Posts by RGordon434

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Thanks for the reply and your suggestions, I will give that a try on my server. In my case logging off did not work to see the new portals but I will reinstall it and give it another go. Been using SimpleHomes which works well but I like the visual immersion that WTGPortals provides, hoping james1bow finds some time to work on this plugin.

    Really like your mod james1bow can't wait for future updates.

    I placed 3 down and had no issues except for it not recognizing my character standing in the portal, takes quite a few tries to find that sweet spot. I know you are aware of this and will figure it out when you have the time.

    I did run into an issue on my private server, my 3 portals could be seen and used by the other players (portals set to public) but when one of the other players placed one down and set it to public I could not see it and he could not use it (same "Please step into Portal" message). After that I tried placing another portal down at his base but no matter what I did I could not get it to work, kept getting the "Please step into a Portal" message. Upon exiting the game and reentering where I placed the new portal it was gone as if I never placed it down. Same was happening to the other players. I have one question, is there a way to delete individual portals once they have been placed?

    I know this is not on the top of your list but thought I would let you know. Looking forward to any updates to this plugin, hopefully when you find the time.

    I tried this plugin but could not get it to work, using "shift + L did nothing but turn on my helmet light. I figured there was a conflict if wearing the helmet so I removed it and tried again no menu or elevator image was present. I am not sure if it is something I am doing wrong so any help would be appreciated. I looked into the building menu after installing the plugin but did not find the option to build an elevator and just using the "shift+L command did nothing as I stated above.