Posts by diester
I know it well but I do not have much time to do a half geode because that's what it's not just a half circles
I already use the craft very well with boards and beams, it is not the problem. I make vault and arc of circles
what I ask is its form that is missing in the blocks. impossible to do with the beam unless you spend 6 hours per corner.
I would add that it would be nice to have the same thing as this block but not round.
merci encore
hello to all and all, before all things sorry for my english I use a translator.
I also wanted to say that I discovered this game rests and that I fell in love with it is the best understood quality realism compared to minecraft (which I do not like because all ets square).
but in the building blocks (blocks) it is sorely lacking a shape, the one that would be the opposite of my screen here :
indeed it would be the part that would be on the other side so that it fits perfectly (in all id).
I searched is oddly I did not find a subject about it, or I searched badly.
Please integrate this form which would allow us to make more beautiful construction.
Thank you for reading me and take my request seriously