Posts by ozmods

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    Hallo ozmods !
    Download image from the Internet, then look for the colors together and produce wood planks therefrom. Adjust so narrow and as short as possible and then assign each block to the image and set. The large mosaic floor consists of 37400 small blocks were all set individually.

    damn that's awesome, I just love what you did, I've downloaded your blue print,

    Lol, the stephen hawking bit was tongue in cheek. I didnt realise i would need a programming degree to add models, i think i will pass then lol. I barely made it through h.s im an old fart now, and my brain doesnt like new info lol.

    seriously can someone write a tutorial and use words that "normal" people can understand, I would like to add a few models to RW but if its going to take an engineering a computer science and Stephen hawking to do it, then I have no chance lol.

    Custom models.........time to dust off the Blender

    in my case dust off 3dsmax my external hard drive, with all my 3d models therein that has been collecting dust, hmm I could build a race track and add some race cars lol...I know it's not what RW Is about, hell it would be loads of fun.. just a question for @red51 how difficult is it going to be add models to this game, I've done a lot of games over the years, in various formats, but never java.


    Im ot sure if there is a way to do this, say after you have mined it out completely your going to be left with the mother of all holes in the ground, then what, does it simply vanish, or is there a way to fill it in somehow, just a thought

    sorry about the total n00b question but when I download a blueprint where do I place it, so it shows in the journal list of blueprints,

    I have googled this, and haven't found any where thanks .

    nvm I found something here in the forum, just created a folder and called it blueprints, well DUH

    Thanks for that, it actually worked.

    i had to abandon that house because there were gaps in between the door and walls and i had no idea how to fix it. So tomorrow is a new day, so gonna try again.... If anyone has tips on resizing and anything this OLD FART NOOB should know lol, feel free to reply


    well this is my first attempt at building a house in RW, it's taking a bit to retrain my brain on how to do things in RW, after playing WU for so long.

    I have a couple of questions,
    1. how do I move the crafing tables etc into a shed when I am ready to build one,
    2. is there a way to make a sliding glass door, or has that not been made yet by anyone?

    I looked at doing the timber walls but I didn't like it, so i'm going with stone..

    one last question, can we have ceilings between the roof and the floor,

    cheers guys n dolls.

    I can assure you I will be around for the long haul, and I really do hope these make the whole "religion" thing optional because it just doesn't sit right with me, having "religion" ingame. I guess it's just me, but I would definitely love to see more of this game and more people getting on board it has a big future, providing the developers get one track minded about this game and focus on it solely.

    after playing wurm U for so long it's taking me a bit to get my head around stuff, i'm amazed by what I've seen so far, a guy in a forum further down built a freaking train in RW, are you kidding me lol, that was mind blowing on it's own, I was like nnnnnnnnnooooo way, that was just blowing my mind, imagine further down the road apiece how much more this game will be changing with things like that.

    right now i'm just getting used to it, I haven't got to the stage where i'm full blown creating, just trying to get things made and see where and how they go...

    I bought rising world because it was on sale, and after clocking up close to 1400 hours on WURM U, I figured I wouldn't play anything else, as I enjoyed WU so much, but when RW came on sale I knew it was time for a change, I will say up front though I have been avoiding buying RW, because I figured it wouldn't be any where as good as WU, but I have been proven very wrong.

    I bought it a couple of days ago, and I have to say it's loads better than wurm, and I understand that it's still a game in very early development, but it has a lot of potential,
    here is why I feel that it's better than WU
    first of all, NO GIANT FREAKING SPIDERS, that was a winner right up.
    no "religion" that was huge plus too, as a man who believes in Christ, (and please don't troll me for this, but religion really doesn't belong in a computer game, even if it's fantasy, just my 2c on that)
    no linear game play, ie you can do whatever you want, design whatever you want., no "box shaping" WU uses a minecraft building type, in that you only have one type of building framework.

    lastly and most importantly, when you create something, like a building you actually have to build each and every piece, and you see that process right in front of you, WU doesn't do that, you simply have the item in your inventory and after 10 clicks it's there,

    however on the flipside of things, there is one thing that i'm really not keen, on and I doubt i'll ever use it, unless they change it dramatiically
    the creative mode,
    there is no survival aspect, you don't need resources or food or water, this may work great when it comes to doing blueprints but for actual game play, this is just unappealing to me,

    over I give this game a 8.5/10

    keep up the great work and lets hope that more people get involved with this game.