Posts by Shadow204

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    [Eng] The problem:
    If I want to build something with multiple materials and/or multiple shapes, the inventory gets full really quick. Alone the fact that we have multiple states of Stairs fills up the inventory pretty quick.

    I would suggests that you just chose the material and get a normal blocks. Then you can press a button for opening a radial menu to chose the shape of the block you hold in your hands. The selection of those blocks would not be permanent and you can change them when ever you want. This would significantly reduce the clutter in inventories and speed up building for you can no have multiple materials in the (IMO to small) Hotbar with still all shapes available.

    For those, who think, the infinite re-shaping would be against the survival aspect, here two suggestions:

    • Once you place a shaped block in the world, the shape is permanent and you get a normal (shaped) block, if you pick it up
    • You need to craft a special "Shape-able Block" for it to work. If we have different material costs for different shapes, this could be as expensive as the most expansive normal shape

    [Ger] Das Problem:

    Wenn ich etwas mit mehreren Materialien und/oder mehren Formen bauen will, wird das Inventar ziemlich schnell ziemlich voll. Hier haben wir zum Beispiel die einzelnen Zustände der Treppen, die das Inventar ziemlich schnell voll machen.

    Ich würde hier vorschlagen, dass man nur das Material auswählt und einen normalen Block bekommt. Dann kann man man eine Taste für ein Radial Menü drücken, in dem man die Form des Blockes wählt, den man in der Hand hält. Die Auswahl wäre nicht permanent und man könnte sie jeder zeit zu einer anderen ändern. Das würde das Inventar wesentlich sauberer halten und Bauen beschleunigen, da man jetzt mehrere Materialien mit allen Formen in der (IMO zu kleinen) Hotbar haben kann.

    Für die, die in dem Neu-Formen von Blöcken einen Konflikt mit dem Survival-Aspekt sehen hier noch zwei Vorschläge:

    • Wenn man einmal einen geformten Block in die Welt setzt ist die Form permanent und beim abbauen würde man den geformten Block bekommen
    • Man müsste einen speziellen "Formbahren Block" craften, damit das funktioniert. Bei verschiedenen Materialkosten je Form, würde dieser Block dann so viel kosten wie die teuerste normale Form

    This is the object, where I can see the lines the most. There are other cases like the Lanterns in the mine but there, the lines are barely visible.

    Hi Shadow204 here,

    I just want to give my feedback as well. I am from germany but since there is no activity in the german formum, I just want to poste my feedback here.

    I am sorry for potential mistakes...

    Positive things first

    • All the new textures are AWESOME
    • The new light system it's great! Moving shadows and flickering illumination, as well as the particles
    • Everything related to gras
    • the wind effects. It feels so alive!
    • the new tree bark. It just has more depth than the old flat texture
    • a bunch of settings-options
    • physical breaking particle

    Room for improvements / bugs

    • Since particles get rotated to your view, you can see them partly through blocks etc. (see the chimney in the hut)
    • torches seems to miss the flickering light
    • the tree texture is one of my main critic points. Imo is there too much brown/ not enough green. The tree itself feels too dark and the leaves are to small
    • saving problems (?) The bottles behind the hut disappeared after returning to the main menu once and reload
    • In the menu "Settings" you are able to select multiple things if you select one thing, exit with [Esc] to the game and then go back to the menu (see image "riw_ui_selection"resources)
    • glowing lower half of the sky texture without stars, it looks odd
    • 3D objects seems to have black lined boarders
    • I can't zoom while sitting on a chair
    • breaking boulders return no resources
    • trees rotate too much (for my feelings) if you chop them down
    • mining sound and particle for dirt
    • (again) nearly invisible saplings when in gras

    I am really happy with what I can see so far, and I am excited to see, what else you will create.
