Thanks for your kind offer, but what would be the fun in that??
I did download your yacht and looked at it, noticing that you used regular blocks at different angles, which is fine, the build is beautiful. But up close it has a bit of wonky angles too. So I don't feel so bad, now, if the great Drakonas also has imperfections. Sincerely--you are great! I tried several methods and finally settled on Frankenstein-ing some different shaped pieces together... It almost works. LOL.
I'll post it when I am done. I'm sure with more practice I'll figure out something to make those parabolic(?) shapes better. Though, what I wouldn't give for bezier curves and editable single points of a block!
Thank you for kind words and yes non of my build are perfect I make as I go with what game has to offer
for me to figure out how to make bow rake and bow flare and sheer lines it took a really long time with some sleepless nights and few headaches
because ships has quite a complicated shape and when you have limitations in game it's impossible to expect perfections
As long as it makes you happy with what you build well then that is most important thing Having Fun and if you can share your builds with the community well that is just best part
PS. can't wait to see more of you Rising World videos