Posts by EllaFrizGerald

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    most if not all of what you suggested is on the way already....... backpacks though that's a nice idea

    That's awesome to hear!! What great news :]
    But yeah, I think backpacks would be a lovely addition for those who like to play mostly survival, and lead a more nomadic lifestyle. Especially if you're like me, and when playing survival need to explore most of the world in search for that perfect spot. Which means accumulating a bunch of junk in your inventory, and then having to get rid of a lot :/

    I have a few suggestions for this (already amazing) game. While the game is fantastic as-is, I love that it's still available in Alpha, which means that we can still try to implement things that we want to see into the game!

    Some things that I would really love to see in this game are:

    The inventory is just so small, and gets eaten up quickly by stacks of items that max out at 16 or 8 per stack.

    I would love if eventually you add in the ability to craft a backpack (various sizes would be awesome, too!) which operates the same as the chests of course. But instead of having to stand in front of it, some sort of keyboard (Mac and PC friendly...) would be great.

    I'm a crazy equestrian, so of course I want horses in the game lol.
    But I think that adding horses into the game would be a fantastic way to introduce transportation, and still have to work for it!
    Even if they aren't able to be domesticated or trained at first, just having random herds of horses in the game would be really cool. I understand that it's a lot of work to add in all of those interactions to tame and ride horses, but please do it <3
    In the beginning they can all just be one color variation, like the other animals, but eventually...

    Multiple Color Patterns for Animals
    Sorry, but I'm tired of staring at brown goats!
    Randomized colors and patterns for animals when spawned would be awesome. You wouldn't need to give each color a separate spawn ID, it could be totally random, like in Minecraft, where you have to spawn 800 sheep to get one black one. :P

    Feed Animals
    It would be lovely to have a more realistic way of animal keeping. The animal breeding plugin is AMAZING and I love it, so to have something like that permanently added to the core game would be super cool, but so would having to feed them to keep them alive.
    Perhaps you could disable it

    More Trees and Shrubs
    I love, love, love terraforming and creating a believable and immersive world. Part of that is using lots and lots of trees and foliage!
    I would love to see some more options for shrubs and leafy plants.

    • Holly
    • Hydrangea
    • Boxwood
    • etc. Just general leafy, fluffy green shrubs, that aren't tall like the rowan.

    Right now, the only way to landscape with bushes is to lower the terrain (if you're in creative), place a rowan, then fill in the land, so that ony half of the shrub is showing.

    So even a smaller rowan plant would be nice :]

    I think this is already in the works, but dyes to dye clothing, curtains, etc.

    Custom Textures
    Custom textures would be cool to import onto planks, beams, and logs. That would be amazing! As of now, I'm just using posters to make paneling on walls, etc.

    Decorative Clutter
    Glassware, dishes, empty vases, etc.
    I think having some little clutter items would be nice. So you can place multiple glass mugs, glasses, plates, and bowls.

    Thanks, YakMe, but I had a compass and followed all of those steps already to find my building, but had no luck. :C In another update I stated that the game was actually spawning me to the exact point where I was building, but it wasn't saving my buildings or my game data. My inventory was full and the items I had crafted during that time were all there, but the buildings/terrain edits were gone. :C

    Happy to see that the new update includes a way to spawn back to your bed/rest point, but as I said, my stuff is all gone, so I'll have to investigate what happened exactly.

    Since this happened, I started a new world and have been sleeping every night, then quitting the game when the next day begins. After quitting, I have loaded the game, and everything has been there the last 10 times I've done this, so hopefully it was just a random error with my computer or something?
    However, the first time this happened, all of my data had been saved from each time I loaded the game, and when I opened a different time, it was all gone, so hopefully that wont happen again.
    Thanks for trying to help though!

    I'm sorry to hear about that :( Eventually there may be something which prevents the game from writing to the hard drive properly.. Do you have any antivirus or security software installed on your Mac? If so, what programs do you use exactly?
    You said a crash occurred (it's not the reason why the buildings aren't saved, since the game does usually save the world every 10 seconds), what happened exactly? Did you get an error message? Or just a crash to desktop without any information? Please have a look if there is a file called "errorlog" or "hs_err_pid" in your game directory (to get there, rightclick on rw in steam -> properties -> local files -> browse local files), if there is such a file, please upload it here :)

    It's okay. It's encouraging my creativity, at least, haha, rather than me getting stuck on one build. :]
    And yeah, I crash occurred this time, but the problem started before the crash, so I don't think that's what did it... There was no error message or anything, the game stuttered a bit, then froze, and then just closed without warning. I have no antivirus or security installed, and I did not see any file suggesting anything to with error in my game's directory.

    I've been playing the game since the original post on this thread and it hasn't crashed yet. I've been sleeping in the little starter tent, then quitting the game immediately after each save and reloading, and so far everything has been where it should be. Not sure... I'll keep you posted if anything else happens.

    Yesterday after playing for several hours and exiting/reentering the game with no problems, I was suddenly spawned to a new location and could not find my buildings anymore.
    Today, after making a new world last night, the game loaded to the exact location, but none of the things that I had built were there.

    Despite saving multiple times by resting in a bed, all of what I had done is gone.
    So to test it, I booted a new game, played for a while, saved multiple times (this time in a tent). The game crashed, so I reopened, and, of course, none of my buildings are there either. I checked all of my load files, and could not find my buildings in any of them. :C

    Very disappointing.
    I thought that the first issue I had was simply that I had been spawned to a completely random location, away from my buildings, but now that this problem has presented itself, I'm thinking that it just stopped saving.
    I am playing Creative on a Mac, and my game is installed through Steam.
    I had been playing the game all day yesterday with no problems until several hours later. It had saved fine and allowed me to enter/exit the game without any issue.
    Also: My inventory has been full of the things I had crafted/found during the time I was playing, including the items and quantity that were used to create the buildings which are missing...

    Not sure why it's suddenly not saving anything...Please help!
    Thank you!

    100% certain I didn't create a new world. I had been in and out of the game a few times with no problems, but for some reason when I loaded again it popped me to a new location. I had an entire farm built, house, crafting lodge, bed, kitchen/bathroom, etc. So it should have continued to spawn me into that location, especially since I had slept in the bed and saved there multiple times. Not sure what happened, but I was pretty annoyed, lol.
    (I had already been through the 'proper' way to set a spawnpoint, because I had slept in a basic shelter for about 2 game days, then had the house built and slept in the bed, indoors, for the rest of the time.)

    Also, didn't die, I was playing creative with peaceful on, and everything was fine. I went to rest in the bed (after doing so several times before, thereby 'saving' the game), and when I opened it back up about an hour or so later, I was in a totally random part of the world. I tried using F2 to fly around and find my place based on the position of the sun, but because the world is pretty much endless, I had no luck. :[

    For the map, I'm not thinking of anything heavy-duty, just something that would show the structures you've built. Not anything else, really. So you would either have to create a different map for each structure, or... I'm not sure, really. But I wouldn't care either way if showed land markers or anything, so long as it gets you home. Or even adding some feature to the compass that lets you do that would be cool. It could be shaded green or something in whatever direction home is?

    Thanks so much for the awesome answers! I'm happy to hear that these are things you've already considered and are looking into. Boats would be awesome, and so would armor/etc for your companions. :]

    You can change these keys in the settings menu, just go to Settings -> Controls -> Placement -> change binding for "Up (move)" and "Down (move)" :)
    Of course you can also change the keybinding in the file manually, as suggested by @Miwarre

    About the grid: What do you mean exactly with "grid height"? You can at least change the grid size by pressing + and - (while the grid is enabled)

    Oh! And about the 'grid height' I meant:
    When you hit the -/+ keys, you can change the distance between the grid and make it smaller or larger, allowing you to move items a little more freely along the horizontal lines of the game. What I meant by implementing some sort of command to alter the grid HEIGHT (Y) as opposed to the distance (X), would be a command that would show a grid for the Y axis, instead of the X axis. And then you could use the +/- keys to change it the same way that you would the other one. :]

    You can change these keys in the settings menu, just go to Settings -> Controls -> Placement -> change binding for "Up (move)" and "Down (move)" :)
    Of course you can also change the keybinding in the file manually, as suggested by @Miwarre

    About the grid: What do you mean exactly with "grid height"? You can at least change the grid size by pressing + and - (while the grid is enabled)

    I tried, believe me! :]
    However, the game doesn't recognize that when I hit the Shift+Up/Down buttons to change the X/Y Axis Height, that that's what I'm doing because my arrow keys are set up to rotate the item, WSAD are my walking controls, then various other keys have been allocated for other things.
    I thought I would be able to change the controls around a bit more until it worked, but for some reason the only way the game will allow me to use the Shift+Up/Down command is if I have no other use for the arrow keys at all, which is a bit of a pain, because I prefer to use those for motion commands, as opposed to the WSAD.
    After my game crashed and spawned me away from my little village though, I reset the commands, and it works (although a little sketchy), so I just won't touch the commands except for the keys that I don't have...

    But I still think that that's something that could be looked into?

    Also, in F5 to edit the terrain, I cannot change the terrain paint type? I go over to the paint portion of F5, and no key will change the tool. Am I missing something? I tried finding tutorials, but everyone seems to be hitting the arrow keys or something. I tried to hit every key on my keyboard and none of them affected the command.

    Also, I realize that now we're getting more into troubleshooting than any suggestions, so I apologize.

    i tried, but it don't work. I think it's due to the mac mouse. I can either left or right click. Using both buttons is not possible in normal configuration. Maybe I have to change system settings only for the game. Thats why i asked if someone has the same problems due to mac specifications :)

    I had this exact problem. Mac keys seem to be conflicting with the way the controls are set up. So for example, the blocks:You hold left mouse down to drag and place multiples, and right mouse is to place the object, yes? Well, because Macs use a 'smart trackpad' instead of a standard mouse, you have to press down with 2 fingers on the trackpad to right click. The problem is that the game doesn't understand that that functions as a separate command than left click followed up by a right click. It thinks you're still just holding down left click. I have my game set up to use the Right Command key as my secondary interaction. No conflicts with anything so far. :]Hope that helps you!

    Well, now that I've been playing for several hours throughout the day, I've finally run into the first real problem:

    I reopened my game after a break, and it spawned me to a completely random location. This was extremely distressing because I had put in quite a good bit of time creating a village/farm and it was going really well. Despite using the 'mark' command, I was unable to return home. :C
    After hunting around on the web for some way to possibly find home again, I read that the 'setspawn' command will allow you to return to a specific spawn point each time, but regardless, it was too late.

    That said, I think it would be great to have some sort map or blueprint of the world that you could craft. Minecraft has something similar, and what it does is acts almost like a little metal detector. The map opens up along the bottom of the screen (or in front I don't remember...) and one side of the map will glow or be shaded. That shaded area will get bigger and bigger until you eventually hit home. This would be something specific to the player, so you're not running into 100 other structures if you're playing on an open server.

    Maybe this is already something you have done? If so I would love to know how to get back to my little project, because I hate to lose so much time, even if it is my first day playing.

    As a Mac user, it's often very difficult to find games that truly are Mac Friendly.
    And before anyone says it: No, I'm not getting another Microsoft based machine, or anything else. I love having a Mac, I hated having a PC, and I'm quite content to keep my current OS. Thank you. <3

    That said, I'm a HUGE fan of architecture, interior design, and that's what made me buy this game through Steam. I love sandboxes, and have been playing the buggy Sims 3 to sate my addiction to customization. But now I'm bored, and on to a new game. So far this game is great. I bought it last night and just love it and everything that you've implemented so far. So happy with my purchase!

    My favorite thing so far about the game is the Extended Construction Command list.... Just- AHHHH. I love it. <3
    The only problem that I've had is that to move an object along the x or y axis, you have to use the Page Up/Down key, which is something that Mac users don't have, and there's no way to change that command through the settings. :C I've tried everything I can think of to get the game to recognize me using the FN Down/Up command (which is the Mac equivalent to Page Up/Down), and so far nothing has worked. I've even tried to find the game file that would let me alter the code for that completely, but I didn't see anything.

    So if you could maybe extend the control customization that would be awesome, and I think a lot of Mac users would love you all the more for it!

    If there's not a way to do that, then maybe a ~command that would allow you to specify the grid height of the object you're trying to change, or something?

    Thanks again!

    I just purchased this game last night and have been addicted since. I absolutely love this game and all of its potential!

    As a dorky equestrian and avid gamer, I would love to see something similar to what was done in Minecraft-- the ability to 'tame' wild animals, such as wolves, big cats, horses, rabbits, etc. I think it would be a very fun little addition to the game if the user was able to play it almost like a farming/life simulator, haha.
    For wolves/dogs, they could 'patrol' the perimeter of your village or house and attack strangers in survival mode, or just walk around if you're in creative. You could also have the option to give them little things (like meat) to encourage them to stay with you. This would be the same for any animal, really, just find something it likes, use the interaction key to give the item to the critter, then after a certain time it would become yours.

    It would also be super cool to be able to ride horses, herd cattle/sheep, and harvest things from your pets like milk or eggs.

    It would also be cool if you could make a 'crafting table' that would be specifically for farm goods/produce.
    For example:
    A butter churner, obviously to make butter. Or just one big item that would allow you to drag items into slots, then with the right combination, it would craft the produce that it typically would make IRL, such as yogurt, cheese, or steak, or something. And you could gift those items to fellow players in the game.

    Just some dorky suggestions.