Posts by CBFASI

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    The retroactive way may actually work better for future, means less chance of wastage, and means only storing the 'block material' rather than many different shapes (I used to have lots of leftovers in last version).

    Moving the item from toolbar to inventory seemed to have got the icon to update.

    Not quite fixed... almost

    6 logs, crafted 12 lumber... now has 5 logs left....

    5 logs, crafted 10 lumber... now has 4 logs left....

    So now uses some, but only 1.

    Its like its not passing the 'required' resources number.


    When merging stacks it merges all of a block material, no matter the shape! (advise NOT to use the merge tool in the inventory)

    A similar issue when crafting material blocks is that if you have one in the toolbar, no matter the shape you chose the number you craft will be added to the number in the toolbar (current fix.. move blocks out of toolbar to stop the crafting auto merge)

    If block shape could be determined after crafting then this would also sort the problem (now I have 270+ inverted arch I dont need, instead of a mix of cubes and slopes too)

    Had 24 logs(Hickory).

    Wont let me select more than 48lumber to craft (using 24 logs) (expected)

    Chose to built in groups of 10.... allowed me to do this 4 times...

    Checked inventory... still had 24 logs...

    Even if tried do use full 24 logs in one craft, no difference.

    Also same problem with stone.

    Seems its will check the amount, but not reduce it, so as long as you got enough to craft selected amount, you can repeat.

    Drat ...

    I just wanted to turn of the Hunger/thirst and still have the rest as survival..

    I shall have to wait until the issues with SP and permissions is resolved ...

    I definitely like the idea of animals interacting with our plants...

    At the moment why put up a fence, even if a pig gets in there, its not going to eat anything, or an elephant wont even trample a strawberry ...

    All I can do is hope for this sort of interaction where we need to consider more than other persons ruining things.

    Going to see what I can do about getting some small watercraft in, afterall, your 'cars' drive on water !!!

    I had never thought of trying that and had not seen it in any guides...

    Turns out my idea although good is not require as the ability to do so without a tool exists ..

    Thank you SilverStatin.

    Simple suggestion...

    Spade that when used with dirt can fill up holes in the ground ..
    (Spade = Iron Plate and stick... simples !)

    This will solve two problems...
    1. Holes that are too deep/big for rakes to fix..
    2. Something else dirt can be used for (Loam bricks is a bit limiting)

    This would also make it easier to landscape grounds without having to change to creative mode!