I do have myself set as admin in serve.properties file, here are both files. I also have a separate group made for other admins on my server. Also attached
Posts by Alakaii
OK so the issue I am having is when I add myself to group "owner" for example, I am invulnerable and have all of my set permissions. Then when I leave and rejoin my server it still shows I'm in the group "owner" in chat but I lose some permissions such as "invulnerable" and "nohungerthirst". I feel like I'm stuck in the default (admin) permissions every time I join server until I go back to the cmd and type "setplayergroup Alakaii owner".
Any ideas on how I can fix this issue so I don't have to add myself to group on every login?
Thanks in advance!
Great job we needed a list like this! Even if its not fully "official"
Ahh the possibilities.... Trains for mining and transport between towns and bases.. I'm looking forward to this.
All these suggestions are interesting.
But isn't RW (also?) a construction game? Aren't we supposed to build the things we need or like to have? Where is the point of having different worlds, different servers, etc, if each and any has the same stuff?
Perhaps, having more materials, elementary shapes and behaviours, etc allowing to build more kinds of objects (perhaps also moveable) is more suggestive and powerful than adding a few ready-made special objects...
You have a point but this is still a great idea, maybe have the choice to disable the ghost town or any anything that's generated such as dungeons might be a good compromise.. exp: server_world_generatetowns=false
I do agree the game is lacking materials and other things but this would be a lot of fun at times when I'm bored with building. -
Great work! Very useful, only issue I am having is I am forced to rejoin the "Admin" group by using the "setplayergroup" command every time I log into the server to maintain invulnerability. It would be useful if there was a command for invulnerability added.