Posts by yahgiggle

    Suggestion 1: A cool idea would be to have a way to connect to your world(server or Singlplayer) via smartphone and be able to operate lights and even future machinery. This will require a mobile app of course!

    This idea could be done right now with the API but its kind of a one way communication, like the RW server/game could read a command from a website and do something, such as turn on lights if lights = true, but the app would not know if it really was successful at turning the lights on or not, even if the app/website said the lights are on, the problem is ATM there is no way to send data from the game server back to a webserver

    Had a delay in getting the update out after some guy on steam this week was giving me a thumbs down and telling me Rising World does not have a lot of text, is not a role playing game and does not need translating.

    Back into translating today.

    you always get that guy who dumps on what you do, don't worry about them and just do your own thing, you're doing a fantastic job, :thumbup:

    It would be perfect if the non-automatic doors could be operated with the interaction key, because I swapped e and f in the assignment - this also opens the crafting menu

    f key is the default function key for the game, this why its used, for me to change it to something else because some players change the default keys to something else will just cause more problems, like the next guy might say i use the q key for my function key next thing im expected to some how make every key work for the doors to accommodate everyone, oO

    The autodoors.bundle file exists in the directory ../Plugins/AutoDoors/assets and the folder ../Plugins/AutoDoors/worldname was also created automatically with the content database.db
    The permissions are also correct for the user, I expanded it to Group and Everyone but the door is still not displayed. Perhaps a "typo" within the plugin? Linux differentiates between upper and lower case compared to Windows.
    I have now written the names here exactly as they exist or are created.

    yes the assets folder needs to be renamed Assets sorry that is my mistake maybe i changed it on my end at some point IDK but it needs to be Assets not assets

    Ich hab die Türen nun mal getestet. Bei einer Freundin auf ihrem Winschrott Rechner sieht das alles schick aus und funktioniert wunderbar und ich bin begeistert. Nun auf meinem Rechner unter Linux kann ich zwar die Türen auswählen und mit der rechten Maustaste positionieren aber sehen tu ich keine Tür auch nicht beim Positionieren. Ich hab mal meine player.log angehängt.

    I've tested the doors. It all looks great on a friend's Winschrott computer and works wonderfully, and I'm delighted. Now on my computer under Linux I can select the doors and position them with the right mouse button, but I can't see any doors, even when positioning them. I've attached my player.log.

    Ok after Talking to red51 it seems the problem is the assets folder is assets not Assets, just rename your assets folder to Assets and it should work, seems Linux is cause sensitive for folder names, but that is my fault and i will update the plugin to have the right folder name in future :thumbup:

    Ich hab die Türen nun mal getestet. Bei einer Freundin auf ihrem Winschrott Rechner sieht das alles schick aus und funktioniert wunderbar und ich bin begeistert. Nun auf meinem Rechner unter Linux kann ich zwar die Türen auswählen und mit der rechten Maustaste positionieren aber sehen tu ich keine Tür auch nicht beim Positionieren. Ich hab mal meine player.log angehängt.

    I've tested the doors. It all looks great on a friend's Winschrott computer and works wonderfully, and I'm delighted. Now on my computer under Linux I can select the doors and position them with the right mouse button, but I can't see any doors, even when positioning them. I've attached my player.log.

    Seems at a glance the file for the Assets is not found, does the folder Assets have the autodoors bundle file inside it ? If so it might be a folder permissions problem

    It maybe a bad SSD or HDD, it just happensds to install RW onto some bad sectors, do a SSD or HDD health scan to at least rule it out.

    Looks very good here and I have to test it one of these days. I swapped the key assignments E and F in RW, because the interaction key in my game is E by default. Now the question for me is whether, once I have installed the plugin, the door will open/close or the production menu will be called up or even both as soon as I press F.

    regards room6675

    you need to use the f key for the garage door only, the other doors will work fine as they auto detect you as you walk upto them

    Boats have the ability to move through the world being directed by a player. How would one go about creating other vehicles that move? For example: making a mobile houseboat for traveling the oceans out of a rowboat.

    its totally possible to do this right now with the API i know because i made a flying helicopter and it woks, thee down side is on a server its laggy but seems fine in single player, talking to red51 the lag is due to the command been sent to the server then back to the clients computer, there is no way around this problem ATM

    Is it possible to do a split door? i.e Stable doors and have the two work independently, or does it have to be just one door?

    it is possible but you could also just do a large single slider barn door and place two of them, witch makes more sense than to try and add such complexity to the problem, if you make your barn door bp it and post it on here and ill look at doing it, but gillwin and myself have been working on some new doors and we already talked about barn doors.


    Make a door and frame in RW then BP it and upload it to this feed and i may animate it and add it to the AutoDoor Plugin for everyone to use as a real working door, also add some info on how you would like your door to open, full automatically or half automatic or only with the F key, also what type of door, sliding or swinging and what way, but keep the door simple for moving, i maybe able to do it but something like a bifold is very time consuming so would most likely go to the bottom of my list.


    Version 4.1

    Placing is now updated shift + L key then hit the right mouse button to place
    you now use the f key on the elevator doors to call the elevator
    you now use the f key on the inside walls of the elevator to bring up the floor selection menu
    fixed bugs that stopped the plugin working on servers, should now work on servers too

    to delete you now look at menu inside and click the delete button

    AutoDoors (Plugin)

    AutoDoors Adds some new doors, some will auto open as you walk up to them others use the F key to open and close them.

    The plugin adds a drop down menu to the crafting area of the game, just select the door from the menu and you will get the door preview, you then move the mouse to pinpoint the area you want to place the door,

    right click the mouse to place,

    • To delete the door Admins and door owners can look at the door and hit the delete key.
    • To cancel hold down left shift and press the F key
    • To install just unzip the file to the plugins folder.

    Version 2

    • New vault door
    • 2x New sci-fi doors
    • New Barn door
    • New Rotating Door
    • Some small code improvements
    • Some color improvements and shading improvements

    Version 2.1

    • Renamed the assets folder to Assets, this fix's the problem with Linux
    • Added the single and double iron gates

    Version 2.2

    • Added Cancel - To Cancel the placing of a Door hold down left shift and press the F key
    • Fixed typo's
    • Added New Hatch Door

    Would like to mention that Gillwin has been helping me make the new doors, and that the doors in this plugin are fully made by both Gillwin and myself Gillwin made the new rotating door, barn door,

    one of the new sci-fi doors and vault door, he has also made two other doors that i am now in the process of animating and adding to the plugin so please thank him for his involvement in this project too.
