The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
Hi Guys,
Yes Deirdre I had to shorten the upright beams because it just looks weird peeking through the corrugated iron The roof sheeting was a mission on its own... I did get it to overlap a bit on the sides but not in the back. After hours of trying to place panels with grid on / grid off and using the sheet as a blueprint I finally gave up. The patterns on the sheets / planks representing corrugated iron never aligns.
Finally I just started over and left click and drag the sheet / plank. You will see the seems were the sheets meet is not 100% but thats the closest I can get it
Many thanx for your help!
Hi Mag,
Thanx for that one but what I want to do is let the tools just lay around the yard as in the pic
Hi Deirdre
What did you use for roof tiles ?
I am making a Stable for my horse and on the outside of it I put a rake and a scythe to make it look like someone is actually busy there. I couldn't actually place them upright against the wall so I dropped it on the ground next to the stable but obviously they despawn after some time.
Can we perhaps have "Placeable" tools the dont vanish after some time to make the buildings more interesting ?
My pennies worth
Hi guys & ladies
I need some tips from the roof builder pro's please. I have made the stable this far with some help of friends here. However the roof seems to beat me as I tried to make it the same as the side walls in the Pic Stable frame 3 instead using a different colour plank (I am supposed to use corrugated iron but we don't have that yet
The problem however is that the planks (Grid on / off) doesn't fit nicely on the beams in a position to overlap the next one. They are supposed to overlap from the left of the pic to the right.
Sorry about asking so many things in the forum but I am more PVE / PVP than a Construction guy
Any assist much appreciated.
If I actually manage to finish this I will make it available as a blueprint for you guys.
Many thanx
Wow, very nice man... You are talented
ha ha ha, Awesome work Yahwho,
just used it on my horse stable and your plugin is a killer
Well done sir...
mm, I see it says precision when typed in. Trying it out now... Thanx for that Beko.
Wall planking achieved. The rotation as described above makes for shorter planks hence I used 14 x 4 planks for the side wall... but then again... Trees everywhere so it doesnt matter LOL
Also I used the grid function but used the - key to lessen the space between planks and also to not let the plank sink into the upright beam...
Thanx guys
I actually just learned about it LOL... The - key helped being more accurate with placement. I found it by accident while looking for a rotation for my planks ...
Well, what do you know... Deirdre was right yet again, although you had me thinking there for some time..
Have you tried to use another rotation?
The planks now lean backward precisely as I want them. So all is good . I achieved this by leaning over the length of the plank and not the width... btw: Tornado is stuck in a very large hole in the ground... We fell in last night looking for Bandits LOL
I like using the grid as well but now we know we cant have our bread buttered on 2 sides LOL
Hi guys & Ladies
I am slowly getting the gist of building in this game ... so some help would be greatly appreciated LOL
1) In the attached pic Tornado "My horse" is standing in his new stable... (And he doesnt like carrots ??) I need to plank the walls but I cant find a right triangle shape to close off the side from the roof - Any alternative ideas ?
2) The side planking I thought would be easy but alas as in the pic I cannot turn the plank to lean a bit backwards (See item 2 on the attached pic) so I can lay them over each other to create a rain proof wall. The only thing that seem to work is to just place the plank directly next to each other or does someone know some magic ?
Many thanx
Well now, that just looks snazzy Well done !
I was trying to use the grid as I have more faith in Red51's game than my own Construction knowledge Anyways... I turned off the grid function and it slid nicely into position... The woodbeam seemed to want to attach to the upright as you said correctly...
I thought the grid would have done a better job to connect the 2 beams than doing it manually. Anyways ... I have to make the front upright pillars higher in anyways as I cannot ride the horse into the stable... Entrance too low
Thanx Deirdre
Hi Deirdre
One thing I will always love about RW is the game graphics at night. RW looks amazing at night and everything is so crisp. So, its true what you say, leave building for the night.
However, I switch off the lightscattering at this time cause I play mostly Survival mode and running into the light is a problem when you are searching above ground for stuff
Thanx for your reply.
Material: Woodbeam Mat no: 89
As one can see in the screenprint, I am trying to place a woodbeam (Grid active) at an angle and then lengthen it to reach the upright beam but it wont connect 100% with the already placed beam. Is it me that is missing something here ?
Any assist appreciated.
Many thanx
Question: When the sun comes up in the morning these rays are pretty strong and limits sight in that direction that I rather turn away from it and work / go in the opposite direction. Can I change the intensity of this rays ?
Many thanx for any assist
RW already has a great deal of map customization when you start a new game which is awesome but I would like to suggest the following in addition to what is already there:
1) Biome customization: Biome size and proximity to each other ( Single player or 2 player prefer smaller sized biomes and not run for 3 days to get around the "dangerous dark woods biome" )
2) Increase / decrease the amount of the randomly placed wood shelters currently in game. (I would love this to be increase by 200% at least
2) Allow the user to include 2 or 3 (maybe more) blueprints as "random buildings that is placed on starting of a new game.
Many thanx Red51 for an awesome game non the less