Posts by Fox_Okajima

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hello again, sorry this took me forever to get back here. I have enabled the debugger and I HOPE this is the output log, comparing what I saw in the console and what is contained inside the file it should be that. I can also confirm reducing the detail view and view distance helped, though it's a bit problematic for me sometimes cause then I can not see my buildings until I am very close, hence if I get too far I can get lost pretty easily without a map (I have bad orientation haha!) but well, I can survive that.

    Must say if anything's at fault in the hardware it must be the hard drive anyway, it's been annoying in general for a while, but it seems to work alright despite it...

    Well either way, I'm attaching the log so you can have a look whenever you have time. Thank you very much for the moment!


    • 1531675579.log

      (64.4 kB, downloaded 403 times, last: )

    I recently learnt that Temperature is coming soon to the game, I'm really excited and can't wait for it! It's something I've been hoping for since day one I got this game ^_^

    Also, is food spoilage already in effect? I haven't seen anything go bad for me yet.

    Oh and the NPC dummy system is AWESOME! I hadn't tried it yet, but it's so much fun! Thank you so much for the awesome updates!

    Hello again, I'm just reporting this mostly for the sake of reporting it, but also because it's turned from an insignificant annoyance to a pretty big problem. Basically the world keeps needing loading as I move around with my horse, it loads an area but then it needs to load the next after moving on a while, and same goes for returning to the previous area. The problem didn't annoy me at all until I started getting chased by predators, being completely stuck and at their mercy while the world is loading, my horse is stuck in a loop and the predators all around are feasting on me killing me.

    So yeah, I decided to report this is happening too cause it's turned into a problem now.

    Running Alpha with no mods, just the vanilla game, also SP

    Further detail if needed, I have View Distance set to 25 and Detail Distance set to 13.

    Ahhh I see. Good to know that, at least I can prevent that from happening again. Thank you very much!

    Since we're here, do you actually know if they changed the command to change the gamemode or if it was removed? I was trying to make my game creative to get those back without having to waste any more resources, but the "gamemode" command says it's unknown now...

    I think I might have done that. I actually went into creative for a moment to check something real quick, and I also logged out the last time I was just done cooking the meat cause I was just waiting for that to be done to go to bed. Is this the cause?

    Hello, it's happened in a previous world and now again in another one.

    I just remade the Blockbench, and now both the new blockbench and the workbench disappeared. They were all in the same chest.

    Oh and I'm playing SP with no mods

    Hello, I've been noticing a few objects have completely disappeared from my medium storage crate. I'm not sure if the problem presented itself after loading the world again or before it, I had cooked some ribs last night and put them in the chest, as well as I put a spinning wheel away in another chest, and today all three items have disappeared.

    I'm running the latests Alpha

    The "Content file locked" message is a Steam error which may have various reasons. In most cases it indicates that Steam wasn't able to access a certain game file. This can be caused by drive errors or insufficient permissions, or - more likely - by an antivirus program. What antivirus program do you use exactly? Some programs like Panda are known to keep a focus on certain files (probably for scanning), so Steam is unable to delete/update the file. Other programs like Comodo run unknown programs in a sandbox, which results in restricted hard drive access.Sometimes restarting the computer may also do the trick ;)

    I'm happy to hear that :)

    Edit: It was Avast after all. Disabled protection momentarily and now the game finished updating and launched without issues

    I use Avast Antivirus Free, though at the moment I'm running a pro free trial for a few days...also Malware Bytes is on free trial and has a real-time filter that might be the case...either way, I'll restart my PC tomorrow and see then, if it still happens I'll try disabling those programs. Thank you for your work :)

    I'm sorry to be that guy...but I can't launch the game at all after it updated...

    The update itself went fine, took a long while on "unpacking" but I don't think that's much (I just never noticed Steam saying that before)

    Problem arose after the update was done, I tried to launch the game and it said Missing executable, so I forced a cache recheck, and now it's stuck with Update Paused. If I launch the game to complete it, I am presented with this error message:

    An Error Occurred while Updating Rising World (content file locked):
    C:/Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\risingworldx64.exe

    Not sure what to do, restarting Steam didn't solve the problem.

    Thank you for any help ^_^'

    since the api is out, anyone could add books ussing the static model plugin.

    I really need to dwelve into the API territory. I have a few programs I can make models and texture them with, though I am not good at all at programming or xml stuff :/ still, I know there's a good guide for it all somewhere here on the forum (and I bookmarked it already at some point) so I should probably check that out.

    The i7 2630QM has an integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 adapter. These adapters suffered from this issue from the beginning :( But the newer adapters (4000 and newer) worked fine, so I'm wondering what has changed...

    Thanks for the DxDiag :) Unfortunately the old AMD drivers are also known to have severe issues with OpenGL (there are even more severe issues like occasional driver crashes etc). But I guess the water issue will be solved by installing the latest AMD driver:…legacy3&os=Windows+7+-+64

    Hm I see. Well I wouldn't know either, maybe something inside some new line of code is conflicting with something within the drivers code...(I know nothing about programming unfortunately, so I can only guess and hope it can give any sort of idea or something in the process)

    And you're welcome, yeah tell me about it, I have all the issues and worse >_< unfortunately with this being a laptop I can not update the drivers. Attempted to in the past and it pretty much deleted any trace of video drivers from my hard drive making everything stop working for good X_X but thank you for trying.

    I play on a Desktop regularly anyway, so it is not the end of the world. This is just a backup PC I bring with me when I am not home / unable to access my main one, but since it does have an Intel HD graphics card and I had that same issue, I was hoping it could help somehow. But yeah, least I know something new now ^^

    I'm curious if this happens with all Intel cards now. The game was supposed to work fine on Intel HD 4000, 4400 and 5000 adapters, so I guess a recent Intel driver might be responsible for this trouble =O However, you can fix this issue by setting "graphic_water_postprocessing" to false in the "" file in your game directory (but unfortunately this disables all post-processing effects for water)

    Actually, I booted Rising World on my laptop today just for testing, I got a new thing to cool it down so I wanted to try performance...I have an i7 2630QM running at 2.00 ghz, 8 gb of RAM and a 1 gb Radeon 6490M video card (which is what I tried running the game on) and had the same issue. I also have an Intel HD (it's switchable) but I was using the Radeon one at the time, didn't test the Intel one anyway, as the framerate is so low I can barely even move (but this is a problem with every game that requires a bit of power, unfortunately, as the card itself has shared memory with the system, so I can only use 512 mb to actually play...thanks to the guy who sold me this thing)

    So yeah, tl;dr I have the same issue on a Radeon 6490M, and have a switchable Intel HD card that I don't really use. Should also mention that both cards have dated graphics drivers from 2011, Intel HD graphics card (can't see which series is it though) runs on driver 8.830.6.1000 dated 27/01/2011 Radeon card has the same driver number (not really sure about this) but driver date is 15/03/2011)
    Actually, gonna attach dx diag files so you can take a closer look at it if need be.

    Also can't seem to quote your previous answer, but yeah, would be nice to have sand on lakes shores or somewhere you can find it in other biomes :) or maybe work something with dirt to make sand out of it...I don't know, that could work too.


    Hi, I hope I am not creating a second thread, but I am running on Data so I have limited internet for now...forgive me. Anyway I had this thought for a while, that it would be nice to have the ability to write books (like in Minecraft) and possibly stack them into cupboards (cause as of now I only put cupboards and they remain empty since for all I know there is nothing you can put on them..)

    I realize there are more important things to take care of first, but thought that'd be a nice addition.

    Thank you :)

    I agree, also the weather sometimes changes instantly. Not sure about SP, but I've experienced this on a server. Also, imo it seems to be too frequent.

    Not sure about weather changing instantly, though I don't think the rain is too frequent, I like it :3 as for minimal, maybe it could last a bit longer, maybe they could put in an option to change those settings so everyone can be happy...but I guess there's more important things to work on first, so we will see.

    On another note, I noticed you now need sand to make glass, but I can't seem to find sand anywhere near my spawn (I spawned in a forest biome by a huge lake) and I was actually thinking that it would be nice to have sand on lakes shores or something to make it more easy to find sand. Unless there is some other way that I am not aware which case I'll be happy to learn about X3