Posts by Wyzer

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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    Yes i did shoot you with the arrows because i knew i wouldnt make damage so i couldnt *grief* and i asked ones for letting me in a house because i just wanted to see it from the inside and i cant remember asking is wrong or *griefing*

    You repeatedly shot arrows at myself and the Admin/Owner, and regardless of not having PVP enabled, you continued to do it. Besides the repeated asking, to enter a player's claim, the Server was also informed that you have done the same on another server that didn't have Protection, which resulted in much worse problems for those players. Thankfully you were not on long enough to cause that type of damage, and other servers have been informed.

    Sie haben wiederholt Pfeile auf mich und andere geschossen, und unabhängig davon, ob PVP nicht aktiviert war, haben Sie dies fortgesetzt. Neben der wiederholten Aufforderung, den Anspruch eines Spielers einzugeben, wurde der Server auch darüber informiert, dass Sie dasselbe auf einem anderen Server ohne Schutz getan haben, was zu viel schlimmeren Problemen für diese Spieler führte. Zum Glück waren Sie nicht lange genug unterwegs, um diese Art von Schaden zu verursachen.

    Just to Clarify, "NoCap" (UID: 76561198160452082) the poster above as "PresenceRusher", came into the server and started shooting arrows at myself and the AFK Admin, then he proceeded to badger the Admin to let him into a player's protected area. Was told "no" by Admin and others on the server, which did not stop "NoCap" from asking, was even informed that the rules do not allow access to other players protected areas, and still continued to spam chat with requests to access the area, all while still "hunting down players".

    I, for one was grateful for the Server Owner to ban him promptly, especially when there were other new players to this game, let alone server, who would come see this game as "full of hackers and griefers" if nothing was done.

    Nur um zu verdeutlichen, "NoCap" (UID: 76561198160452082) kam das obige Poster als "PresenceRusher" auf den Server und begann, Pfeile auf mich und den AFK-Administrator zu schießen. Dann fuhr er fort, den Administrator zu belästigen, um ihn in den geschützten Bereich eines Spielers zu lassen . Wurde von Admin und anderen auf dem Server "Nein" gesagt, was "NoCap" nicht davon abhielt zu fragen, wurde sogar darüber informiert, dass die Regeln keinen Zugriff auf die geschützten Bereiche anderer Spieler erlauben, und weiterhin Spam-Chat mit Anfragen zum Zugriff auf die Bereich, während noch "Spieler jagen".

    Zum einen war ich dankbar, dass der Serverbesitzer ihn umgehend gesperrt hat, insbesondere wenn es andere neue Spieler in diesem Spiel gab, geschweige denn Server, die dieses Spiel als "voller Hacker und Trauer" ansehen würden, wenn nichts unternommen würde.

    I have tried downloading the RAR per the link provided, however it keeps stating that "an error occurred while loading the archive: fatal error". I have tried downloading it 3 times, and 2 different PCs, all have the same issue.

    Just had to say thanks for agreeing/disagreeing between the 3 of you, Angriff, Minotorious, Miwarre, and still being civil, if just a tad "heated" at times. Was nice to read 3 different parties interpretations of often complex and overly convoluted copyright/software laws/regulations/rules. The 3 of you did it the way most people should, clear headed and doing your best to make your point clear, with little to no abrasion (this is text, so some things are lost in inflection) to one another. Kudos, and keep up the great work on your endeavors.

    It is really simple to see if you are running an older version of ABM. Just walk up to a Mount if it has Horse XXXXX (Wild) tag floating over it, you have the older version and not the most recent. Same goes for Camel/Donkey.

    The basic theory is the older ABM removes the "locknpc" when the saddle is on the mount, making them "wild", combined with the older version ABM bug of animals walking toward 0,0,0, hence your mounts "disappear", regardless of saddled/unsaddled.

    I think there might be something in the AI that the more built up an area is, Blocks/Construction Items, it makes the animals walk away, which is what would happen with real wildlife.

    For instance, before i put up the greenhouse, on my claim in your server, there used to be a fox that would walk on the grass and up the hillside. When I started building it "backed" off a bit, more likely due to me being in the area. Once the Greenhouse was built, it "moved' away, about 20-30 blocks or so. Have seen this on another server as well, and it didn't have ABM.

    I know this may be out of place, but wouldn't it also be feasible to be able to use the current player ID number from the TAB window? It may need a new plug-in,

    Even if the underscore/space is removed, it will be difficult to teleport to players who have names similar to "000010101010101010001", "x__X__x_Name_X_x_", and so on. Being able to simply use "/tp 11", for that current player's ID, would seem much more feasible.

    I know this was possible, just not sure if that might have changed in the last few months.

    I read through, and I might have missed it, there is an issue with GPS point 15. It does not appear to work. I have asked another player to test and #15 asks for a name, and clears the name box when ENTER is pressed, yet the information is not stored to GPS point 15.

    @red51 I thought someone else was going to mention this, but it appears there might be a spawning issue related to the mounts. I have found Moose/Penguins/Polar Bears in the middle of cactus deserts, and across several different deserts, on 2 servers. Not sure, but this may be related to the Mount spawning?

    Anybody else seeing that the Barrel second page the items disappear. Is this because the barrel was placed before the patch? ?(

    That is unintended, and to my understanding Red51 is working on correcting that back to the original single page. Highly suggest that no one uses/try to use the single page, and possibly barrels until that is resolved, but that is just my opinion.

    I'm playing on the Denver_players public server, so I'd guess they have the most recent version on abm? Also, I haven't been able to figure out how to remove a saddle from a horse...

    I would suggest you check with whom ever runs that server, the server I have seen this on is not running the latest, and this issue appears. It's really quite easy to tell, if you have the floating "Horse IDNumber (Wild)" hovering over the mount, it is likely NOT the latest ABM.

    Keep the saddle on the horse, if you remove it, your horse is running away. Or after removing try to command
    "locknpc 1".
    I'm not sure if this will be changed with a breed master update, because this behavior is wanted.

    The issue isn't that the saddle is being removed, the saddle is on the horse and it still walks away. It appears that if you do not have the most recent version of ABM installed, the horse (maybe all mounts?) are called "Wild" per the ABM plug-in, and as such they roam away, and in some cases disappear, with the saddle on.

    In all honesty, it would be nice to have campfires and torches/torchmounts (wooden) have a time limit. And if possible to have a config for Servers/SP with a time in minutes, with a -1 value for infinite.

    Having been an Admin as well as getting a claim that was previously owned, I have spent hours removing torches/torch mounts, and I am sure others have as well.