set at 10 floors rt now and configs have not been added yet and there is no remove elevator yet.
Posts by sharkbitefischer
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with default area protection. WP is set up for chunk by chunk.
to prevent this from happening to others set your default spawn inside the area. and You are welcome. If you have another player that signed in and has the problem they can goto spawn to fix it I believe this way.
then that is probably the problem. use the f9 default area protection in a small area at spawn then walk in and out of it and it should fix your problem. If you can't make an area then remove WP and then enter server and make the default area then exit server and replace WP restart and reenter then go in the default AP and exit the area and you should be fixed.
thanks, it is always good to know. are you useing steamcmd version or did you use the steam client server?
thanks for info. BTW what operating system do you use? I guess windows but...
is he running with view areas on? that would appear as to be placing areas all over the place but that is just a way to see the chunks.not setting areas. I believe you press h to set a town area and b for private claim. Areas aren't set automatically.
also if you have made protected areas with the default area protection, the areas are still there and called admin areas. this is made to work along side the default AP.
then they should work if you followed the directory path. Does your Plugins folder have a cap P? that makes a difference I believe.
also do you have any other plugins installed besides those 3?
as Deirdre says, make sure you use the old plugins with the java version of the game and the unity plugins for the new version. They are kept in 2 different forum sections. I missed you were using the server but it will be the plugins folder found in your server folder, all the rest is the same. It should be in the base folder and if not make a Plugins folder and carry on. Also have you downloaded the unity server? or was it the java?
in the plugin folder you need a sub folder for each plugin and then you put the assets folder and the .jar file into that. some plugins already have the sub folder already made , in that case just copy that folder, containing the assets and .jar file into the plugin folder and it should work.
like noci showed
|- subfolders
| |- ThePlugin.jar and assets folderif there is no assets folder then the plugin probably doesn't need it.
address of plugins folder RisingWorld/_New Version/Plugins this is the new version.
The Plugin folder in the base filder of the game is for the java version at this time.
do the batteries dim when they run low?
how about a simple word filter for nasty names in the area names?
understood, I just wanted to state the game mechanics is all. A preview would be a good idea.
the problem with the areas are that WP is set up for the chunks the game has.if the land is at an elevation that has the ground lvl at the top of the chunk you will need to have a second area to cover it. yahgiggle did it this way so that no areas can overlap. The only areas that will overlap are with the default area protection and that is only around the edges of the admin area, as it is called rt now, and the permissions from the admin area will override the permissions from WP in the overlapping areas.
The default area protection can be used now and admin can set permissions in them as usual. With this , large areas can be set up for mining and lumber harvesting. I don't think individual permissions are able to be made in this plugin yet. Things will be changed in the future I am sure, but until then, these are possible workarounds.
Also, if you set an area with WP and then dig till you have removed 1 block outside your area and then step into it, you can set another area below your claim or to the side, to continue digging. This has been tested and it works.
On the other hand, if not owned areas are made workable, the reverse would be possible, you could stand outside an area and mine a short distance into claims. I am not sure witch way I prefer it.
we need a way to cycle through the friends we add to our properties. Remember we may want to add more then just 1 friend and if we want to remove a particular friend we need a way to find them.
looks and sounds you say, every time you get close to the doors, the elevator triggers and the ding goes off. It might be nice to have some way to tell that the elevator is on the way. It is difficult to tell if you have triggered the elevator call. It is not necessary but would be nice.
Thanks for the answer. Now that we are getting plugins that are starting to use the chat for commands, I think it would be time to get that adjustment ability installed. It made a big difference in the java version for me