Weather/Biome/Survival Interactions

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  • Now that we have weather, it brings up the possibility that rain may help crops and other plants to grow more quickly, in biomes that get more rain. And conversely, if you settle in the desert you garden could actually wither and die if you don't get rain, OR actually provide water yourself. Snow might ruin the crop. This might require some sense of seasons—plant in spring harvest in summer and autumn.

    I suppose water physics could be required, but maybe not.

    Weather should affect our health. Don't know if it does? If we go into a snowy biome we could freeze, or staying out in the rain could chill us. Whereas deserts could dehydrate us faster, or even cause sunstroke (like dizziness?).

    Animals, I, and others, have already asked about getting eggs and milk from farm animals. I assume that's planned. However I'm disturbed that we don't get meat from any animal we kill. Seems like we should.

    Also, animals should destroy gardens and compete with us for food. Some animals might be nighttime hunters, too. So, is we're out at night we may be more likely to be attacked by a tiger or something like that.

    Not asking for anything right away—just possible things for the future.

  • I definitely like the idea of animals interacting with our plants...

    At the moment why put up a fence, even if a pig gets in there, its not going to eat anything, or an elephant wont even trample a strawberry ...

    All I can do is hope for this sort of interaction where we need to consider more than other persons ruining things.

  • At present, crops grow on a fixed timer but I'd also love to see something where each sapling entity has a growth multiplier that changes based on weather conditions. Red51 mentioned in the last update that the ground now registers as wet (currently only used for making squishy sounds when walking) so that may be a factor in the near future.

  • Fantastic ideas! :thumbsup: I am a big fan of survival so I would welcome more of a challenge such as getting too cold or too hot.

    Weather changes would be great but I am not sure that will work with the current biome layout.

    I've noticed most people build a house or base in the forest or "green" biomes and avoid exploring (I'm not saying everyone does this) It might be nice to see snowfall or "hail" in the forest zones on rare occasions..although I am not sure if that is even a possibility..

  • this is advanced but imagine you're out and farming than suddenly there's a tornado coming and you have to quickly get down in your basement(if you built one) and take shelter while the tornado rips your house to shreds

    in a tornado biome

  • this is advanced but imagine you're out and farming than suddenly there's a tornado coming and you have to quickly get down in your basement(if you built one) and take shelter while the tornado rips your house to shreds

    in a tornado biome

    That would be interesting .. would fun to build an underground base in the tornado biome to keep people out in PvP :D

  • I would welcome more of a challenge such as getting too cold or too hot.

    The programme already simulates and monitors the environment temperature and the player body temperature (look in the debug info of the F3 display). Having this to affect health, hunger rate, moving capabilities, etc. might be not SO complex as it might look, or at least adding something of this incrementally.

  • The programme already simulates and monitors the environment temperature and the player body temperature (look in the debug info of the F3 display). Having this to affect health, hunger rate, moving capabilities, etc. might be not SO complex as it might look, or at least adding something of this incrementally.

    Thats great! It's good to know this could happen sooner then later

  • Seasons change can make survival mode much more interesting.
    Its make much more sense to get food supplies for a winter.
    In real life winter also makes some animals, such as wolves, more aggressive.

    But seasons change feature seems like a huge work. Trees have to lose their leaves, freeze rivers, snow covers a terrain.

    Also season change does not combine with current biomes type - it have to be a setting in world create screen.

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