Posts by Minotorious

    to set the starting inventory for new players include all the items you want in your own inventory and then type in the console (opens with the key next to 1 and below Esc) setinventory :)

    This also includes any clothing items you are wearing at the time you type the command.

    In the Worlds folder of your server there is one subfolder for the world the server is currently running, in that subfolder you can find the world database with the names and UIDs of all players who have ever joined it

    Could you please post a screenshot of your filesystem to show exactly where you have put the group?

    Could you as well post the full group permission file here for me to see just in case there is a mistake in it?

    And last could you post a log file for me to see if the group is being loaded or not? If you are running a server then the log should be there already in the Logs folder. If you are trying out the groups on your client then you need to enable the debug console for a log to be generated, to do that do the following:

    Open the file, found in the RW directory, with a text editor and change the value "game_debug_console=false" to "true".

    After start the game enter to your world wait a few seconds and close the game and upload the log here.

    I remember in a another thread if I turn it on the first priority ie group the turn it off in the second priority default then it would be off. So is it precedence or considerations first. Sounds like precedence determines the sign of the equation. If on first stays on... if off first stays off. If undefined then default sets precedence. If a routine promotes or changes their permissions them during play after receiving precedence of default it will change during play or only at next log in?

    In my case when you first log onto my server I want them not to be killed and their nametag showing for the first hour of play. When they are online a total of 1 hour it will change at that point even while on line without a relog.

    default permissions are only applicable to non-admins who are not in any other permission group. If you are in a permission group then the group permissions take effect and the default ones are completely ignored. That is unless the group doesn't have a specific permission set then the default takes effect and if it is not set even in the default then the game defaults take effect.

    If permissions change during the player is online then the player's new permission group is considered from that moment onward, ofc without them needing to relog. This is how my ranking system in ServerTools works too, i.e. changing the permission group of the player mid game (in our server Artisan's Realm that means they get more creative permissions as they play)

    One issue I have with autorank though, is if I want to lock a player to group ('prisoner' lets say) that has time span set to 0 0 (according to the docs this should lock player to said group), it does not. Only way I can get it to lock, is to type 'reloadplugins' in console then add them back to locked group, and only after then it will stick BUT only until they relog and they will no longer be locked into the group I want them to stay in (autorank takes back over and ignores the group I locked them to, until i reloadplugins and setplayergroup Playername Lockedgroupname).

    Never used the autorank plugin as I wrote my own for our server but imo if you want to lock people in a group then set them to that group with the setplayergroup command and don't put that specific permission group in the ranking system so that the ranking system doesn't consider the group at all. :)

    yes that happens because you are using the default rotation method i.e. legacy, if you change it to local (type in the console: rotation local) that problem shouldn't be there any longer.

    What you describe is not really a bug, let's get that out of the way, it is all about geometry and vectors.

    Using the legacy rotation system (i.e. a combination of the local and global coordinate systems) if you rotate in some specific ways then some of the axes become the same and the only way to untangle them is by resetting the position with numpad 5 or by undoing the rotation steps you took.

    The process is quite simple and always works for me.

    1) press RCtrl or 0 on numpad to fix the beam in place
    2) only after the beam is fixed in place but still in ghost form (i.e. you can walk around freely without it moving with your cursor) use Ctrl and arrow keys to rotate it about the fixed mid point (you can use local rotation to make it simpler to rotate even if your view point is not perfect)
    3) right click while the rotation is taking place to place the beams in a circle
    4) place new beams at the end of the circle beams to make the arc using the Enter/Return key

    Which files exactly are you talking about? I know Photoshop can for instance open and save DDS files with a plugin.

    Adding more clothing items (or any other kind of items) is not possible at the time, the only thing you could do is changing the textures of existing clothing items. To do that extract the texture you want to edit from the jar file, edit it and then repack it in the jar file replacing the old one.

    Not for now unfortuantely, the game is developed by only one person, red51, and if he were to keep a dev blog while making the game the updates would be delayed and he doesn't want that.

    There has been information thrown around on steam discussions and here so if you keep reading all the new posts you kinda get an idea of what is more or less coming and approximately when (not exact dates but next update or one after next etc.)