Posts by Whip

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    This isn't game breaking, but it does interfere a bit with immersion:

    One thing I have noticed with 0.9 is that using hand held tools seems to have less impact now. In the previous version chopping at trees and mining with a pick seemed like I was hitting the target and that the target reacted with impact as expected. With 0.9 it seems... softer somehow. The effect of striking at rock for example seems delayed just enough to make it feel wrong and that combined with the animation makes it all seem a bit fake.

    Even eating apples does not seem right now, when I see the arm raise to eat the apple, it feels like there is too much of a delay once the apple reaches my mouth, I'm expecting to bite down but that doesn't seem to happen until a fraction of a second later. It's hard to explain. Maybe the sound is softer and it has nothing to do with the animation.

    Okay after all of that, I decided to set my left click back to default, and I'm now able to advance as far as seeing a selected area. So apparently the problem is that the script does not recognize my custom key binds. It however will still not let me /createarea and even though I left click to select my end point and raise the height, and stand in the center, it still wont let me /createaea this is probably due to my other custom keybinds as I have just about customized every key.

    It's a great script, but I can't give up my keybinds to use it and there is no way to save bind sets to quickly switch back and forth.

    This still does not work for me. What am I doing wrong? This is the step by step process I go through.

    1. I enter into chat the command /selectarea

    There is white text that then flashes (for some reason, which makes it harder to read as I can only read it between flashes. This would be better if it did not flash) instructing me to select my area and then to enter /createarea. However the lower left corner reads to "Press [LSHIFT] to define a startpoint.

    2. I find a spot to define a starting point as instructed and then I'm instructed to select an end point using the same key [LSHIFT]:

    3. I then move diagonally away from my start point and left click again to define an endpoint. The first screenshot below shows my position relative to the start point, this is the spot I'm about to select for the end point:

    This next screenshot is what I see after selecting an endpoint. The startpoint red box is now gone and all I see is the currently placed marker and the text is still instructing me to select an end point even though I already did that:

    4. The instructional text is confusing since I already did that, but I follow the instructions in this thread that tells me to use PGUP to raise the height of the claim. I do this by holding LSHIFT while pressing PGUP. However that does not work. But when I depress LSHIFT and then press PGUP the marker moves up and when I press LSHIFT again, it just seems to move the endpoint and I'm still stuck with the instructions to press LSHIFT to define an endpoint:

    5. There is no indication on screen that I've done anything more than select a start point. Just in case, I position myself in between both points and type /createarea as initially instructed in the game, but nothing happens.

    I've tried so many other scenarios and it does not work. And now I'm stuck in this mode and pressing escape will not bring up the RW options panel so I have to alt-tab and close the game through windows.

    What am I doing wrong?

    I had no issue with the 0.9 preview server but when I updated my old local server to 0.9 by copying over the server jar and library and keeping my world as is I'm getting an error. So I did a fresh copy of the new server files locally to troubleshoot, and I get the same error. I then removed all temporary files per the error cited, I tried to run the server again but got the same error again as running the server seems to create the same tmp file which then is failed to remove. I can see by the list of available 0.9 public servers that others don't have this issue. What am I doing wrong?

    java.sql.SQLException: failed to load commons/definitions/definitions.db: failed to remove existing DB file: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite-jdbc-tmp-1628027389.db
    at org.sqlite.core.CoreConnection.<init>(
    at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3Connection.<init>(
    at org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4Connection.<init>(
    at org.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.<init>(
    at org.sqlite.JDBC.createConnection(
    at org.sqlite.JDBC.connect(
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
    at d.a.a(SourceFile:46)
    at commons.definitions.Clothing.<clinit>(SourceFile:86)
    at commons.definitions.Crafting.<clinit>(SourceFile:150)
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
    at server.Main.initStaticClasses(SourceFile:403)
    at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:278)
    at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:236)
    at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(
    at Source)
    at d.a.a(SourceFile:84)
    at commons.definitions.Clothing.<clinit>(SourceFile:88)
    at commons.definitions.Crafting.<clinit>(SourceFile:150)
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
    at server.Main.initStaticClasses(SourceFile:403)
    at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:278)
    at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:236)
    at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(
    at Source)
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Hmm, well as stated in my post, I did select a second point, but then I'm still prompted to select a second point even after pressing L-Shift (my action key) in an endless loop in which it is never satisfied that I've selected a 2nd point. But to be fair, it did not state to use the +/- keys to raise or lower the box. So based on what you're saying it sounds like the script wont accept a flat one-block tall claim. Am I prompted to use +/- or is it expected of me that I should already know? If I'm prompted, then it's not happening and I would say the reason it's not happening is because it never accepts my 2nd point.

    Ref: "then use your shift key with your - and + key combos to raise and lower your box"

    When you say to press the shift key again, are you referring to my custom binds, because my left mouse key is bound to my left shift key and I use my left mouse button to move forward, all of my binds are custom. Or are you saying that the script requires me to hit the shift key with +/- regardless of my binds?

    Does this still work? I Added it to my test server and when I choose /selectarea the bottom of the screen says to press Lshift (my action key bind) to select a starting point and then again to set end point, but after I set my end point it still reads to set end point never acknowledging that I already did it. So basically I can't get beyond the first step. This also sticks me in this mode and prevents me from pressing escape to exit the game.

    I tried to duplicate it using posters. But apparently me setting the image to 50% transparent did not translate into the game. But I think if I played around with the image a bit in photoshop then I could get a close comparison:

    1. Transportation with storage: Agree
    2. Reducing player inventory and stacking values: Highly disagree (I don't want to be forced to use transportation for small amounts)
    3. No floating structures. Highly Disagree. I don't want my design options restricted, and what if I want to build sky city...
    4. Blueprint resources: Agree
    5. Interactive crafting - Blacksmith animation: Agree
    6. Tool durability: Tentative Disagree, this just makes it a pain and a time sink. However I wouldn't mind seeing tools that work faster if built with a different type of smelted metal. If one can reach a tool type that had no durability loss (say Mithril for example) and it also performed faster, then I'd be okay with tool durability knowing that I had something to aim for.
    7. Seasons: Agree
    8. Temperature needs: Agree on condition that temperature needs are for food alone, I.E. Freezer box container. I don't want to have to build an air conditioner in the desert and a heater in the highlands.
    9. Food spoiling: Agree on condition that a freezer box will halt the spoiling process.

    Currently, in semi-creative, there is the ability to one hit to mine, chop, and destroy (called instant dig in the official perms write up) and this is great. However, this perm comes with godmode so the only way to enjoy the benefits of instant-dig is to accept the loss of PvE. I would love to be able to instant dig and yet still be vulnerable to animal attacks at the same time so... faster gathering, but I'm still in survival mode. It would also be nice if this were not hooked to GM1 so that I can use instant dig without seeing a creative menu.

    Is there a perm to allow for instant digging without godmode? It seems that the creative perms include a "default" but the default gives two perms in one, instant digging and godmode. I want to be able to invoke instant digging but without interfering with the PvE aspect. Is there a perm for this?