Posts by 504luv

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hello All,

    Hoping someone here knows the answer to this conundrum. My co-admin and I have been working for the past days to try to resolve an issue one of our players are having on our server. She logs in and cannot access her inventory, eat any food, or use any tools. She can hold a tool in her hand, but when she attempts to use it, it just doesn't do anything. She can, however, store things in her chests--just not store or take from her own inventory on her person. This was not always the case, as she was able to play just fine prior to a few days ago. We have done a server restart since then and the issue still persists. My co-admin has combed through all the files and permissions on our server to try to find an error but there seems to be nothing appearing. Has anyone else come across a similar issue or have any ideas on what we can do to resolve this?

    Would someone be willing to come test the area protection out in my server? I have the area protection plugin on, but I had a guest come and he was able to break stuff on my protected lot. I think I fixed the issue, but I need to have someone come and check it out. Otherwise, I will have to stop the server during the times I am not online until I know it's fixed. If you are willing to come check things out, I am online today. The server is called The Labyrinth.

    Would someone be willing to come test the area protection out in my server? I have the area protection plugin on, but I had a guest come and he was able to break stuff on my protected lot. I think I fixed the issue, but I need to have someone come and check it out. Otherwise, I will have to stop the server during the times I am not online until I know it's fixed. If you are willing to come check things out, I am online today. The server is called The Labyrinth.

    Hello all,
    I wanted to introduce our new server called The Labyrinth. It is PVE and has Planks 'n Beams, Area Protection, Animal Breed Master, and Biome Portals! Come check us out if you are looking for a new server home!

    I think for some reason it straightened out. I don't know if maybe it was a server issue or what. I tested it out this morning and it seems to be okay now. I'll let you know if I notice it again though. Thanks for your help!

    Thanks for getting back to me. I will test again this morning and see if the issue still arises for me since I've been off the server overnight.

    I was using the /portal remove PortalNumber
    It's definitely the portal plugin and not the script
    What I meant by destination portal is that I created a portal to enter into the other biome as a destination portal. Then I created a new portal at the destination to return to the welcome center as a return portal. This is not what I'm having an issue with though--the issue is with removing the portals and then typing RELOADPLUGINS and the removed portals coming back to life.

    Hello! I am loving the portal plugin, however I've noticed that when I try to delete portals I've placed and then decided to change, it is not allowing them to stay deleted. They return upon reloadplugins or a restart of the server. In my example, I placed a destination portal with a return portal. I decided to change the placement of the return portal, so I typed /portal remove_portalnumber and it says it was successfully removed. Then I attempted to create a new return portal, and it says it successfully created. Then I tried to test it out to make sure it was working and it did not allow me to return. So I tried reloadplugins and it repopulated the old portals I had deleted by using /portal remove_portalnumber. I've tried several times and it keeps doing the same thing. I even tried to restart my server, but it's still repopulating the deleted portals. Any help?