You have to forward the entire range of 4254 through 4259 if you are using the default port 4255. You also need to create "inbound" rules in your firewall to allow traffic on those ports.
Posts by Absalom
Not sure I can get that detailed. The area protection script will keep uninvited players completely off your land, so that should help.
Good idea. Let me see about a ban/kick script and I'll ask for volunteers.
I am going to create a ban script as well, unless there is already a ban command in the game. It would be pretty easy. When they log in, check their name against the banned players db table. If they are banned, then be mean and teleport them to an area that has the permissions set to not let them leave. Like a jail. The areaprotection script definitely already includes working functionality for that. I got myself stuck in one the other day when testing. lol.
Ouch. Oh well. I can rebuild.
I'm getting closer. I got "8,0,3,4,56,1" echoed in my server log from where i was hacking away at the dirt in someone else's area. That is the chunk x,y,z and block position x,y,z. Unfortunately the AreaUtils:isPointInArea3D thinks the event chunk offsets and block positions are outside of any area using:
AreaUtils:isPointInArea3D(chunkoffsetx, chunkoffsety, chunkoffsetz, blockpositionx, blockpositiony, blockpositionz, value["startChunkpositionX"], value["startChunkpositionY"], value["startChunkpositionZ"], value["startBlockpositionX"], value["startBlockpositionY"], value["startBlockpositionZ"], value["endChunkpositionX"], value["endChunkpositionY"], value["endChunkpositionZ"], value["endBlockpositionX"], value["endBlockpositionY"], value["endBlockpositionZ"])
The "value" is an element within the areas array. Still, a lot closer than I was!
I just took a look. it isn't too bad. a couple of missing blocks. you can replace them, or build up the spawn shrine/temple if you want. I am working on that script over lunch.
did they dig a pit? I am going to work on getting that area protection script done this week. I am stuck on protecting terrain, but once I get that worked out (getting close) I can mark areas like the spawn area.
I am sitting here at works thinking, 'dang I can't wait to get home and start scripting again!'
I'm not talking about a masterlist. I am talking about a web site that allows you to register servers, rank them, comment on them, etc. I apologize to the devs for listing this site but I don't see another way to convey my idea:
This isn't a suggestion for the game devs, but one for the players. Other similar games out there have sites where players can register their game servers. These sites allow the players to vote their favorite servers up increasing their rank to move the listings closer to the top of the server list. The server list gives details about the server's average up time, how many players are online, what mods are installed, etc. It also allows server owners to group their servers under group lists if they have more than one server. Players can search for servers based on filters, for example, show all PVP servers with a specific set of mods installed. They are very useful sites. I don't want to list the site I am thinking of here because I don't want to promote a similar game, but if you are into survival games and are a web developer, you probably know what I am talking about.
Alright thanks. I don't want to be too much of a bother though.
I don't believe ore is in the game yet. You can make iron parts by making an anvil and using it.
I'm a little confused by object placement (e.g. workbench). It has chunk offsets, but it doesn't appear to have block positions. I guess that makes sense since they aren't blocks, but when trying to find the workbench position, what would be the alternative to AreaUtils:isPointInArea3D? Or the equivalent to block positions for objects?
Wait this is java. You can start the debug port yourself. I'll post that as soon as I remember how to do that. It's been a while. Then again, we are wanting to debug Lua scripts, not LuaJ. Hmm. I'll have to research this one.
By the way, if anyone is looking for a Lua IDE, Lua Development Tools seems pretty good so far. I haven't tried remote debugging yet, and that may not be possible from the game server. Not sure if they have a debug port running. You can get it from here:
It would also be nice to come up with an Oxide type of plugin system for this game to handle managing plugin versioning and updating from a central repository. That would take some work though because it would involve creating something like a Rising World plugin repository site. Maybe call it Rising World Sinks. haha! Just trying to play on something paralleled with "Rust Oxide" hehe. If you aren't familiar with Oxide, it is a plug-in management/engine for Rust. They modified the lua.dll, and the equivalent for this game would be luaj, which is open-source. So if any mods to that are needed, it can be done. I'll have to find out exactly why Oxide needed to modify lua. It may not be needed in this case.
Thank you very much! Now to figure out why I am crashing when dealing with the offsets when placing or destroying objects (e.g. the workbench). Almost there!
Seems to be populated from mid afternoon eastern time through midnight.
Can anyone tell me off the top of their head if there are PlayerTerrainDestroy and PlayerTerrainPlace events and what their proper names would be? I am trying to update this AreaProtection example, and it works but it doesn't really help to protect structures if the other players can just dig giant pits under the structures. Also, how to get the location of the old voxel would be cool too.