[Script]Area Protection 3.0 NEW

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)
  • Does this still work? I Added it to my test server and when I choose /selectarea the bottom of the screen says to press Lshift (my action key bind) to select a starting point and then again to set end point, but after I set my end point it still reads to set end point never acknowledging that I already did it. So basically I can't get beyond the first step. This also sticks me in this mode and prevents me from pressing escape to exit the game.

  • Does this still work? I Added it to my test server and when I choose /selectarea the bottom of the screen says to press Lshift (my action key bind) to select a starting point and then again to set end point, but after I set my end point it still reads to set end point never acknowledging that I already did it. So basically I can't get beyond the first step. This also sticks me in this mode and prevents me from pressing escape to exit the game.

    that's because you need to select two areas, try to think about it as if you are making a box and your area is inside that box, so you need to select one corner of that box first then select the opposite corner then use your shift key with your - and + key combos to raise and lower your box you want to make it go deep into the ground and high into the sky. you can also use a combo of shift and arrow keys to make the box bigger, once you see the box is the size of your protected zone, you then need to be inside the box and type in chat, /createarea areaname <----- area name can = any name you like but try not to use things like ' ; ,. -= just keep it simple, after you have made your area the selected area will go away but the area is made, to add your self to the area you also need to be inside the area then type in chat, /addplayertoarea Admin username, or if your adding another user type /addplayertoarea Owner username <------ username = the username in the game. if you change your mind about making a area then you need to cancel the area by typing in chat /cancel

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Hmm, well as stated in my post, I did select a second point, but then I'm still prompted to select a second point even after pressing L-Shift (my action key) in an endless loop in which it is never satisfied that I've selected a 2nd point. But to be fair, it did not state to use the +/- keys to raise or lower the box. So based on what you're saying it sounds like the script wont accept a flat one-block tall claim. Am I prompted to use +/- or is it expected of me that I should already know? If I'm prompted, then it's not happening and I would say the reason it's not happening is because it never accepts my 2nd point.

    Ref: "then use your shift key with your - and + key combos to raise and lower your box"

    When you say to press the shift key again, are you referring to my custom binds, because my left mouse key is bound to my left shift key and I use my left mouse button to move forward, all of my binds are custom. Or are you saying that the script requires me to hit the shift key with +/- regardless of my binds?

  • the area selection tool (red box) is resized with your custom keys, the same you would use to create a blueprint and select your building

  • Hmm, well as stated in my post, I did select a second point, but then I'm still prompted to select a second point even after pressing L-Shift (my action key) in an endless loop in which it is never satisfied that I've selected a 2nd point. But to be fair, it did not state to use the +/- keys to raise or lower the box. So based on what you're saying it sounds like the script wont accept a flat one-block tall claim. Am I prompted to use +/- or is it expected of me that I should already know? If I'm prompted, then it's not happening and I would say the reason it's not happening is because it never accepts my 2nd point.

    Ref: "then use your shift key with your - and + key combos to raise and lower your box"

    When you say to press the shift key again, are you referring to my custom binds, because my left mouse key is bound to my left shift key and I use my left mouse button to move forward, all of my binds are custom. Or are you saying that the script requires me to hit the shift key with +/- regardless of my binds?

    been that you need to be inside the area/ box when making an area the only limit on size is how good you are at getting into the selected area, i have made areas 1x1 thats as small as you can go, its hard but it can be done, if you have changed the keys that you use to adjust your timber size then those will be the keys you use to adjust the selected area size, for the info on screen letting you know to select a end point, that does not go away, its just some info to help you, it does not mean you did not select the area, as long as you can see your box in red and that box covers the whole area you need to protect, don't worry about it.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • been that you need to be inside the area/ box when making an area

    not true, I make areas all the time while being outside of the box. You only need to be inside when adding/removing people to/from it

  • not true, I make areas all the time while being outside of the box. You only need to be inside when adding/removing people to/from it

    i had a brain fart oO lol true its only adding and removing users or the area itself that you need to be in the box. thanks for making that clear :thumbsup:

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • This still does not work for me. What am I doing wrong? This is the step by step process I go through.

    1. I enter into chat the command /selectarea

    There is white text that then flashes (for some reason, which makes it harder to read as I can only read it between flashes. This would be better if it did not flash) instructing me to select my area and then to enter /createarea. However the lower left corner reads to "Press [LSHIFT] to define a startpoint.

    2. I find a spot to define a starting point as instructed and then I'm instructed to select an end point using the same key [LSHIFT]:

    3. I then move diagonally away from my start point and left click again to define an endpoint. The first screenshot below shows my position relative to the start point, this is the spot I'm about to select for the end point:

    This next screenshot is what I see after selecting an endpoint. The startpoint red box is now gone and all I see is the currently placed marker and the text is still instructing me to select an end point even though I already did that:

    4. The instructional text is confusing since I already did that, but I follow the instructions in this thread that tells me to use PGUP to raise the height of the claim. I do this by holding LSHIFT while pressing PGUP. However that does not work. But when I depress LSHIFT and then press PGUP the marker moves up and when I press LSHIFT again, it just seems to move the endpoint and I'm still stuck with the instructions to press LSHIFT to define an endpoint:

    5. There is no indication on screen that I've done anything more than select a start point. Just in case, I position myself in between both points and type /createarea as initially instructed in the game, but nothing happens.

    I've tried so many other scenarios and it does not work. And now I'm stuck in this mode and pressing escape will not bring up the RW options panel so I have to alt-tab and close the game through windows.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Okay after all of that, I decided to set my left click back to default, and I'm now able to advance as far as seeing a selected area. So apparently the problem is that the script does not recognize my custom key binds. It however will still not let me /createarea and even though I left click to select my end point and raise the height, and stand in the center, it still wont let me /createaea this is probably due to my other custom keybinds as I have just about customized every key.

    It's a great script, but I can't give up my keybinds to use it and there is no way to save bind sets to quickly switch back and forth.

  • you need to type /createarea AreaName not just /createarea, just in case you missed that.

  • Yeah I tried that too as part of a bunch of stuff I tried. I also tried /createmyarea ...

    Where are you in putting the commands oO all Lua plugins use the chat for commands and all commands must start with / with no spaces before or after / so you push the key T and then in chat type (/createarea my area name). Then hit enter. You need to move sometimes out and then back into the area, to get the new area to show, but doing this code will make a new area called (my area name) of cause you can replace (my area name) with any name you wish. If you still have problem maybe you could come on to my server and show me what your doing, and I can look to see if your doing it right and help you work it out. :)

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • players that own the claim can set added permissions and areas inside there own claim. The admin has to set the original claim. i.e. /addplayertoarea (Owner, Friend, Miner, or Shopper) playername. I believe you can lock people out of the property and I think admins can lock people into the claim too.

    Can new players use this script or is it only for the admins?

  • can you make a general guest for shoppers so that anybody can get from chests but not destroy area/grief? I would like to have a place that stays but people can get treasures or leave treasures for other random players.

    Basically can I use wildcard type usernames for shoppers?

  • Basically can I use wildcard type usernames for shoppers?

    Unfortunately not but what you can do is first place the box/chest etc. and then create the area that renders the boxes accessible (can take from and leave items in them) by everyone but they cannot destroy them ;)

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