Posts by Erth2Karin

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    Thanks, Red51!

    I guess the takeaway lesson for me is "Don't have your inventory completely full", lol. I knew enough to not intentionally try to put the backpack in the backpack, but once the table came out, that must have been the only place it could go, so it... went. Away.

    I don't see it as a weakness in the plugin, just a failure of my own common sense. You can't fight plugin physics. ;)

    I'm sure you're doing much more important things than idiot-proofing backpacks.


    Here's a weird one for you -

    I had a plugin backpack full of crafting stations and materials, and my regular inventory was full too, no empty spaces at all. To place the saw bench I put it into the hotkey slot that contained my backpack. And the backpack contained the sawbench. D’oh…

    The backpack was active and open when I replaced it with the saw bench. The sawbench automatically placed itself, and then I saw that the backpack was not in my inventory anymore. I thought it had fallen to the ground when I put the sawbench in the slot the backpack had been in, since my inventory was full, but it wasn’t anywhere. I unloaded some of the stuff from the backpack and exited the game hoping maybe the backpack would magically appear when I logged back in, but no luck. And now the saw bench was gone too. o_0

    I don’t know if this is an existing bug, or if I just broke RW physics, and if there’s some error file out there and someone can teleport my backpack back to me… ;)

    Ahh yes all rising world plugins are server side so you would have to ask the owner of the server to install it in order to us it

    Oookay, that's good to know. Thank you.

    Where can I go to find an explanation of the whole multiplayer/server setup? I see a bunch of checkboxes and dropdowns, but no info for n00bs to understand how the whole thing works.

    I know I need to spend a lot more time learning to work my SP world, but eventually I'm going to want some neighbors - even more than I want a backpack now.

    Thanks again, Minotaurious.

    Are you playing MP on a server or the steam "play with friends" option? If the former do you have the plugin installed on the server?

    I'm playing a pre-existing world on a server. I didn't know I was supposed to install my mod on someone else's server, no idea how that even works.

    Idk about all this tech stuff, I just want to run around and hoard resources and make things, hence the backpack. ;)

    I can always just go back to my lonely little SP empire, lol.

    Hi -

    I have a whole new problem with backpacks -

    I downloaded/installed the plugin, and it works fine on my singleplayer world.

    If I just go to my multiplayer toon there is no "Backpacks" in the workbench.

    If I go to singleplayer, and then close that and go to multiplayer, "Backpacks" appears in the workbench but when I click on it the boxes are blank and there is no Create Item. 0_o

    Has anyone else had and solved this problem??

    Thanks (I hope!)