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    hey cobber,
    any chance you would consider multiple 3d model support, this is one thing that's stopping me from venturing into doing any mods for this game, like the 55 chev screenie I posted, I would offer to pay you for it, but i'm not rich lol.

    i'm looking at building a town, but I want to build one by the seaside, so it will have ports, shops hotels etc, so what I need to ask here, is can someone recommend a seed that will land me close to the water,

    secondly what do you guys use to make roads, and streets with,

    lastly is survival "true" survival as yet? thanks

    well if you aren't willing to take the time to add multiple parts instead OF just one model one texture then I wont be able to do anything with this game, I seriously hope you change your mind on that,

    unfortunately, until the guy who made the car plugin changes it, so it can handle more than one 3d model part per car (ie chassis body interior etc) I cant do anything with it. I've got literally gb's of models I can use, but because his plugin is only setup for one model I cant use it,

    is there a way to export all the 3d files so that they are separate but one obj, does that make sense? instead of having models for each part, export as one obj with separate textures for each part in the obj?

    Well, that's a good question. The plugin was made to use only one model and texture for every car. I don't know that much about modelling, but isn't it possible to put both in one obj and dds file?

    maybe you could change it, to use multiple models and textures, i'm not sure how that would work,

    as for putting everything into one obj, I tried that, didn't work. and I cant redo the mapping it's above my skill level.. oh well it was a nice idea

    have a query regarding models with multiple textures.

    red51 said we need texture per model, when I do that, (using your base .car file) I import a body, then a chassis, and put their texture file details into the .car file, one or the other shows up not both, when I request ingame,

    do I need separate .car files per model ie and, how would they both show up together as one unit, ingame

    does any of this make sense ? lol

    yeah I didn't understand a word of that page you, linked to, that's all double dutch to me lol, well all i'm going to say is this

    I put a 1 3d car model ingame with multiple textures and it came out as if it were in it's original format, so it might just be something i'm doing I don't know lol...

    where do I find the log, does RW have a log file to find if there are errors and such?

    this shows the front of the car, the chev logo is part of the model, so this shows you can use multiple textures on the same car, however I wont release this car, because it gives me around 20-30 fps I would need to reduce it down a lot to get a decent frame rate..

    i'm talking about "plugin" mods, I just tried it with separate textures, all on the one model and it worked fine, so from my little test, you could probably have multiple textures on the same model, just a matter of editing the .car file, well that's what I did, and it seems to be working.

    I would mate but it's not mine, I have permissions to use whatever I see fit, but it is no where near finished yet. it was more just a test, when it's done i'll release it, as a downloadable mod...

    keep up the great week.

    i'm a car modder, and my car mods have multiple textures as opposed to normal car mods that have one for the whole mapping

    is there a texture limit for the models in RW, i'm keen to release some car mods for RW, but only if there is no limit on the textures, as i'm not much good when it comes to remapping.

    thanks in advance.

    you sir are my hero, lol..not really. of course this isn't anywhere near releasable this car is around 80000 polygons, the game has a "small" freeze at the start as it's spawning but apart from that I get a good frame rate when driving it, the car plugin is going to change the way modders will mod this game, so keep up the great work, i'm definitely keen to do mods for this game now (i'm a car modder)

    @red51 here ya go mate. 80000 polygons without any lag.

    I see someone has made a "car" plugin, and seeing as i'm a car nut, i'm wondering if there is a polycount limit on car models or models in general mine range from 5000 - 60000 so what I need to know is, is there a limit, or is it limited to my video graphics, thanks

    what a fantastic idea, I have dozens of 3d models. I appreciate the effort you have gone to for this.

    it means now I have a new game I can put car models in,
