Here's a weird one for you -
I had a plugin backpack full of crafting stations and materials, and my regular inventory was full too, no empty spaces at all. To place the saw bench I put it into the hotkey slot that contained my backpack. And the backpack contained the sawbench. D’oh…
The backpack was active and open when I replaced it with the saw bench. The sawbench automatically placed itself, and then I saw that the backpack was not in my inventory anymore. I thought it had fallen to the ground when I put the sawbench in the slot the backpack had been in, since my inventory was full, but it wasn’t anywhere. I unloaded some of the stuff from the backpack and exited the game hoping maybe the backpack would magically appear when I logged back in, but no luck. And now the saw bench was gone too. o_0
I don’t know if this is an existing bug, or if I just broke RW physics, and if there’s some error file out there and someone can teleport my backpack back to me…