Updated Economy List.
"The list below will show items that are for sell and are not for sell and there prices"
Some items will display where they can be located.
This server uses Gold coins, you may view your coins and sell, buy, view prices of any item as long as it is held in your hand
By typing the following in your chat window will display it's functions...
Press { T } then type the following.
/ebalance then enter: This shows your coin balance
You have to be holding an item in hand ignorer for this next step to work.
/eprice: Displays the price of the item in hand
/esell: allows you to sell the item to the server for the price displayed and set up by the Admin.
/ebuy: allows you to buy the item in hand from the server.
"Prices are subject to change"
Server Item Prices:
Starting Items
Never sell nor craft your last item, you will need them to buy from the economy
Terraforming will not be allowed on the server, period
- Map : $0 (In the players Inventory)
- Tent: $0 (In the players Inventory)
Farming block-
- Block id 217: $12 coins each (In the players Inventory)
Mining -
- Stone Ore: $10 coins each (In the players Inventory)
- Aluminium Orce: $800 coins each (In the players Inventory)
- Gold Ore: $200 coins each (In the players Inventory)
- Coal Ore: $36 coins each (In the players Inventory)
- Iron Ore: $25 coins each (In the players Inventory)
- Copper Ore: $20 coins each (In the players Inventory)
- Mithril Ore: $10,000 coins each (In the players Inventory)
- Silver Ore: $35 coins each (In the players Inventory)
- Sulfer Ore : Banned
- All Ingots : $0 (Can only craft)
- All plates : $0 (Can only craft)
- All Rods : $0 (Can only craft)
Materials -
- Paper : $0 (Can only craft)
- Leg Splint: $5 coins each (Can only craft)
- Rolling Pin : $0 (Can only craft)
- All Sapplings including apple, lemons, cotton, corn, etc : $0 ( The player must quest inorder to obtain these items).
- Cotton : $0 (Found in The Barrens, Hillsbrad Foothills)
- Cloth : $0 (Can only craft)
- Wool : $0 (Found in The Barrens)
- Small Shelter: $4 coins each (Can only craft)
- Fireplace : $0 (Can only craft)
- Skewer : $0 (Can only craft)
- Grill Split : $0 (Can only craft)
- Work Bench : $0 (Can only craft)
- Big Torch: $1312 coins each (Can only craft)
- Lantern: $1 coins each (Can only craft)
- Torch: $1 coins each (Can only craft)
- Torchwoodmount: $1 coins each (Can only craft)
- Torchwoodmount: $5f coins each (Can only craft)
- flare: $120 coins each (Can only craft)
- Torchwallmount: $40 coins each (Can only craft)
- Bambootorch: $12 coins each ( Can only craft)
- Bucketmetal: $320 coins each ( Can only craft)
- Poster: $400 coins each ( Can only craft)
- Hemp Fibers : $0 ( Found in Mulgore Only)
- Hempleaves: $30 coins each ( Found in Mulgore Only)
- Pumpkins: $0 coins each ( Found in Elwynn Forest, Tirisfal Glades Only)
Weapons -
- Huntingknife : $0 (Can only craft)
- Axe : $0 (Can only craft)
- Sledge Hammer : $0 (Can only craft)
- Swordiron : $0 (Can only craft)
- Morningstar : $0 (Can only craft)
Workshops -
Big Smelting Furnace : $0 (Can only craft)
Blockbench : $0 (Can only craft)
Sawbench : $0 (Can only craft)
Huntingknife : $0 (Can only craft)
Smelting Furnace : $0 (Can only craft)
Paper Press: $0 (Can only craft)
Loom : $0 (Can only craft)
Workbench Tier 2 : $0 (Can only craft)
Spinning Wheel : $0 (Can only craft)
Tanning Rack : $0 (Can only craft)
Grinding Station : $0 (Can only craft)
Ladders: $0 (Can only craft)
Wood -
-Maple Log: $24 coins each ( Found in Ashenvale, Felwood, and Teldrassil, Only)
-Willow Log: $67 coins each ( Found in Mulgore, Only)
-Acacia Log: $32 coins each ( Found in Barrens & Durotar, Only)
-Palm Log: $32 coins each ( Found in Barrens, Only)
- Lumber: $8 coins each (Can only craft)
- Stick: $2 coins each (Can only craft)
- Dead Log: $10 coins each ( Found in Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, Only)
- Birch Log: $26 coins each ( Found in Hillsbard Foothills, Only)
- Spruch Log: $40 coins each ( Found in Alterac Mountains, Only)
- Poplar Log: $100 coins each ( Found in Elwynn Forest, Only)
- Cherry Log: $15 coins each ( Found in Loch Modan, Teldrassil Only)
- Lemon Log: $20 coins each ( Found in Loch Modan, Teldrassil Only)
- Apple Log: $32 coins each ( Found in Loch Modan)
Food items ( Player to Player selling ) Trading
"Depending on the economy, players can choose to sell there food to other players for trades, items worth from 20 coins to 60 coins each stack".
- Corn: $0 coins each ( Found in Durotar, Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest Only)
- Cheery: $0 coins each ( Found in Teldrassil)
- Chili: $0 coins each ( Found in Mulgore, Don Morogh Only)
- Lemons: $0 coins each ( Found in Mulgore, Teldrassil Only)
- Apples: $0 coins each ( Found in Loch Modan, Only)
- Watermelons: $0 coins each ( Found in Durotar)
- strawberries: $0 coins each ( )
- Broccoli: $0 coins each ( )
- Lettuce: $0 coins each ( )
- Carrots: $0 coins each (Found in Elwynn Forest, Only )
- Tomatos: $0 coins each ( )
- Tomatos: $0 coins each ( )
- Potatos: $0 coins each ( )
- Corn: $0 coins each ( )
- Sugarbeets: $0 coins each ( )
Critters -
-Spiders: ( Found in
Durotar: NO Population
Barrens: NO Population
Ashenvale: NO Population
Mulgore: NO Population
Tirisfal Glades: Very High Population
Silverpine Forest: Very High Population
Animals -
-Pigs: ( Found in
Durotar: High Population
Barrens: High Population
Ashenvale: low Population
-Sheep: ( Found in
Durotar: low Population
Barrens: low Population
Ashenvale: Very Low Population
Teldrassil: Extremely low Population
Hillsbrad Foothills: High Population
-Cows: ( Found in
Durotar: low Population
Barrens: low Population
Ashenvale: very low Population
Mulgore: very high Population
Tirisfal Glades: High Population
Silverpine Forest: High Population
-Chicken: ( Found in
Durotar: NO Population
Barrens: NO Population
Ashenvale: NO Population
Mulgore: NO Population
Tirisfal Glades: High Population
Silverpine Forest: High Population
-Goat: ( Found in
Durotar: low Population
Barrens: low Population
Ashenvale: low low Population
-Deers: ( Found in
Durotar: low Population
Barrens: low Population
Ashenvale: High Population
Teldrassil: Very High Population
Hillsbrad Foothills: High Population
-Bears: ( Found in **Hostile**
Durotar: Extremely High Population
Barrens: High Population
Ashenvale: High Population
Teldrassil: low Population
-Boar: ( Found in **Hostile**
Durotar: Very High Population
Barrens: High Population
Ashenvale: Very Low Population
-Jaguar: ( Found in **Hostile**
Durotar: NO Population
Barrens: NO Population
Ashenvale: Extremely High Population
Teldrassil: Extremely High Population
-Rhino: ( Found in
Durotar: No Population
Barrens: low Population
Mulgore: Very High Population
-Elephant: ( Found in
Durotar: High Population
Barrens: High Population
-Fox: ( Found in
Very low Population Removed from server
-Polar Bears: ( Found in **Hostile**
Alterac Mountains: Very High Population
Don Morogh: Very High Population
-Tigers: ( Found in **Hostile**
Durotar: NO Population
Barrens: NO Population
Ashenvale: Low Population
Teldrassil: Mild Population
Hillsbrad Foothills: High Population
Teldrassil: low Population
Area Protecting Your front gates/doors/draw bridges
The only thing that you can get protected is the front gates, your gates, doors etc.
A small area of protection just around your entry way, only allowing you and or your team the only access of entering the keep. But it will cost you in-order to receive this, look at the following list.
Though the server you must buy the following.
- Aluminium Ingots x2
- Gold Ingots 16
- Silver Ingots x16
- Mithril Ingots x4 (Since this Ore is not used in the game right now, this is the best thing i can use it for, therefore increasing it's norma; price of $1 to 10,000.)
- Once you have all the materials you may trade them to a Overseer/Admin, then your Gate will be protected, this is per entry fee.
"More information will be updated later"