Posts by Sebrus

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    English better for me (hope it's ok for you and readable ^^ )

    Yes you are right, the roofs of the towers with the many windows through. :)
    Ah, just a question: How to find the dimensions / proportions of the castle? Do you have plans of Hogwarts for scale in meters or something?

    Hi again Cessa1975, thanks for the translation, it's good (I'm french) ;)

    For the Hogwarts project, the most difficult is to match the outside with the inside. A long time ago, I tried to build it on another game (Minecraft) but I abandoned after finishing the Great Hall. But I know one thing: the interior (movies 1-6) is the first version of the castle (movies 1 and 2), so it's probably the best choice. Or, there is another solution to explore more details: the Harry Potter 6 "game" from EA (personally, I don't call that a game, but an "Hogwarts visit simulator" ^^) can be downloaded for free via any torrent or other platforms (or bought, but not worth it for that).

    The other difficulty will be to build the circular towers and their roofs.

    Hope to see your Hogwarts finished one day :)

    Ja, genau!

    1-2: Die Basis, besser für das Innere (1-6)
    3: Übergang zu 4
    4-6: Hauptkonzept mit leichten Modifikationen
    7: Viele Modifikationen für den Kampf (außen und innen)

    (Ich hoffe ich schreibe richtig :D )

    Hi there!
    I have a question about the world generation, especially about the default level of the seas (around Y=64). There is a way to lower the general surface of the map (around Y=0 for example) to gain more height in the sky and build heigtest constructions? Not for a flat world, but for a default natural world in survival.

    Thanks :)

    Your first project of Hogwarts is very awesome and detailed! I don't know if this project is still active, but congratulations for this beginning and I hope you will finish it someday because I always dreamed that someone build it on Rising World. :thumbsup:

    P.S. I don't speak german very well (sorry ).

    Hello all!

    I would like to know, how to manually set the memory allocation with the standalone version (windows 10, 64 bits) of the game?

    Because I found only threads about the steam version and especially one for an .exe version with 6GB of memory (posted by the dev red51). I have a total of 32GB of memory, but I only need to allocate 2GB for the game.

    Thank you in advance! :)

    Hey peoples!

    First, I would like to thank you a lot for this awesome game and tell you to take your time to release updates. To be patient for a good result! :thumbup:
    And I have a question about this big update coming: when it is released, it will be better to generate a new map or we can continue on the current without problem?

    Thanks! :)
    The most long part is collecting the stones. I don't count the time because I started this project only when I saw that there were many stones in stock (mined be some friends and myself) and after I discovered the fabulous texture of the marble ID: 57.
    Two or three days to build the tower alone, because others players are not builders, just here to have fun. Also, I had begun to build multiple parts of the tower in a solo party before on the server, to avoid fatals build errors.

    The blueprint is ready! (I had not created blueprint or used before and this is interesting)

    The tower contained nearly 26k blocks (using marble ID: 57 like the original texture). I didn't fall like Saruman this time because I already created this tower on two different Minecraft servers many years ago. But I died drowned in a nearby lake while I would transfer the stones from the spawn and another time for starvation at the top of a floor. :S

    Inside, only garden torches, lot of iron ladders (to access all floors include the top after the throne room), the throne or Orthanc and the "Palantíri" are present.

    This is a bit basic, but I hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks all! :)

    This is a french casual server with only 4 slots but I can open it (can eventually allowed more slots) or try to give us a blueprint here. I don't know if blueprint has blocs limitation?

    @zfoxfire, do you talk about an entire map generated with the Middle Earth look? that sound good, but I do not know any people to make a big project like this. But if you know a community for that, I can help you with pleasure if you want!

    Happy too to meet others LOTR fans! :thumbsup:

    Hello, guys & girls!

    I am posting some screenshots from my small server. That concern a pretty project finally ended few days ago. It's the Tower of Orthanc from the Lord of the Rings movie (without the wall of Isengard), at the original scale of the Weta model (160 meters). Built in survival mode with a lot of black marble blocks and some black metal grates for the windows.


    P.S. Rising World has enormous potential in the construction and details. I secretly hope to see more constructions from movies like Lord of the Rings, or maybe the Hogwarts Castle from Harry Potter Universe, someday. :rolleyes: