Sorry if Im late to this thread. Upfront, I didnt read it in its entirety, its too much of a word wall but I scanned enough to get the gist of where your frustration is aimed, I think.
I believe its a multi-headed issue so here goes...
At first your had big companies making quality games (for that time) like Sony, Blizzard, Bethesda, Activision, EA, etc.. that were able to throw dollars at their projects.
Over time they flipped to putting returns over quality and these once great company`s stepped into a downward spiral and turned to crap or in the case of Sony, sold off their gaming division.
Enter the rise of the Indie developer with limited resources and too often, with limited know-how and vision.
Using Steam as a petri dish, over time video games have now turned into a wasteland of shit with an occasional gem mixed in.
Second, there`s now what I`d call trope saturation. Until something paradigm to the gaming industry comes along its all been done.
I know you like anime so using that as an example, almost all you see now are the same tropes used over and over ad nauseam with everyone jacking someone else`s idea, putting their own stupid twist on it, and calling it their own. Again, with the occasional gem of originality popping up.
Which ties into the third, the paradigm. I think what you want simply doesnt exist yet. You said you`d like to develop your own game to your own vision (paraphrase) and I`ll jump back into the anime example and hope you`ve seen what I reference.
SAO2 where "the Seed" has been distributed to the world and now anyone can make their own world, own characters, rules, and reality with real life quality.
The technology is advanced enough where resources (money) isnt really an issue. All that`s needed is vision. Imagination unleashed, Also, internet bandwidth has obviously progressed to allow for this. We`re just not there yet.
Again, I only scanned your OP so I hope I at least came close to your mark.