Ahh thankyou so much. i head read the warning about that on your guide but didnt know how to include it or if that even was the issue. Anyway its working perfectly now. Thanks again.
Posts by ograymic
please forgive my naivety reguarding the use of linux and steamCMD as i am a total novice.
I appear to be unable to get steamCMD to install the unity version of the dedicated server. every time i try a new install with "app_update 339010 -beta unity" in steamCMD, the server erorrs with logs similar to the attached.
I dont know enough about the dedicated server file structure to say if its the right version and i suspect not as the logs show multiple entries with java related lines.
I am attpemting to install on a VPS running Ubuntu v24.
I have reinstalled Ubuntu.
followed Valve's guide to installing steamCMD (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD)
- sudo apt update; sudo apt install software-properties-common
- sudo apt-add-repository non-free; sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install steamcmd
and followed the guide on this forum to installing the new version (Dedicated Server Setup [New Version])
- steamcmd
- login_anonymous
- app_update 339010 -beta unity
- quit
Running the RisingWorldServer.x64 either directly or from the /linux64/ subfolder lead to the same error.
I suspect its a user error so please enlighten me as to what i am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance.
Here is my humble abode, also in Freaks R US. Its called Cookies Cave Lodge. This is my first proper building in Rising World so i made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot more in its construction.
Electric is by far the best way of powering pretty much any vehicle, the problem comes with storing or generating that power. Current battery tech is only just viable for short range cars. Even if you did have perfect batteries you would still need to generate the power to begin with.
If vehicles are modular theres no reason why all of the above cant be implemented, just depends on what the player wants. Steam for renewable and wide variety of fuels, petrol/diesel for the highest power and speed, electric for lack of maintenance and no need to make the fuel.
Electric would be hard to make as it would need a fuel cell or similar, maybe requiring uranium to construct one.
Steam engines seem the obvious choice, modern external combustion engines are a far cry from the lumbering behemoths of the 19th century, and the boilers could be powered by anything that combusts from coal to wood to methane produced by decomposing organic matter.
Nothing says cars cant be steam powered and its a good choice for boats at they are surrounded by water. only issue would be the relative size and weight isn't that good for aircraft.
A progression could be internal combustion engines powered by Rapeseed oil or methane. no need for massive pools of black gold or pumping mechanics to be added to the game. -
I really hope this implementation of vehicles make it to the game. Being able to customize vehicles looks like a natural extension of this games already brilliant building system.
By all means have standard vehicles you can buy or make off the shelf but i want to turn that offroader into a full expedition car, with extra lights , better attack angle, larger tires etc or make a road train to carry a lot of resources from town to town. better yet a front loader for flattening and digging larger areas of land, a tractor for cultivating large fields etc.