Posts by Minotorious

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    So I uploaded all my plugins on my github account found here:

    Note: they are not all functional, some are in active development and the code may be or is messy at some points

    Note2: I will not refactor them to follow some nice pattern that will be easy for people to follow, I like my package and method names as they are because I know what they are doing so I will not rename them, if you need help with something or you don't understand some part of the code just ask me :)

    @noci sehr gut gesagt :)

    Ich hab echt zu viel Zeit gebraucht meine Plugins zu schreiben (z.b. mein Blueprint Texture Editor hat 1 Monat gebraucht).

    Ich habe kein Problem wenn jemand fragt mein Code zu veröffentlichen. Ich glaube ich wird den Vorschlag von @Miwarre nehmen und mein Code auf GitHub in der nächsten Tage aufladen.

    @noci very well said :)

    I have spent a lot of time to write my plugins (for instance the Blueprint Texture Editor had taken 1 Month).

    I have no problem to publish my code if someone asks. I think I will take the advice from @Miwarre and upload in the next days all my code to GitHub.

    going to have to buy Java for dummies

    I have that book :D hahaha never read it but I have it somewhere in the basement XD

    So that brings up another thought. If I pause a timer it should not execute the code unless if completes the entire count correct? I have some funny timing things going on in my routine right now that I am trying to sort out.

    Well it depends how you set it up but if the timer is paused before the trigger time interval has been reached then yes the runnable task will not be executed

    What exactly are you trying to do, from what you just said it sounds to me like you don't need a timer at all and could do it with just a count variable increasing in value as it goes :/ But without exact infomation I can't know tbh

    Now, how much would you pay for the Java Area Protection plug-in I am writing?

    I wouldn't pay anything for a mod personally. Mods = free + any donations I voluntarily make to the developers that is it. We saw it last time it happened with Bethesda, the creative club fiasko almost brought down the whole company because people are not even willing to pay for mods for Skyrim or Fallout (both much bigger games than RW). So I would say noone will pay for a mod in RW if noone did for Skyrim.

    Well an author has recourse on this webpage via the rules stated in the JIW terms or use legal area. The author can complain that a plugin violates their plugin and JIW will likely take it down.

    Sure and then it will be reuploaded and then you will report it agian and red51 will take it down and then they will reupload it and so on. Deleting content from the web is pointless someone will just upload it again the second after it was taken down. That is why even Steam hasn't bothered to go after all the duplicate mods even though I am sure in their legal notes it is clearly stated that it is not allowed. Also someone need to report the content first, as a plugin creator I wouldn't appreciate others stealing my plugin and uploading it as their own but I won't spend all my days and nights looking for people who have done that to report them, I have better things to do than that :D

    I am sorry I cannot understand what you are talking about.

    Are you refering to in game blueprints or something completely different?

    What does an australian support company have to do with anything here?

    The asset '/Game/Blueprints/PonteDelDiavolo/PonteController' (PonteController.uasset) failed to save. Cancel: Stop saving all assets and return to the editor. Retry: Attempt to save the asset again. Continue: Skip saving this asset only. now what should i have to do now

    What are you building? If a plugin then you should provide more information on what it should do and possibly some of the code for us to be able to help.

    This is a good question and the documentation is not completely clear about it; I am tempted to read it that start() after a pause() starts the timer from the beginning, resetting the initial delay and the repetitions, but you may want to test it, for instance using an initial delay noticeably different from the interval: if this initial delay occurs on re-start(), then it resets the timer to initial conditions.

    I too think this is the case after some testing, though I did not thoroughly test with many test cases so can't be 100% certain.

    A small note, even if you have a timer called timer1 running there is nothing preventing you from creating a second timer called timer1 with different settings and runnable task and the two timers will not have any problem coexisting with one another ;) The beauty of java :D

    As far as plugins for this game well maybe they should be distributed through steam as DLC and you can charge for them and Steam can audit your files for variations.

    Plugins I assume will eventually be introduced through the steam workshop and you will be able to download them through steam which means they will be copied a lot, but that is nothing unusual when it comes to mods, just check how many times each skyrim or fallout mod has been reuploaded it is insane how many people just downloaded and reuploaded the same files someone else made :D

    Also mods are generally free, Bethesda tried to introduce paid mods with the "Creation Club" but it was an utter disaster that they had to shut it down after less than a month or so XD

    Why don't we use this thread to teach rather than yelling at one another?

    who yelled at who? I am confused ?(

    You need to be really careful before you start yelling that a decompile is illegal by the anyone that got it off a free download site unless you send with it in the file license agreement that is a specific means for a change in these rules. This could require a Qualified Person or person of knowledge if this needs to go to court.

    The EU directive that you have as well quoted in your response clearly states "(15) The unauthorised reproduction, translation (= decompilation), adaptation or transformation of the form of the code in which a copy of a computer program has been made available constitutes an infringement of the exclusive rights of the author."

    As in they really can't put it clearer than that, it doesn't matter how you got it if you do anything to it you are breaking European law. Having said that I myself have done it before to look at how things have been done in programs.

    In article 6 as you said it says when decompilation is allowed and that is only 1) "to obtain the information necessary to achievethe interoperability of an independently created computerprogram with other programs" under the condition this information was not already available by the program creator. 2) "where they are necessary for the use of the computer program by the lawful acquirer in accordance with its intended purpose, including for error correction." again only if the information was not already available by the program creator.

    If anyone publishes plugins under the Copyleft or MIT or any other similar licence there you shouldn't have the need to decompile their code to see it as these licences clearly state that they have to provide the code themselves as @Miwarre is doing on GitHub for his plugins which if I am not mistaken he has under the MIT licence.

    All in all, that means that if I do not publish my plugin under any of the freeware licenses stated above and I provide you with documentation on how to use and troubleshoot my plugin, as well as provide myself support in case of errors you have no justification to decompile the plugin, unless you want to make it compatible with another plugin e.g. use the same database or something like that.

    Certainly the moral right of the author to be recognized or protected against a derogatory and harm to the reputation of the author protected from such in these forums. It sounds like JIW needs to publish a fair use policy. Possibly fair use for plugin definition can be published or general plug in license. If a plugin is posted for free download then maybe a "copyleft" type license to let others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.

    Every plugin creator has the right to choose whichever licence they want their plugin to be published under. That is clearly indicated in the plugin.yml file.

    This would allow JIW to remove a posted plugin for free download on their site if you complained of your plugin being copied or infringed upon. This would allow JIW right to also allow plugin for the enhancement of their game and greater development of the game and provide for their ownership rights over such plugins developed for their game.

    There may be a policy at Steam or JIW already in place. To me if you publish for free download then "copyleft" makes the most sense if you want the community and game to develop. if you want profits then it is somewhere else you may want to publish.

    The question is not weather the published content can be copied or not, the content no matter if it falls under copyright or not CANNOT be copied unless explicitly said that it can be. Copying content that is not explicitly published to be copied is in the best case plagiarism, and in the worst case copyright infringement both of which are crimes at least in Europe and the latter at least in the USA too. As posted above after the incentive @Miwarre gave me to look for it, in Europe it is technically even illegal to decompile the code without the explicit permission of the person who wrote it.

    @Miwarre you are right: EU Directive 2009/24:

    (15) The unauthorised reproduction, translation, adaptation or transformation of the form of the code in which a copy of a computer program has been made available constitutes an infringement of the exclusive rights of the author. Nevertheless, circumstances may exist when such a reproduction of the code and translation of its form are indispensable to obtain the necessary information to achieve the interoperability of an independently created program with other programs. It has therefore to be considered that, in these limited circumstances only, performance of the acts of reproduction and translation by or on behalf of a person having a right to use a copy of the program is legitimate and compatible with fair practice and must therefore be deemed not to require the authorisation of the right-holder. An objective of this exception is to make it possible to connect all components of a computer system, including those of different manufacturers, so that they can work together. Such an exception to the author's exclusive rights may not be used in a way which prejudices the legitimate interests of the rightholder or which conflicts with a normal exploitation of the program.