Posts by yahgiggle


    Version 4.1

    Placing is now updated shift + L key then hit the right mouse button to place
    you now use the f key on the elevator doors to call the elevator
    you now use the f key on the inside walls of the elevator to bring up the floor selection menu
    fixed bugs that stopped the plugin working on servers, should now work on servers too

    to delete you now look at menu inside and click the delete button

    AutoDoors (Plugin)

    AutoDoors Adds some new doors, some will auto open as you walk up to them others use the F key to open and close them.

    The plugin adds a drop down menu to the crafting area of the game, just select the door from the menu and you will get the door preview, you then move the mouse to pinpoint the area you want to place the door,

    right click the mouse to place,

    • To delete the door Admins and door owners can look at the door and hit the delete key.
    • To cancel hold down left shift and press the F key
    • To install just unzip the file to the plugins folder.

    Version 2

    • New vault door
    • 2x New sci-fi doors
    • New Barn door
    • New Rotating Door
    • Some small code improvements
    • Some color improvements and shading improvements

    Version 2.1

    • Renamed the assets folder to Assets, this fix's the problem with Linux
    • Added the single and double iron gates

    Version 2.2

    • Added Cancel - To Cancel the placing of a Door hold down left shift and press the F key
    • Fixed typo's
    • Added New Hatch Door

    Would like to mention that Gillwin has been helping me make the new doors, and that the doors in this plugin are fully made by both Gillwin and myself Gillwin made the new rotating door, barn door,

    one of the new sci-fi doors and vault door, he has also made two other doors that i am now in the process of animating and adding to the plugin so please thank him for his involvement in this project too.


    i will never add malicious code to my plugins, the plugin is now uploaded btw

    if you go to my youtube channel you can view all my projects, BTW you can fly my helicopter, the plugin for that works best in single player but is a little laggy on my server :thumbup:

    Escalators (plugin)

    Unzip file to the plugins folder to install

    The plugin adds a Escalators menu to the Crafting section of the game, Click the drop down menu to choose the size escalator

    you will get a 2min preview of the escalator, move the mouse around to pinpoint the location you would like the escalator then click the Right mouse button to place

    To delete the escalators you need to be an Admin or the player who placed it, just look at it and hit the delete key


    • Escalators.7z

      (4.66 MB, downloaded 109 times, last: )

    Maybe i can give you a bone lol this is a plugin i am working on right now, this will be uploaded to the forum for everyone to use,

    Not that everyone will use it :-)

    i will try that as well. i wasn´t really aware of this function. iirc at some earlier point or maybe even in java the area resettet everytime i was done with the area tool and selected another one.

    Unity version has changed you can move the selected area around and it stays visible now all the time, so just click on another area and use combo mouse button and shift to select the new area. 👍

    Backspace then. I'll try it. Thanks

    This is something i don't even think about because you can just hold down shift and click the mouse button and again the mouse button without holding down shift to reselect a new area, i agree the undo option should undo placing stuff also, this makes total sense.

    Installed the newest version and everything was working fine then I got this error. Previously ran a version a couple of updates out. Did not stop anything else from working.

    can you install this version and let me know if that error stops, seems the current version im using does not match your error log oO so i may have fixed that error already


    • Portals.jar

      (62.23 kB, downloaded 99 times, last: )

    I would be too embarrassed to do that. I will fight away, thanks of your really good help and pointers.

    I will look at the suggestion you have pointed too and try to adjust it. I tend to helter skelter attack and move or duplicate the lines instead of proper access modifiers and the like. As such there are allot of commented out lines that are their examples of other plugins where I got similar methods that worked in other packages I got to work for switching on and off or examples to help clear problems. I think it is the updating the data part that got me in trouble as I replaced the three live data labels on the panel when the command was invoked. But I had a serious issue in updating my database for new and existing players that I fixed last night mostly. It worked fine when there was only one player (me) Then it kept sending new people to 0.0.0 bottom of the ocean where they promptly drowned. Ooops 8|. I do have that fixed at least now and some people came on and informed me ghosting was still present. However, the movement routine that accessed the several databases and displayed information are working fine now so some progress. :/. This is something that is really simple likely for you but to find a out of place bracket or extra parenthesis could take me hours to correct. I think an AI program could write this is a few milliseconds but where is the puzzle fun in that?

    everyone makes mistakes, there is no harm in posting your code or parts of the code for users to understand what you are doing, this can be a huge help in helping you, but from what ive read it seems you may not be loading all your ui elements in onPlayerConnect load everything in there and add only the parent to the player, for ones you want showing you need to have the parent element set to setVisible(true); any data for those elements should already be loaded other ui elements should be set setVisible(false); also you only need to add the parent elements to the player all the child elements will automatically be attached to the player, when you want to view an element with all its lables etc you can use the PlayerUIElementClickEvent then set the setVisible(true); like this

    This above code is at its simplest, you may not want to only open UIElements under the PlayerUIElementClickEvent you may want to do it when say a player right clicks a NPC if that NPC == Dummy

    then you just use MarketUI.setVisible(true); as long as you have also included UIElement MarketUI = (UIElement) player.getAttribute("MarketUI"); in your event the UIElement will open

    Well that is a shame maybe it was why one guy kept saying /wp does not work. LOL I dont have a /WP likely some other plugin. I guess I will have to write yet another plugin to do it for them. Hmmm that means I need to have different level area player permissions for them to select. Poor players.

    as james said you need to be outside the area to set the areas group permission, we only have player.setPermissionGroup(UserName); we need player.setPermissionAreaGroup(UserName); red51

    Ok i just tested the World protection under single player and this is the result, you are automatically an admin but world protection is buggy in single player games its not advised to even use it in single player because of the bugs, but since the plugin is for servers with multiple players it makes sense to use it for that over single player anyway.

    so she needs to learn how to set herself as Admin in single player. I dont know how to do that

    Well it's been some time since I used single player to test my plugins due to inconsistent results bugs that only showed once installed on a server, but some time ago I used to test them all in single player, even on the unity version, anyway to the point, I dont recall having a problem setting myself as Admin. I would have done one of 2 things if it automatically didn't make me admin, 1. Use the makeadmin yahgiggle command, or 2 add myself to the properties file, if file does not exist, then it must have automatically made me admin or I used the command, I'll test this out later today and see what happens 🤔