Posts by Ethan

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Just had a thought about hell. Please devs do not make souls floating around down there... no religious stuffs please. I even don't like that it is called hell. Would prefer it to be considered close to RW's core. Not the core itself... but close to it. "Hell" just has so many loaded feelings attached to it.

    I agree! You are correct.

    I agree 100%

    What is with you and that game lol, ghosts should not be added. ;P

    Forget about MC. I can't see the devs copying what MC did. Why not have structures on the surface which you would explore at your own risk for loots like tech or resources etc..? Why would they only be found underground?

    Why would there be temples if there is no lore? Dungeons are fine as it adds a lot of fun when mining and such but temples are just a stupid idea to be honest. :P

    I hear ya man. And I thought that way before. But then there will be temples and ruins, special places like that which it seems logical that there would be monsters lurking there. Doesn't make sense that a bear would live in a temple.

    But again, we will be able to turn monsters off. Thus making everyone happy. ;)

    To be clear, I would not want to find monsters roaming around on the surface like out in the open. Just in temples, ruins and other structures like that which are basically surface dungeons.

    To be honest, I do not agree with the idea of temples. I think that dungeons are enough. And monsters can live in hell/dungeons and realistic ones on the surface, done. ;P Minecraft has dungeons, temples and monsters, I mean ugh...

    It's only silly if it's done silly, could be a damn serious thing to deal with lol. Ghosts might just mess you up! ;)

    I dislike the idea of Monsters to be in the game. However, I do not mind if Monsters, to be in Dungeons/Hell so that the people who want them can be satisfied, and the realistic animals to be on the surface such as Bears, Wolves and more so that the people who want realistic animals/predators can be happy too. You understand that, right?

    Yup but we're getting duplicate threads which in general give devs a headache. :P

    Regarding monsters. Well yes for sure in dungeons... but also world generation should be able to make caves, lairs etc.. along with the temples and ruins on the surface. I see no reason why monsters should be there also. I mean, why would they only be underground? Why would wolf protect a temple? Monsters should be on the surface also. This is my opinion after much thought since the thread I made about this. Just makes sense. And of course we will be able to turn monsters off via config etc.. But in that case, why not just use creative mode? Anyways..

    Actually, it is quite logical if you think about it. Dungeons and Hell should be filled with Monsters whilst realistic animals roam the surface and some caves. Why? Well, some people want just a realistic experience in Rising World while others want some Monsters to keep the game interesting, so doing it that way would make both types of people happy. Understand?

    Actually, it is quite logical if you think about it. Dungeons and Hell should be filled with Monsters whilst realistic animals roam the surface and some caves. Why? Well, some people want just a realistic experience in Rising World while others want some Monsters to keep the game interesting, so doing it that way would make both types of people happy. Understand?

    Having Monsters in Dungeons/Hell and realistic animals such as bears on the surface is a good idea. Some people want a realistic feel to the game whilst others want Monsters. To keep both of these people happy, doing that idea would suit them both and be fair.

    If it's done the Mojang way then of course it's going to be shit. If it's done the Millienaire mod way it'll be more worthwhile. I do understand your fear though. We'll obviously create ours while stumbling across other random ones. Let's just hope the trios don't pull a Mojang while asking for templates, designs, and maybe even designs and such. People could do the structures, they could do the AI.


    Would be an interesting feature. The ghost this is something I'd love to see from the graveyards and dead corpses at night. The 'important' ones obtaining their earthly appearances eh? Be interesting. Friendlies stalk their bodies, graveyard wanders outwards, and hostiles spawn off in the forest or just out of your view inward towards you. No random shadow-spawning MC style crap. Hmm.....I'd accept the body-stalking bit. (Again. this all can be 'over-ridden' by the devs) as I'm just letting loose thoughts.Treating AI Villagers as 'pets' is something I'm seeking hoping I can mod in my OCs. If that's not going to be in then at the very least allow item trading through tasks. You give them their resources requested while you get something you're interested in for what they asked you to get. That's the least i'm going to expect from the villages. If it wants to go "Millionaire" then I guess I'll expect more when game is completed.

    I dislike the idea of ghosts and such, seems a tad silly to me but we all can have our ideas. :P

    I love that idea of a dungeon!

    No. Please, I dislike this idea. Let player's create their own community's. It was a bad idea in Minecraft and it is an even worse one here, no offense but no thanks!

    Sorry to say this but this poll is a bit silly. Monsters are planned... even found stuff relating to them in game files. But there will be options to not have them so, either way people will be happy. I already started a thread asking devs where they planned on spawning them and attempting to get peoples input on it, just an FYI. :P We shall see what the devs do with it since I didn't get an answer from them. I think it will be a work in progress, not written in stone with the first monster in game.


    It is just to get a general idea of what people might want. ;)

    So what you are saying is. Have Realistic Creatures on the surface and unrealistic ones in Hell and in Dungeons?

    I chose "No, I want natural predators. Such as Bears, Gray Wolf, Wild Boar, Cougar, and more. Basically realistic."

    The reason for my choice is due to this. I have wanted a Survival based on Nature, based on Survival. Not against unrealistic creatures, but against realistic predators as it would be interesting, fun and unique. No other game has tried to create a Survival game based on the Wild. Rising World would be perfect to have realistic predators, the game will still be fun as there are countless natural predators out there.

    Decide whether you want realistic, or unrealistic enemies and where you want them.

    Do you want realistic animals roaming the land such as Black Bear, Coyote, Polar Bear, Cougar, Gray Wolf, Bobcat, Grizzly Bear, Wild Boar, Tiger and more or unrealistic creatures.

    Let's begin.

    I am an avid gamer and back in 2009 I purchased a little game called Minecraft. Yes, yes. I hate to brag but I was indeed one of the first 3000 people to purchase Minecraft, I played it for a long, long time and for many hours however, approaching 2011 to 2012 Minecraft began recieving updates it did not need and it changed, for the worse. So I quit, and since 2012 I have been seeking the following: A survival game with realistic graphics, no unrealistic creatures such as Creepers or Dragons, a game with real animals such as Pigs, Rabbits and more and a game where your imagination is not restricted by a backstory or lore. A game with no goals. Finally, after purchasing countless survival games I got this one. Rising World is the game I have been looking for, no story to restrict the player, good graphics, amazing mining and crafting system. Is Rising World a good survival game? Yes, the best I have played. Is it worth it? 1000x YES. This game is truly one of the best survival games I have ever played, only cons is the bugs which will change because it's Alpha!

    I also made a video review of the game here: