Posts by Stine

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    thanks devidian for your quick response :)

    since I have also heard other less flattering things about nitrido and prima servers turns out to be danish with good reviews on out national company evaluation site, I have decided to go with them. Crossing my fingers and hoping for the best!

    And I have zero experience with linux.

    Hi everyone

    Hoping someone has a good server host to recommend.

    Currently I have a gameserver with vilayer where only 1GB RAM has been allocated to the server, despite the 14 slots I have bought.
    Consequently the server has had ongoing problems with crashes due to lack of memory despite frequent restarts.
    Red has also pointed out that that is not nearly enough, but they will not recognise that.

    Their point of view is that I am asking for something extra, since the server itself has memory enough - which doesn't really help since the game can't use it, if they won't allocate it on their end.

    To make matters worse I can no longer take backups of the server, since the server keeps closing the connection, creating difficulties in moving.

    After pointing out to Vilayer that enough memory to run the game and being able to take backups is a normal part of gameserver service, their response has been that it is not at all.
    It is something management has to deal with, which has now taken more than a week with no end in sight.

    Clearly I have to move, but to where?

    I have considered nitrado and prima servers, but are there good service hosts?

    Any help will be appreciated.


    When I, in the beginning, altered the server name, everyone lost their maps and had to re-explore the world again.
    Now it might be necessary to change server name again, but this time the maps have been accumulated over a long period of time.

    Is there any way to avoid the loss of maps when changing server names?

    Found the error logs - there are 8.

    Content is a variation of:

    Rising World - - Dedicated Server
    Windows Server 2016 10.0 Java 1.8.0_181 (x86) Memory: 1037 MB
    2019/02/10 05:00 PM
    RW SERVER: Fatal error occurred!
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.addBatch(
    at y.c.f(SourceFile:392)
    at C.d.f(SourceFile:123)
    at D.z.execute(SourceFile:42)

    So looks like it is a lack of memory error.

    Okay, we are 'in luck'. There were server problems last night, seems people haven't been able to log on or play for hours. It doesn't seem to have been a regular crash, but was instead rectified with an automatic server restart in the morning.

    According to a player it starts around 22.30 and I can see in the log that another player experience rendering problems around 22.42, then has problems logging on. Over the next 15 minutes it evolves to create problems for all players it seems, and then people log off. As far as I can see no one can then log on again.

    Since there is chat in the log I will send it via pm.

    Thanks for the help so far :)

    well, the times I have been on it usually starts with the world taking a lot longer to load. Then it gets worse and seems to stop loading all together, and there are a one or more tears in the world (so to speak) or complete gray when moving to 'new' areas. This sort of seems the same as freezing except I can usually move around. This is around the time when there seems to be problems with saving too, people can't use the action f key and people throughout the game has to give up because it becomes impossible to effectively do anything at all.
    This is when I restart.
    The above usually takes maybe 10 minutes to play out.

    When I am not on the server seems to struggle for awhile and then sometimes eventually crash and restart. Haven't figured out when that happens exactly since I am not there to see it. Apparently the server has sometimes been down for hours in the sense that it hasn't been possible to log on or play.

    I added an error log in an earlier post from around the time the server becomes unplayable and right before I had to restart. But I have yet to figure out how to determine when an actual crash happens exactly. Sometimes I can guess from the player numbers and a query failure, but it will be estimated. I suppose there is a log entry somewhere, but I haven't looked for that yet, since it probably requires reading logs covering several hours frequently with several active players which adds up. I could try to see if I can find the last time, but otherwise my plan is to look more into next time it happens. As mentioned I think most of the plugin errors are gone, so this is probably the one remaining (more or less). Which should make it easier to narrow it down.

    And yes I have mentioned it to the host. They say it can't possibly be a server problem, since a restart always solves the problem. So it must be the plugins.


    database busy is not the error I am talking about here.
    When that happens reloadplugins work (at least it has for me so far).

    With this I get no visible error, the server just lags, stop saving and crashes.

    I am trying that but some plugins can't be turned off and still make the server viable, such as area protection.
    ABM and teleportation has been used on many different servers, so I would be surprised if they were the problem, but of course the combination of these 3 could be causing problems. But could I really be the only one running a server with this combo? And if I am not, and the others aren't haven problems, it would indicate it isn't the plugins, which are the problem. This - I think - is backed by the fact that reloadplugin doesn't help at all with this error. I could have made a mistake in setting up the plugins of course, but I would expect that to cause more consistent problems.

    Previously I tried uploading an error log, but apparently the errors in it could not explain something like this, so I haven't consistently checked it after.
    Although I do expect to do that next time, since the other plugin errors seem to have all but disappeared now.

    I have a gameserver which has now been running for about 6 weeks.

    More or less randomly it seems to start lagging for everyone and then crash. It is most frequent when a lot of people are on, but I have also managed to crash it solo, once I was out exploring the world.
    Another player has noted that the crashes tend to happen when someone is out exploring unknown regions.
    It doesn't seem to be consistent though, since I have explored unknown region several times without any problems.
    I don't remember it ever happening right after restart either, it always seems to be at least a an hour or two after restart.

    So my question is:
    Is there a known issue with world loading in the game which can cause this?
    Or with one of the plugins (AreaProtection, AnimalBreedMaster, Teleportation)?
    Or anyone who knows what else it might be?

    I have cut down on the plugins which seems to have helped, but it still sometimes occur.
    Also I once noted that the server db got 'locked' when another player seemingly tried to run commands in the console without proper permissions etc.
    Reloadplugins worked in that instance, which is not the case in the above mentioned lagging issue.

    Will appreciate any help :)

    Well, the server stopped responding as in rendering (I got stuck at the end of the world), actions not possible as in the f-key unfunctional. It first happened as just as hickup where it got back to normal again within maybe a minute. But then it became impossible to do anything, people had to disconnect and I restarted the server, which fixed the problem.

    There has been some issues with server stability lately, but it was an odd and quite serious one, so I checked the logs. When I saw SEVERE etc I thought it looked bad and might be a more fundamental issue. If that is not the case (and it sounds like it isn't) it is probably just a plugin issue. I have already removed one plugin which seems to have worked, although the testing period has been a little too short to be sure.

    I have sent you the logs as requested, but if you would rather spend your time on something else I won't blame you ;)

    Thanks for being so willing to help though :)

    Okay might have had a ftp client running trying to connect which I have now shut down. I wouldn't think that could do it, but since it hasn't happened before I am closing this one for now.
    If the problem comes back I will reopen.

    Okay I am back again with server hickup.
    Got so bad I had to restart the server manually again.
    About 4 hours since last restart.

    Might remove some of the plugins to see if that helps, but other than that I am out of ideas.
    Will - as usual - appreciate any help.

    Got this from the log where there seems to be errors and a warning right before....
    I removed some chat and player names.

    2019/01/20 09:18 AM G.c
    SEVERE: Invalid GlobalItemID for player yyyyname (ItemID: 740)
    2019/01/20 09:18 AM K.d
    INFO: Player yyyyname illegal state: ItemPickup: Invalid GlobalItemID 740
    Player playername mount not set (1430)!
    Player playername mount not set (1430)!
    Player playername mount not set (1430)!
    Player playername mount not set (1430)!
    Load WorldPartSQLite 1 -6...
    Return WorldPartSQLite 1 -6
    Worldpart generating...
    Player playername mount not set (1430)!
    Player playername mount not set (1430)!
    2019/01/20 09:19 AM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010af1b71f - 11000010af1b71f AuthTicketCanceled
    CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting
    CLIENT 10 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected
    REMOVE: - 10 -
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    2019/01/20 09:19 AM G.f
    INFO: [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    Delete Client ID: 10
    [EndAuthSession] 183613215
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ PORT:5700
    CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ PORT:5701
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ PORT:5702
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ PORT:5703
    CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP
    CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected
    2019/01/20 09:19 AM G.f
    INFO: Client Connected ID: 13 IP:
    [BeginAuthSession] 183613215 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -123, -43, 117, 12, -29, -21, 98, -63, 31, -73, -15, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, 51, 49, 68, 92, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -56, 104, 29, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 117, 72, 103, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 31, -73, -15, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 52, 100, 29, 120, 26, 100, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -25, -107, 63, 92, 103, 69, 91, 92, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 87, -73, 40, 113, -7, -9, -47, 70, 42, -21, -119, -12, -25, 42, -16, 36, -10, 1, 66, -7, -1, 83, 126, 21, -69, -91, 124, -53, 80, -92, -90, -102, 81, -15, 19, -77, 53, -76, -119, -126, -118, -1, 108, 86, 29, 70, -1, 64, 78, -10, -1, 105, -51, -91, -27, -87, 14, 15, 118, 61, -115, -120, -51, 3, -43, 40, 74, 114, 89, 35, 30, 19, 123, 75, 57, -89, -23, 20, 16, 33, 16, 80, -48, 94, 7, 25, -14, -72, 107, -81, -25, -31, 6, -34, -38, -102, 83, 119, 96, -73, 51, -10, -72, -92, -107, 124, -55, -25, -100, -78, 80, 27, -37, 26, 7, -16, 106, 111, 32, 41, -115, -106, 14, -99, -106, 26, -80]
    Client 13 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage
    2019/01/20 09:19 AM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010af1b71f - 11000010af1b71f OK
    PLAYER CONNECT: playername
    LOADPLAYER: playername (76561198143878943)
    CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting2019/01/20 09:20 AM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010af1b71f - 11000010af1b71f AuthTicketCanceled
    CLIENT 13 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected

    REMOVE: - 13 -
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    2019/01/20 09:20 AM G.f
    INFO: Delete Client ID: 13
    [EndAuthSession] 183613215
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ PORT:5700
    CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ PORT:5702
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ PORT:5701
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ PORT:5703
    CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP
    CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected
    2019/01/20 09:20 AM G.f
    INFO: Client Connected ID: 14 IP:
    [BeginAuthSession] 183613215 - [20, 0, 0, 0, 126, -65, -23, 14, -14, -45, 21, 86, 31, -73, -15, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, 51, 49, 68, 92, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -56, 104, 29, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, -90, -16, 103, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 31, -73, -15, 10, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 52, 100, 29, 120, 26, 100, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -25, -107, 63, 92, 103, 69, 91, 92, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 87, -73, 40, 113, -7, -9, -47, 70, 42, -21, -119, -12, -25, 42, -16, 36, -10, 1, 66, -7, -1, 83, 126, 21, -69, -91, 124, -53, 80, -92, -90, -102, 81, -15, 19, -77, 53, -76, -119, -126, -118, -1, 108, 86, 29, 70, -1, 64, 78, -10, -1, 105, -51, -91, -27, -87, 14, 15, 118, 61, -115, -120, -51, 3, -43, 40, 74, 114, 89, 35, 30, 19, 123, 75, 57, -89, -23, 20, 16, 33, 16, 80, -48, 94, 7, 25, -14, -72, 107, -81, -25, -31, 6, -34, -38, -102, 83, 119, 96, -73, 51, -10, -72, -92, -107, 124, -55, -25, -100, -78, 80, 27, -37, 26, 7, -16, 106, 111, 32, 41, -115, -106, 14, -99, -106, 26, -80]
    Client 14 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage
    2019/01/20 09:20 AM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010af1b71f - 11000010af1b71f OK
    PLAYER CONNECT: playername
    LOADPLAYER: playername (76561198143878943)

    CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting2019/01/20 09:20 AM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000010af1b71f - 11000010af1b71f AuthTicketCanceled
    CLIENT 14 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected

    2019/01/20 09:20 AM JIW-Network
    WARNING: Endpoint is null or invalid! null - null
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    REMOVE: - 14 -
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    2019/01/20 09:20 AM G.f
    INFO: Delete Client ID: 14
    [EndAuthSession] 183613215
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    ClientState Disconnecting: No message sent
    CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> DisconnectingClientState Disconnecting: No message sent

    2019/01/20 09:21 AM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000011303d7d4 - 11000011303d7d4 AuthTicketCanceled
    CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected
    REMOVE: - 4 -
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    2019/01/20 09:21 AM G.f
    INFO: Delete Client ID: 4
    [EndAuthSession] 319018964
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    clear temporary voxel maps
    ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB!

    clear temporary voxel maps
    clear temporary lod maps
    ... (23, 9) Chunks saved to DB!
    [09:21] Stine: [#FFFFFF]did you guys just experience a hickup on the server?

    2019/01/20 09:21 AM G.c
    SEVERE: Invalid GlobalItemID for player yyyyname (ItemID: 799)
    2019/01/20 09:21 AM K.d
    INFO: Player yyyyname illegal state: ItemPickup: Invalid GlobalItemID 799
    clear temporary voxel maps
    [09:22] Stine: [#FFFFFF]hmmm....
    clear temporary voxel maps
    clear temporary voxel maps

    clear temporary voxel maps
    clear temporary lod maps
    clear temporary voxel maps


    On both my server and another multiplayer server the game seems to sometimes stop loading at 10% when logging in.
    And always at 10%, not 12% or 34% - 10%.

    On my server it seems to happen at random, although always at least a few hours after server restart.
    There seems to be no especially high demands on either memory, cpu or bandwith, or in other ways anything to suggest a problem (as far as I can tell with my limited knowledge).
    It can always be resolved with a server restart.

    But I am now up to 3 restarts a day (automatic) to keep it running smoothly, which seems like a lot.
    And I am not even entirely sure that ensures it.

    So if someone knows anything else I can do to keep this from happening, I would appreciate the help :)


    Hoping for another round of server help (fingers crossed) :)

    About 15 minutes after an automatic restart, where everything worked well, I started getting this error message when logged into the game.
    Logging out didn't help.

    Restarting the server manually did.

    It only happened this once, but it was the same day a player reported having been in-game for awhile doing things without seemingly getting them saved.
    As in: The world was unaffected when he logged back in.
    This can happen - for a short while - when you lose connection to the server, and it is still possible it was simply that. But it sounded longer lastning, he chopped down trees without getting logs etc. and now this.

    I understand the error message, but do anyone know why this error occurs?
    And what one can do to avoid it?

    I was alone in-game when it occurred (and I think so was he).

    Avanar, all 3 bugs are wellknown to long time players, but new players have no idea and get frustrated when their horse suddenly disappears or they have cleaning up to do from blueprints gone wrong. I wrote on this forum just recently about the undo blueprint problem, because I had no idea. Some do have workarounds, which would be nice to have information about too.

    So a shared list would be very helpfull I think, especially for new players.

    It is true that someone has to keep it updated, and if that has previously turned out to be a problem in the forum, I see the difficulty.
    I will update it as long as I am active, but I won't commit for life ;)
    But maybe someone else will take over, if I at some point I move on.

    Maybe it could get pinned in this forum, or there could be a special bug forum to report bugs and share info on known issues?
    It is probably only Red who can respond to that last one, I assume he runs the forum too :)

    Would it be possible to translate the German version to English and use that as a starting point?
    If not we will have to start with the 3 I mentioned above since it is the only major, consistent issues I have encountered so far (that I remember).

    Is there are place where you can see the bugs already identified in RW?
    An updated list maybe?

    I am thinking primarily bigger issues like undoblueprints, horses falling through the ground, animals walking through walls etc.