Posts by CursedXistence
So the question originally is in regards to the ocean and somewhat on ponds. I look out in a storm and notice the large body of water just sits there reducing immersion. The trees sway and even the grass sways. In a small pond the plants (Lilies) just sit there when the wind blows and as such detract from immersion. This game wows, friends of mine stop in awe at sundown colors or the sky at night that 'devil is in the details' you have already enfixed to the game .
As a wish list on flowing waters, I would like to direct water from the hilltops through hollow cylindrical building pieces and channels of blocks simulating aqueducts.
I am looking forward to such effects as they are important to the finished look of flowing waters. You are correct that these are effects that a visual and needed as in a sprinkler system providing water to plants or a beautiful water fountain in a city center. Hopefully this is put in in a form of technologies like electricity and wire where click and run pipes can be installed from a water source and provide such displays as sprinklers that add to the growing and farming techniques as well.
Unity has Weather effects for water that would create waves, etc. during storms, but like I said in my original post about it Red has to fully implement the water system so it knows what's saltwater, freshwater, ocean, pond, river, etc. otherwise you'll end up with ocean sized waves in a stream.
Red has said previously that he was going to be adding water blocks, so you'd have to use those to simulate aqueducts, etc. The water in minecraft is the same way, it's just made up of blocks with an animated texture on it. When you pour a bucket of water in minecraft it's just telling the game to create x water blocks at x, y, z heights to give the effect of flowing water. I'm assuming the water blocks Red is talking about will do pretty much the same thing. -
What kind of movement/flow are you looking for specifically? Do you refer to ocean waves?
Ocean waves are actually planned
But unfortunately we have no ETA for that yet... it will happen after replacing the Java version with the new version.
If you're looking for flowing water, the new version already has flowing water, but it only takes terrain into account for collision for now. The only change that's planned is that water will also detect construction elements in the future (at least construction elements with a minimum size).
Water has a fixed resolution (one water cell has the size of a block), unfortunately it's not possible to have more detailed water (i.e. consisting of much smaller cells/blobs) in a performance-friendly way...
Having detailed flowing water on a large scale isn't possible (yet) from a technical point of view unfortunately. If a single water drop would have the size of 1 cm (which is still a big water drop), a tiny 4x4 pond would already consist of millions of water drops. While modern GPUs can actually handle this on a small scale in realtime, this is far from being usable in a game like RW. On the one hand, the game needs this on a larger scale (what if the player wants to have more than just a tiny pond of physically accurate water?), on the other hand, this data needs to be accessible by the CPU (because the game has to sync the water state between clients in multiplayer, and it also has to store the water state on the hard drive, so it doesn't get reset everytime you restart the game/server).
Personally I think the big thing people are wanting would be particle effects to make fountains, running faucets, splashing water, etc. things like that to go along with the water blocks you had mentioned about adding beforehand. I could be totally wrong but it seems a common thing for people to call that "flowing water", not knowing it's just particle effects. -
EDIT: 3-19-2024: Added Round Fabric Bolt. This does not effect the original blueprint.
EDIT 3-19-2024: Added Round Fabric Bolt Version. Does Not effect originally uploaded blueprint
NOTE: The "functional" Blockbench blueprint has a workbench and modern workbench scaled to .01 x .01 x .01 placed on it so you can actually use the block bench to make blocks. This designed is based off of the old Block Bench from the Java version, just with some modifications.
If you scale the window frames to 1.0 x 1.4 x .2 and place them on the ground standing up next to the bench it looks like forms for making different clay tiles, bricks, etc.
USAGE As always you're more than welcome to use any of my blueprints in your projects. I just ask you give credit / a mention.
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Water weather effects should be the last part of the next water iteration. Right now all the water in the game is treated the same, there's still saltwater / fresh water, lakes, ponds, streams, waterfalls (if possible), irrigation, etc. things like that that Red has to implement first. Otherwise implementing the water weather effects before all of that is done would give you ocean sized waves in a well for example.
NOTE: The cabinet doors are functional and you can fit scaled down chests inside to add functional storage.
USAGE: As always you're more than welcome to use any of my blueprints in your projects. I just ask you give credit / a mention.
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I love "the apple found its new owner"
Now you know ten minutes later the dude came back to the robot to tell it it did a good job and the robot ripped the dude's throat out and screamed "MY APPLE BITCH!!" and then bashed all the plates over it's head. lol j/k
Jokes aside, that was a rather impressive demo, but they've got to cut that processing time down for more real world applications. -
another ten years and one lotto win away and I'll never have to deal with another human ever again....where do I sign up?? lol
NOTE: Because of the size of the spindles of thread, it's a lot easier to go into creative mode and use the F8 tool. Use the "change texture" option, leave the texture the same but click on the little circle to change the color. This will allow you to change only the color of the threads and won't effect anything else.
USAGE: As always you're more than welcome to use any of my blueprints in your projects. I just ask you give credit / a mention.
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That's a fair point.... and I'm sure with the support and following the game has, it wouldn't be too difficult to hit a target. 3D modeling, and graphics in general, always take an abundance of time.
I'm not sure if Red uses it or not but a lot of game devs that use Unity for the more realistic looking games use something called SpeedTree and then you can buy 3D models optimized for it. Even something like a 3D model for a cattail costs 20 dollars and hiring a 3D artist to make the same thing would cost even more for a one off.
That can really add up and wish there was a way other than just buying more copies of the game to help out with that, but Red still being able to maintain the quality, etc. so personally I think a donation thing would be the best solution. -
I'd rather see him start a gofundme or something like that to help raise some more funds so he can get more models, etc. he needs to help his work along.
"Volunteer work" always ends up being more of a nightmare pain in the ass than it ever is of any benefit, even with the most well intentioned people. -
Square Bolt Version
Round Bolt Version
NOTE: The square bolts are actually historically accurate, they were used so fabrics, etc. didn't unwind themselves easily, but figured some might find them too weird looking so I added a rounded version as well.
USAGE: As always you're more than welcome to use any of my blueprints in your projects. I just ask you give credit / a mention.
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Round Bolt Version:
NOTE: These really are supposed to be square blots of fabric, they were used because fabric wouldn't unwind itself as easily. Some might find them too weird looking so I also added a round fabric bolt.
USAGE As always you're more than welcome to use any of my blueprints in your projects. I just ask you give credit / a mention.
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NOTE: These are larger than they need to be to make it easier to color and scale down to whatever size you want. And yes, they really are meant to be square and blocky and not round like we're used to seeing the modern ones being.
USAGE: As always you're more than welcome to use any of my blueprints in your projects. I just ask you give credit / a mention.
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