Posts by Fox_Okajima

    Quirky. I didn't know Red was adding ghosts to the game. It could be that while I'm the only person having to deal with indoor rain, you're dealing with the residual effect of what would happen if it were raining indoors. I'm unable to play until tonight, so if there has been a mini-update since I was on yesterday, I'll know then.
    As for the driver issue, as the Swahili saying goes: hakuna matata.

    Ghosts? O: Where did you read that? That would be awesome!

    And well, I don't know, I guess it's just some minor bug, not a big deal :3

    Yeah, I suppose, though I can't really just shrug it off when programs asks me for the latest drivers to run properly (not Rising World, but Rising World doesn't even run on my laptop)

    Well, looking for a driver would be going to nvidia website and looking at drivers for GTX 700 series, not specifically Mac OS or Linux / Windows, they're for the card itself, the OS is just based on what you use. But even if you did find new drivers for it, it'll still either fail to install or cause least it did for me when I obsessed on wanting to update my laptop's drivers (they're from 2011 and I'm stuck with them and all the problems they have) so I'm afraid there's not much that can be done about it, though I wish you the best of luck with that.

    And well I play on a desktop PC, my laptop just isn't good enough for anything.

    Edit: Also, reporting on that ore / mining reset bug, it seems loading the world a second time got rid of it almost entirely. It still happens, but extremely rarely now, so it doesn't even matter, I am perfectly able to mine the resources I need. And the "world not loading" bug hasn't happened at all anymore. Thank you

    Edit 2: Well, speaking of raining inside, I was mining underground and all of a sudden I started hearing the sound of wet footsteps (that's a pretty nice addition by the way!). I wasn't too deep down in, so I assumed it could be rain flowing down from the entrance and into the cave, which would definitely result in a wet floor (and a very nice detail) but I don't suppose that should happen? There was no rain inside though, just the sound of wet footseps was all, but maybe this can help somehow...I don't know.

    Hmm... this may be quite normal when playing directly after the update (since the cache has been cleared automatically to convert the world, the game has to regenerate all cached files again), but the situation should improve when loading the world for the 2nd time, for example. Otherwise we will check out what's going on there and what might cause this delay
    Thanks for letting us know, we will put that on our list, that should be solved soon (btw. the latest fix only solve the issue of rain not being obstructed by glass panes) :)

    Alright, thank you very much! I should try that and see :)

    Old world? Depends. Would a world created in late August 2016 be considered an old world?

    By old world I mean a world existing prior to the update, so yes, an August 2016 world would be old as it's prior to the update.

    Also well, GTX 780M is a laptop card isn't it? Laptops generally don't receive driver updates cause their drivers are designed specifically for the machine they run on, so it's rare that a manifacturer will release new drivers for it. I can say though I have no problem with my GTX 660Ti if that's of any help. But yeah, that's weird that it rains inside anyway...

    Is there a bug where it rains inside your builds? The reason that I ask is because when it started raining, I ran into my house, only to find it was raining in there as well. I ran to the basement, and more rain. I have no idea about the second floor of the attic, but rain on the main floor and the basement would make me guess that yes, my bed is indeed soaked on the second floor, or my toilet is overflowing, and in which case, does anyone know a good plumber in Rising World?

    I include an image as exhibit A.

    That is very weird. I have been building some shelters from the rain and I got no rain coming inside...maybe it's an old world bug? But well, hope this can help in some doesn't happen for me...or hasn't so far.

    Hello everyone, and happy new year! It has been a while since I last came here, so what better occasion than this? :3

    Although I'm not here just to say how much I love the update, I must report that I have been having some issues as well...getting out of the loaded area happens a lot, and mining resources mostly just end up in the chunk I'm mining resetting and me getting nothing out of it...also harvesting things like tomatoes and such seem very very delayed...

    I am not completely sure what's causing this, but I come from a fresh install, I had actually removed the game a while back, took the chance to just straight back into it and I love what I'm seeing, except for these bugs, of yeah, just thought I'd report on that, if it can help anyone else, too.

    That all said, happy new year, and thank you for the amazing job!

    Hype :3 I do hope it releases "soon" X3

    But hm I might be wrong but the ladder looks like the "old ladder" model to me, yet, I could be wrong. Still, kudos to you for seeing that, I didn't notice until now

    Edit: well no I am completely wrong. But hm I doubt it'd be wood beams as you can not climb on them, you could put them so that they make a staircase but you can't really make a ladder of woodbeams (as far as my experience goes) so probably a new ladder model :)

    Hi, I have been tyring to locate the journal.xml file everywhere, but I seem to be unable to find it...either looking at the game's local content or typing journal as a search word on the forum hasn't anyone can point me in the right direction? Thank you

    But uhm, staying on the water physics topic for a moment more, my concern is I collected water from a lake (my current spawn point is kilometers away from water sources) and so I created a small hole outside my spawn point where I poured the water to have it nearer to me. My question about this (and I swear this is the last thing I ask about this topic) or rather, my concern about this, is when water physics will be applied, is there risk that the water will slip away?

    The hole I made is deep enough to contain the water, but it's something that's been worrying me for a while.

    Also, will water run out when you drink it in later updates? (I hope not, but worth asking since I'm already asking all this stuff...) but yeah, those were two of my major concerns about water physics...I know it probably sounds dumb ^^'

    In general the lighting is still pretty basic. Nothing really projects a beam of light and nothing casts shadows as far as I can tell. To me this is the one thing that really kills the game. I'm hoping that when the system is reworked that it will look kinda like Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shader in Minecraft

    For now it seems like ambient light at any point is calculated based on its distance from a light object. The presence of a wall is not considered but it seems to work better in tunnels.

    And hello fellow fox. Nice to sniff you

    Thank you for your reply! And yeah, it's something that bugs me, but at the same time I understand there are more important things to get off the list first, so I guess we'll have to wait :3

    Hello X3 nice to sniff you too :)

    I do agree as well.The lighting does kill the game.A few lights in a building and it lights up the whole neighborhood like a comet.
    Red mentioned that the lighting needs to be reworked but it will probably be a lot later. I do love this game,it gets better and better but I believe that the core foundation needs to be complete before others kick in.Some of those are lighting,animal collision and more animation,more plantation,biome variety,trains,water physics.Those additions/improvements will make this game way more awesome.I know almost everyone expects these as well and it takes time.The impact will definitely be HUGE! Correct me If I am wrong.

    I see. Thank you for your prompt replies :)

    Well I understand it takes time to introduce features and to improve on them, I just wasn't sure if this was going to be reworked or not, so I pointed out I'd like that :)

    Hello everyone, I am new to the forum but LOVE this game, so of course I needed an account :) kudos to Red for their wonderful work!

    Anyway, on to the point: I believe the interiors should be darker when no light or window is applied, the fact that it is so bright makes crafting lights and torches pretty much useless for least in my experience. Also I'd like the lights to be a little less strong, a single lamp can light up my whole interior, I don't know if it's something that will be fixed in future updates but I thought it was worth a mention