Dedicated Server steamCMD fresh install error.

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  • please forgive my naivety reguarding the use of linux and steamCMD as i am a total novice.

    I appear to be unable to get steamCMD to install the unity version of the dedicated server. every time i try a new install with "app_update 339010 -beta unity" in steamCMD, the server erorrs with logs similar to the attached.

    I dont know enough about the dedicated server file structure to say if its the right version and i suspect not as the logs show multiple entries with java related lines.

    I am attpemting to install on a VPS running Ubuntu v24.

    I have reinstalled Ubuntu.

    followed Valve's guide to installing steamCMD (

    • sudo apt update; sudo apt install software-properties-common
    • sudo apt-add-repository non-free; sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt install steamcmd

    and followed the guide on this forum to installing the new version (Dedicated Server Setup [New Version])

    • steamcmd
    • login_anonymous
    • app_update 339010 -beta unity
    • quit

    Running the RisingWorldServer.x64 either directly or from the /linux64/ subfolder lead to the same error.

    I suspect its a user error so please enlighten me as to what i am doing wrong.

    Thanks in advance.

    Log from server.txt

  • Thanks for the log! It seems that the could not be loaded (so Steam couldn't be initialized). There are basically two ways to fix this issue: You can either set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the "linux64" folder (this is where Steam extracts the, to do that, you could set up a small (executable) .sh script with this content and launch the server through that script:

    cd $(pwd)
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)/linux64:$(pwd):$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

    Or alternatively you could make sure that a is located under /root/.steam/sdk64/ (this is where Steam alternatively looks for the lib) :)

  • Ahh thankyou so much. i head read the warning about that on your guide but didnt know how to include it or if that even was the issue. Anyway its working perfectly now. Thanks again.

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