Posts by Palacost1

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    just saw the videos on the steam app, Bravo sir, bravo, thats a start with the visual of the game play, I myself will be posting videos soon about my server. #Truesurvival server.

    Updates 10.14. 2017 {{ ARE HERE }}

    The World just got HEXED by Trolls!

    Trolls: Start off location { Valley Of Trials }

    Race abilities

    • Can use and craft - dagger
    • With the Trolls ability to perform Hexes to curse players and to conjure up different spells, it only makes since to allow these abilities only for them

    • Starts off with the following items
    • Fox Pelt ( Trolls only) can buy extra for 50 coins each

    Race Abilities

    Calling of the Hex Doctor

    • Can set weather
    • in console command type
    • - setweather rain
    • - setweather Storm
    • - setweather clear


    • Fox removed from server in-order to bring in the trolls to play a major role in the line of defense for the horde!

    "Trolls can prove to be a very honorable ally to the Horde, with the ability to control the weather will prove to keep there enemies guessing."

    But what if someone tries to break the chest? :/

    Thats just the thing, when that lock is placed on it, the whole chest is protected, then only way to destroy the chest itself, is to unlock it with a lockpick.

    I know you are busy sir, but since I'm catering more to the survival type of game play, I would highly suggest creating 3 Grade Pad Locks into the game. Also Lock picks 3 grades...

    1st Level Pad Lock and Lock Pick made from Chopper Plates + Rods

    2nd level Pad lock and Lock pick made from Silver Plates + Rods

    3rd level Pad lock and lock pick made from Gold Plates + Rods

    Basically you can use the locks to lock your front Door/Gates from other people, even on chest.

    So with lock picks, you cannot pick a Gold level 3 lock with a level 1 or 2, won't work, But you can pick a level 1,2, and 3 locks with a Level 3 Gold lock pick.

    Also I know Mithril is not used for really anything right now, how about make that a Level 4 hard to open lock pad, and lock pick. This would work wonders on my PvP server.

    Race Advantages


    Start off location { Camp Narache }

    Race abilities

    • Can use and craft - The Morningstar
    • With Lemons at the Taurens every command, I hear Rhinos loves this stuff, you will be able to feed the rhinos this treat and make them be owned by you. Make them your pets.
    • Use the paper to rename them.

    • Starts off with the following items

    • stack of paper
    • Drawbridge

    New Land Mulgore - Horde Territory
    Taurens start off location


    • Rhinos ( Only found in Mulgore )
    • Lemon Trees
    • Cows
    • Cotton
    • Flowers
    • Willow Trees ( Only found in Mulgore )
    • Hemps ( Only found in Mulgore )
    • Chili ( Only found in Mulgore )

    The Willow trees are created by the Tauren and they carry these trees with such care.
    The Logs are perfectly made therefore making the sell price a lot more expensive.

    Willow Logs : $67 coins each

    - Orcs:

    Race Abilities: None at this time
    Starting Area: Valley Of Trials {{ Durotar }}
    Start off Items: - Battleaxe
    - Waterskin


    - Night Elves:

    Race Abilities: Able to see at night and in dark areas.
    ( press the L key )
    Starting Area: Shadowglen {{ Teldrassil }}
    Start off Items: - stack of paper x64
    - Axe
    - Rolling Pin
    - Compass
    - Hunting Knife
    Group: Night elfs ( Changed by Admin )


    September 28, 2017

    "The list below will show items that are for sell and are not for sell and there prices"
    Some items will display where they can be located.
    This server uses Gold coins, you may view your coins and sell, buy, view prices of any item as long as it is held in your hand
    By typing the following in your chat window will display it's functions...
    Press { T } then type the following.
    /ebalance then enter: This shows your coin balance
    You have to be holding an item in hand ignorer for this next step to work.
    /eprice: Displays the price of the item in hand
    /esell: allows you to sell the item to the server for the price displayed and set up by the Admin.
    /ebuy: allows you to buy the item in hand from the server.

    "Prices are subject to change"
    Server Item Prices:

    - Map : $0
    - Tent: $0

    Farming block-

    - Block id 217: $12 coins each

    Mining -

    - Stone Ore: $10 coins each
    - Aluminium Orce: $800 coins each
    - Gold Ore: $50 coins each
    - Coal Ore: $36 coins each
    - Iron Ore: $25 coins each
    - Copper Ore: $20 coins each
    - Mithril Ore: $10,000 coins each
    - Silver Ore: $35 coins each
    - Sulfer Ore : Banned
    - All Ingots : $0
    - All plates : $0
    - All Rods : $0

    Materials -

    - Paper : $0
    - Leg Splint: $5 coins each
    - Rolling Pin : $0

    - All Sapplings including apple, lemons, cotton, corn, etc : $0 ( The player must quest inorder to obtain these items).

    - Cotton : $0
    - Cloth : $0
    - Wool : $0
    - Small Shelter: $4 coins each
    - Fireplace : $0
    - Skewer : $0
    - Grill Split : $0
    - Work Bench : $0
    - Big Torch: $1312 coins each
    - Lantern: $1 coins each
    - Torch: $1 coins each
    - Torchwoodmount: $1 coins each
    - Torchwoodmount: $5f coins each
    - flare: $120 coins each
    - Torchwallmount: $40 coins each
    - Bambootorch: $12 coins each
    - Bucketmetal: $320 coins each
    - Poster: $400 coins each
    - Hemp Fibers : $0
    - Hempleaves: $30 coins each

    Weapons -

    - Huntingknife : $0
    - Axe : $0
    - Sledge Hammer : $0
    - Swordiron : $0
    - Morningstar : $0

    Workshops -

    Big Smelting Furnace : $0
    Blockbench : $0
    Sawbench : $0
    Huntingknife : $0
    Smelting Furnace : $0
    Paper Press: $0
    Loom : $0
    Workbench Tier 2 : $0
    Spinning Wheel : $0
    Tanning Rack : $0
    Grinding Station : $0
    Ladders: $0

    Wood -

    -Maple Log: $24 coins each ( Found in Ashenvale, Felwood, and Teldrassil, Only)
    -Willow Log: $67 coins each ( Found in Mulgore, Only)
    -Acacia Log: $32 coins each ( Found in Barrens & Durotar, Only)
    -Palm Log: $32 coins each ( Found in Barrens, Only)
    - Lumber: $8 coins each
    - Stick: $2 coins each
    Food items
    - Corn: $2 coins each ( Found in Durotar, Only)
    - Chili: $10 coins each ( Found in Mulgore, Only)

    Animals -

    -Pigs: ( Found in
    Durotar: High Population
    Barrens: High Population
    Ashenvale: low Population

    -Sheep: ( Found in
    Durotar: low Population
    Barrens: low Population
    Ashenvale: Very Low Population
    Teldrassil: Extremely low Population
    -Cows: ( Found in
    Durotar: low Population
    Barrens: low Population
    Ashenvale: very low Population
    Mulgore: very high Population

    -Goat: ( Found in
    Durotar: low Population
    Barrens: low Population
    Ashenvale: low low Population

    -Deers: ( Found in
    Durotar: low Population
    Barrens: low Population
    Ashenvale: High Population
    Teldrassil: Very High Population

    -Bears: ( Found in **Hostile**
    Durotar: low Population
    Barrens: low Population
    Ashenvale: High Population
    Teldrassil: low Population

    -Boar: ( Found in
    Durotar: Very High Population
    Barrens: High Population
    Ashenvale: Very Low Population

    -Jaguar: ( Found in **Hostile**
    Durotar: NO Population
    Barrens: NO Population
    Ashenvale: Extremely High Population
    Teldrassil: Extremely High Population

    -Rhino: ( Found in
    Durotar: low Population
    Barrens: low Population
    Mulgore: Very High Population

    -Elephant: ( Found in
    Durotar: High Population
    Barrens: High Population

    -Fox: ( Found in
    Durotar: low Population
    Barrens: low Population
    Ashenvale: low Population

    -Polar Bears: ( Found in **Hostile**
    Durotar: NO Population
    Barrens: NO Population
    Ashenvale: NO Population
    Teldrassil: No Population

    -Tigers: ( Found in **Hostile**
    Durotar: NO Population
    Barrens: NO Population
    Ashenvale: Low Population
    Teldrassil: Mild Population
    Teldrassil: low Population

    Area Protecting Your front gates/doors/draw bridges
    The only thing that you can get protected is the front gates, your gates, doors etc.
    A small area of protection just around your entry way, only allowing you and or your team the only access of entering the keep. But it will cost you in-order to receive this, look at the following list.
    Though the server you must buy the following.

    - Aluminium Ingots x2
    - Gold Ingots 16
    - Silver Ingots x16
    - Mithril Ingots x4 (Since this Ore is not used in the game right now, this is the best thing i can use it for, therefore increasing it's norma; price of $1 to 10,000.)
    - Once you have all the materials you may trade them to a Admin, then your Gate will be protected, this is per entry fee.
    "More information will be updated later"

    Some material may be able to pick and sickle the saplings, while others are [ Area Protected ], meaning they can only be picked.
    If the player feels he or she may need this crop, then they may build a wall around it and then have to defend it for this may be your profit.

    Cotton can mostly be found in the barrens, a deserted land, may have a lot of cotton crops, but has less tress to get logs from.

    Meanwhile Durotar has all the corn crops some protected and some are not, good luck finding some and watching your back not only from PvE but also PvP.

    Places like Ashenvale and Soon to be released Mulgore are like Druids area, so there are a lot of trees in these areas including all the apple trees, lemon trees, cherry trees, etc.

    The logs sell for 34 coins each, best early game money maker.

    All saplings has no prices on them at all, they can only be found in your quest and adventure.

    Currently working on a Server completely for PvP with some PvE. Players will be allowed to do almost everything, except alter the land.
    That's gonna be the point about PvP it forces you to choose an area for which you can build your base of defense...

    Yes this map will be of Azeroth from Wow the vanilla version, so ya I'm building the land right now.

    Basically players will have no protected areas, the only thing that will be safe is your chest which has the [Chest Protector] Plugin.
    The only protected areas will be created with the land.

    On this map if a player decides to serve the Horde (( Orcs }} they are teleported to [Valley OF Trials] within "Durotar" to where they will start there adventure.
    Meanwhile the other players who choose to be alliance (( Night Elis }} will be teleported to the[Shadowgeen] within "Teldrassil".

    What does the adventure mean? those who are in Durotar may quest and gather materials may have a lot of corn in the land, but they don't have cotton no where?

    But places like "Teldrassil" has all the cotton, this forces the player to travel to other lands to make there land aka there Base stronger.
    You will be allowed to pick up some vegetations, and some other vegetations have area protections, meaning they can only be picked and not destroyed so that they may regrow for later use.

    But also people in Tedrassil may have all the cotton but may not have any corn to feed pigs to grow there farm...get where I'm going with this.

    Only certain lands may have the material you are looking for, but you will have to quest to find them and bring them back home.

    But be WARNED leaving your base undefended may cost you! For other players can come in and destroy your walls and kill everything you worked hard for!

    This is just some information for now, images coming soon.

    Currently just working on KALIMDOR

    The following areas within this continent that I'm working on...

    - Durotar {{ Horde Territory }}
    - The Barrens {{ Horde Territory }}
    - Ashenvale {{ Alliance Territory }}
    - Teldrassil {{ Alliance Territory }}

    Race Abilities:

    Night elves: Can use the Light command ( L ) key " They are the only race that can use this function".

    Orcs: Starts off with Axe, and a water canteen.

    Night Elves Vs Orcs
    Night elf start off area [ Shadowglen ]
    Orcs start off area [ Valley of Trials ]

    "This map will not be the exact same as the real one, just from memory".

    I am looking for Coders and testers... PM my steam name "palacost" I'm from Dallas,Tx USA

    Will also be posting the Plugins and scripts i'll be using for the server soon.

    My friends where drawn to this game only because i sold the image of the game, They saw a photo of The Nexus from Star craft that i created and I also created the Carrier (Massive Ship). The visual works, trust me.

    See the before and after image i've done, I cannot CODE but i can design my butt off

    I think adding some photos of which the players who have already created some very nice structors, to be displayed, that would catch more of the hardcore gamers, the first line of defense is the Visual image that is shown in the front lines.

    Yes i do know they have photos in the community, But here is the problem, i never looked in the community tab, waste of time.

    But ya use some images that players have created, i have been on many servers so far i have seen a lot of good worlds that need to be shown and that will give future players that vision and imagination to know they can create anything, let there mind foam free.

    Hello Red51, let me start off by introducing myself, I am Palacost.

    I hardly ever get on forums, but when i do, I always Drink "Dos Equis".... crap wrong message, lets start over.

    Anyways I was a Hardcore World of warcraft gamer back in the Lich King aura, when I stoped playing the game, i could never get back into any other games... NO games entertained me like 0% for 10 years...

    I downloaded Steam, played some other games and still nothing...Untill i ran across this game, What sells me on a game today is the image. I'm more of a visual person, being a videographer and making websites... The images that where displayed where not that great, So 2nd phase was to read little about the game and view it on You Tube.
    Please Add some better images to the main slots on steam, After 10 years this is the BEST game i have ever played, I have been looking for a game i can be in complete control. Yes, I do own my own server called: Land Of Auir. Like i said i do not hardly get on forums or even give my 2 cents, but I had to for this game, I even invited two of my friends to join me on this game when we are not playing "Heros of The Storm". You have done such a great job with this Red51 please always do what you love to do from one artist to another, never let no-one steal your joy! This game will go far.