Posts by Alakaii

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Umm did you look in the logs and see if there was an error? I was having troubles also and it told me a had an bad entry. I use notepad ++ and set the language to yaml. That seem to help with spacing and all. I have an error now in my log that says WARNING: Permission creative.npctool not found! not sure what that is about, any ideas??

    I have looked many times no errors found, also Ive fixed any and all typos I have noticed. I haven't tried with the new update though.. Ill have to give it another try.

    EDIT: Just updated server, runs smoother but still same issue. X/

    I'm not sure what I did but it is working now. The last thing I did was set the player group again. I had done that several times and it never changed anything before.

    Thank you for the help.

    NICE! 8o:thumbsup::thumbsup:

    The programme already simulates and monitors the environment temperature and the player body temperature (look in the debug info of the F3 display). Having this to affect health, hunger rate, moving capabilities, etc. might be not SO complex as it might look, or at least adding something of this incrementally.

    Thats great! It's good to know this could happen sooner then later

    You might of tried this or it might seem pointless but try in game to set your group to admin "setplayergroup <name> admin" just to see if that makes any difference even though your already added.

    I was having a similar issue with "nohungerthirst" and "invulnerable" not working and I learned I had to re set my group on every log in.

    I realize It shouldn't be that way but its just a thought since it seems you've tried everything.

    Good luck with this issue I hope you figure it out. :thumbup:

    this is advanced but imagine you're out and farming than suddenly there's a tornado coming and you have to quickly get down in your basement(if you built one) and take shelter while the tornado rips your house to shreds

    in a tornado biome

    That would be interesting .. would fun to build an underground base in the tornado biome to keep people out in PvP :D

    Fantastic ideas! :thumbsup: I am a big fan of survival so I would welcome more of a challenge such as getting too cold or too hot.

    Weather changes would be great but I am not sure that will work with the current biome layout.

    I've noticed most people build a house or base in the forest or "green" biomes and avoid exploring (I'm not saying everyone does this) It might be nice to see snowfall or "hail" in the forest zones on rare occasions..although I am not sure if that is even a possibility..

    I like both of the leads...

    Horses/camels would be a great addition for transportation and storage, and great for survival games.. (perhaps having to feed the horse or give it water).

    Trains would be sweet for transportation between towns/bases/mines. Also good for survival..(Having to provide fuel like coal/oil/gasoline)

    Even mine carts is a great idea, so Minecraft did it first... so what i say! RW has a way better future then Minecraft ever will! :thumbup: lets take it and own it

    Thanks everyone!

    Just playing and learning with this.

    Nice start! I am new to RW as well, just started my own server. Welcome to the forums and have fun!
    Everyone is very helpful, feel free to ask for help as you need it. :thumbup:

    I am hosting myself, kinda new at it but learning as best I can with little programing knowledge.

    In my SQlite program I have confirmed I am in the group "owner" in the player table.

    When I join server I am still in owner group [when I type in chat I get the prefix (owner)] the only thing that doesn't stick is invulnerable/nohungerthirst until I re-add myself to the group.
    To check i go to:

    Also when I shutdown server I "saveall" then "shutdown".

    Ive tried just about everything I think 8|

    zfoxfire Thank you for the reply, :thumbup:

    I will update these files asap. It appears that admintools is not causing this to happen; I am sure this issue will be fixed as the game progresses. I just thought its a good problem to bring up..

    In the meantime I will continue to add myself to group on each initial login, its really not too big a deal.

    Do you mean seeds like for growing? I don't think there is a biome that has "a little bit of everything" but you can be in between 2 or 3 different biomes and make the best of that. By using a GPS plugin in the server you could also

    explore far from your intended base or town without getting lost, this way you can explore other biomes without worrying about a specific location.

    Sorry if i misunderstood the question but I hope this helps :thumbup: