Posts by Minotorious

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    I was asking of the .isPaused detection of a routine is not a reliable IF routine trigger for one. Then if the timer is in .isPaused mode would code below it execute properly this could include turning the timer back on when another event was detected? Because the next time the event detection happened my routine would act if the timer was not paused.

    yes ofc all further code can and is executed like nothing happened, you are in an Object Oriented Environment your methods can be called at any time by any other method and be executed even in parallel at the same exact second. Event calls are completely separate as well, if for example a PlayerChangePositionEvent and a PlayerHitEvent are called at the same time both events will be executed, the program will not wait for one code snippet to finish so that it can reach the second, if that was the case we wouldn't be in an Object Oriented Environment but a linear main function.

    Well that was good but, No it was not what I was asking. The routines in the timer always execute when the timer goes off. The question is about detecting a .isPaused. I have a routine that was detecting a paused timer in an if statement just fine but then I enhanced the routine which moved it up in the ladder and it seemed to never detect the paused timer out of the executable never executed. I finally put a toggle variable in and that appears to have remedied it.

    if the timer has started and has not finished but was paused the .isPaused method should detect it. Could you maybe provide a code snippet for us to see what you are trying to achieve?

    you can use existing woodbeams to make studs and build as you like, about physics I don't think they will ever be in the game unless made as a mod.

    If physics were added to the game all our builds would come crashing down to the ground XD

    No there is no way unfortunately because these groups you are referring to are not permanent, once you disconnect they are disbanded :(

    Would be nice to have a friend list kind of feature where you can see the friends on the map even though they are not in your "group"

    The only thing I am not sure about with Insert is if it can alter input outside of the game after being pressed. Since insert usually (in text editors etc.) alters input from placing a character to replacing a character. It is worth a try anyway :)

    Hmmm... I suggest you try and see for yourself which are the possible options.

    While you are defining the area extent, RW is working as usual (you can move around, interact with the environment, type in the chat, etc...) and, as with usual RW working, there is no mouse cursor to click with. Only keys can be used to steer the area creation process.

    I understand why the RETURN key might not be the best choice but, at that stage, a key to go on and a key to cancel have to be agreed upon anyway.

    Yes indeed thought of that but that comes with another important thing I wanted to ask @red51 about a key to temporarily show the cursor on the player's screen, many games have that option and I find it very convenient especially if I have clickable Gui elements permanently on the side of my screen.

    But you are correct for now there aren't that many options to make this happen other than to agree on a key or to make the key configurable in the settings file you have :)

    Maybe go with the ?// key next to RShift I think that is for sure not used for anything :D (kidding keep return for now and we can see later it is not that important for the time being:) )

    You are confusing two different things here,

    1) the permission group i.e default.permissions applies to all non admin players on the server, they are members of that group no matter what they do. But this is only a permission group i.e. illustrates what the players can and cannot do on the server it is not meant for you to be able to see other members of the same permission group as you on the map.

    2) the group by invitation in game, this is a group that only acts as a temporary party of players who want to play together and see each other on the map, this has nothing to do with the permission system and you cannot have people automatically being members of such a group you need to invite them every time you come online.

    It is central time US that makes the problem.

    oh ok well then I would recommend either converting all values to a specific timezone or using the LocalDateTime Java class to use the time of the server in the timezone the server is in ;)

    hmmm F keys are a bit of a nuisance to use as many overlays and other for instance recording programs use them e.g. steam screenshot is F12, GeForce Experience screenshot is Alt + F1, record Alt + F8, instant replay Alt + F10, etc. for other software

    I would recommend simply adding a create area button (maybe next to the area name textbox) clickable by mouse if that is something you would consider.

    GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) does not support daylight saving, it is just like UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), a standard time zone not changing no matter what.

    You are probably confusing it with either CET (Central European Time) that changes to CEST (Central European Summer Time), or BST which is the British Summer Time timezone used in the UK in the summer in place of the GMT one as the latter doesn't support daylight saving.

    as stated in red's post above the start of the millisecond date is the 1st January 1970 UTC.

    To get the current time out of a millisecond timestamp you can use the Date() java class:…s/api/java/util/Date.html

    This method:
    Date(long date)
    Allocates a Date object and initializes it to represent the specified number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.

    Nice one :)

    Just a small comment from my side, I don't think pressing Return to create an area is the right way to go. While creating areas I need to be able to communicate with the player I am creating the area for and as such I need to use the Return key to send chat messages (e.g. about the area name they want, or some special topology to be included, etc.)

    yes you can open the console (key next to 1 and below Esc) and type "gm 1" then press enter. This way you enter creative mode and you can do the 1 hit mine/chop you want but you also get access to all the creative mode tools and free crafting if I am not mistaken so it is not meant to be for survival mode