Posts by MandyCMoore

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Thanks, Tiger! Yep, I have the latest version of the plugin, but it may be my Java. I don't think that would be the case on my server too though because it isn't working at all for any of us on my server. There are 8 of us on it, & none of us can get it to work. I will check with everyone to see what version of Java they are running though & absolutely change mine & see if that helps. Again, thanks so much!

    Thanks so much! I already had it on peaceful, but what they are wanting is the animals to be peaceful but NPCs to be aggressive even without being attacked. I worded it poorly before. Sorry about that. Again, thanks so much though! :)

    @red51Thanks so much for the response! After I played single player for a bit & updated all my server players on the bandits, skeletons, spiders, etc... They all agree they do want all the new features on & want them to be aggressive, however, they do want the animals to stay on peaceful. Is there a way to accomplish that? I am going to play with the server files & console to see if I can figure something out. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Also, just wanted to let you know, I see the popularity of this game growing every day. On both of my channels it gets more views than anything else, & I have had many people message me & tell me after seeing the fun I have with it, they had to buy it & are glad they did. I gifted it to a few folks. It tickles me to see all of this because when I first started doing videos & streams on it, I had several people tell me it wouldn't pull in an audience because it wasn't aggressive enough. I didn't really care what about what they said because I will only play what I truly enjoy, so I was going to do it regardless, but nice to see both the game itself & the community around it prove them wrong & continue to grow. Thanks for such an amazing game! <3

    Hi, guys! Been playing around with the new update on a single player world & love it! Awesome job Red! I do have a question for my server though. We all agreed we want to keep the animals on peaceful, no bandits, but we do want enemies in the dungeon. How would I go about that? The folks that play on the server like to just chill & build, thus the peaceful setting, however, they did agree they want some excitement in the dungeons. Lol. I'm just trying to keep them all happy. Again, awesome update!!

    One more question, I think they want to keep bandits off because they are worried they will damage the very massive build we have been working on for months (Its several towns & such.). Will they damage builds or just go for players. If they will just go for players, maybe everyone on the server would agree to have them & the dungeon enemies on but keep the animals on peaceful. Any ideas what I need to change in what file to accomplish that? Lol

    Hi, guys! Been playing around with the new update on a single player world & love it! Awesome job Red! I do have a question for my server though. We all agreed we want to keep the animals on peaceful, no bandits, but we do want enemies in the dungeon. How would I go about that? The folks that play on the server like to just chill & build, thus the peaceful setting, however, they did agree they want some excitement in the dungeons. Lol. I'm just trying to keep them all happy. Again, awesome update!!

    Mein Plugin функционер кишки. Ihr Ihr сервер в MySQL?

    Плагин работает хорошо для меня.
    Ваш MySQL сервер?
    (Google Trans)

    I used Google Translate so I could understand. Didn't even think of that until I saw it at the end of your reply. Lol. Thanks for being patient with me. :) It has to be something in my server settings. I am going to comb thru them this weekend until I figure this out. I have a nice barn & chcicken coop ready & waiting, just need to get this figured out so I can tame the animals. :)

    Животное небрежно кормить даже спереди, сзади, внизу, сверху. Мой плагин работает на 100%.

    Без животных, так как человек питается также спереди, сзади, внизу, сверху. Мой плагин работает на 100%. А не сервер случайно на MySQL?
    (Гугл перевод)

    I am so sorry, I don't understand. I do apologize.

    Hoping you guys can help me out. This plugin is my favorite, & I installed it on my community server. Worked fine for a while, but now it has suddenly stopped. The text still appears above the animals, but none of them respond to feeding. Any tips? Really want to get this fixed & share it with the newcomers to my server. Thanks in advance!

    Hi, guys! Thought I would try one more time to see if any of you had any advice for me. I have uninstalled Animal Breedmaster & reinstalled, double checked all the files, etc... Unfortunately, still no luck. :( I would be extremely grateful for any guidance any of you could offer. Thanks so much!

    Hoping you guys can help me out. This plugin is my favorite, & I installed it on my community server. Worked fine for a while, but now it has suddenly stopped. The text still appears above the animals, but none of them respond to feeding. Any tips? Really want to get this fixed & share it with the newcomers to my server. Thanks in advance!

    Plugin seems to be working well on both my server & my single player. Absolutely love it!! Thanks Machete!! Btw, someone told me about the PnB plugin. Does anyone here know exactly what all it does? I am also looking for plugins to add accessories & different types of furniture. Can anyone recommend any? Thanks to all in advance!