 'bank statement': a method to query transactions for a given account and a structure (class) to held data for those transactions.

    Details and download right above.

    Think so too. But the problem by building a pyramid with ramps, the pyramid is very flat then.To get a reasonable height and size you need to build the pyramid with woodbeams, a lot of work. :D

    Not that much flat! The most well-known Egyptian pyramids have a face slope ranging from 43° to 53°. The 45° slope which can be achieved with RW blocks is swallower than the Egyptian average, but not so wildly off the target, I believe.

    i know that domestication of animals, animal breeding, and more item drops from animals is planned. Also a cooking system.

    Now lots of fans here (myself included) have made suggestions for a leveling system and a skill tree system. [...]

    I've heard lots of good things about Wurm unlimited but from what I understand of the game, that level of crafting complexity might be beyond what I would expect from Rising World. [...] but something that mimics Wurm might be a bit too extreme. I just dont want to spend all day building a boat and worry about what my sucess rate is of hammering a nail into a board. :/

    My feelings exactly! I tried a few times Wurm Unlimited and I never managed to come to terms with it or to imagine I could just by spending more time: I always get tired (and bored) before I reach any automatism with it. I would certainly welcome a more articulated crafting system (with more areas and more components), but rating any and each hammer stroke would quickly become frustrating...

    I have mixed feelings about a levelling system: from one hand, it is a common experience that, with practise, you improve in any activity you engage on. On the other hand, the ladder shape of usual levelling systems leaves me dubious: is level 42 of oven cooking so different from level 41 of the same technique?

    In real life, you do not progress by discreet tiny levels ("ah well! I just reached level 35 of spoon handling!"), rather your confidence increases, your average results improves and so on, but you never have a precise gauging of your position on the ladder, except for very specialised activities (like some sports; and even in these cases, it still depends on the day, on the mood, on the circumstances...). Even assuming that it is not mandatory to mimic real life in every small detail, this kind of broad and general real life experiences are hard to forget.

    What about a non-level system, where levels are not exposed (even if they might be used internally, as aids to computation), success rate and quality of results increases statistically, and you develop a confidence from your results, rather than from a level label? There might be, say, 2 - 4 big steps, in which you "graduate" to a specific title, which gives you a tangible feedback of your "career" and something you can "print on your business card" for your customers to know.

    "Graduations" could be based on the total "quality points" accumulated or on the average success rate (compared with the difficult of the crafted recipe) or any other possible metrics of the ability reached; still, it should not be spelled out in clear letters (or figures!), but only kept internally: as in real life, when you take an exam, you may be more or less confident about the probable outcome, but you are never sure you accumulated the "practice points" required to pass it!

    i did a clean install, and yes, I have Both installed

    Error details:
    LoadingState: Error while loading singleplayer game
    pluginapi.PluginException: No 'plugin.yml' definition file found for plugin "PluginAPI.jar"![...]

    I never met this error, but it looks like you have 'installed' also the built-in PluginAPI.jar as it was a plug-in, but it isn't and it should not be placed in the plugins folder.

    This error happened while loading a SP world. I mostly test my plug-ins in MP. However, I just re-checked this plug-in in SP and it works.

    This seems different from the error you quoted above, which seems an error reported in the chat window while doing some operation

    (Incidentally, I noticed a bug which outputs the wrong message for the "Balance" feature; this does not generate an error however, or a crash, only a wrong output; I'll fix it ASAP).

    The bank and the GUI plugin are the only two plugins i have installed.

    Sure? As per the above, there seems to be something strange with PluginAPI.jar.

    In the server folder (as you run it yourself, you should be able to access it easily) there are:

    A) a screenlog.0 file (also text file), which also contains logging information

    B) a Logs folder with logs(text files), look within the latest for error messages.

    C) there might be files with rather funny names (sorry they are different from platform to platform, but they contain "err" in the name) with specific error reporting.

    And, above all, how do you start the server? Do not start it by simply double clicking the server.jar or passing directly to Java; use the win_startscript.bat file instead.

    1) Open a terminal (or console or command prompt, however it is called under Windows) in the folder where you placed the dedicated server and type: win_startscript.bat

    Hoping this helps...

    It is supposed to work. Did you install the GUI plug-in too? As stated in big letters above, this plug-in will not work without the other.

    A more detailed error message (there should be one in the server log) and a list of steps you did before the error came up would help in diagnosing...

    The game time to real time ratio is a property of the server, which can be customised in the files ("settings_time_speed=..."). Of course, it applies to all the players, but a "time machine" is bound to do that!

    I do not remember the exact meaning of the value to write there, but it is documented along all the other properties somewhere in the forum (look for "settings_time_speed", if nothing else).