memory was only about 500 MB or so. The log was stuck and clocked when I tried to open it. Not sure what's going on there. I couldn't view it.
I just restarted it.
Posts by Absalom
A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
They may charge for their service. I know they charge users to reset our server up-time (for example, if it has been down for several hours and caused up-time to go to something like 90%). I am going to write one anyway just to have something out there for us players. It'll be free, but obviously not as popular, except maybe for players on this site. lol.
It was probably fixed based on the link Selawi posted. I would start there.
What if they add a recipes.xml so that the server admin can control what items can be crafted? Let the server admin decide what level of tech is available. Another survival game that I won't mention here has implemented that very well.
Everything is lined up somewhat in the center now, and right justified....I'll figure it out
Ah thank you!
I just added MOTD to my server, however, when I create a label and put the message on the top right of my screen, it shows up perfectly, but when players with lower resolutions log in, it gets cut off. Is there a way to detect their resolution and position the label based on resolution?
Come on in! Wow you all are so polite! Just come on in, no need to ask permission! It's open to all!
I am realizing now why Rust Oxide was written as a plugin manager. If I want to make things happen during different events, I don't believe I can declare those events in Lua in several Lua scripts. They just won't work as expected. For example, if I declare a onPlayerConnect event in one Lua script, I cannot declare it in another Lua script. I have to figure out a way to modularize these Lua modules so that you could add multiple actions to the same events while keeping the scripts decoupled (so they don't know about each other). This may require a modification to LuaJ. Interesting.
Maybe dragons and demons in the underworld.
Awesome! You guys are the best!
I am setting up a new repository site for Rising World mod development. It is It's not set up yet, but will be soon. I am looking at using a combination of Joomla and Remository.
I've decided to webhook through github and use github as a repository. Unfortunately, I have to learn how to do that.
I would love to see a site via It's a nice way for players to advertise their dedicated servers and for other players to vote on their favorite servers. It also gives percentage uptime, etc.
I thought it was a toggle. I'll take a look today.
At least until this game is more mature, I would suggest the following:
Bannable offenses:
- Continuously griefing and harassing players. (must be two witnesses and possibly screenshots of griefing)
Prison time offenses (this is for when the player teleporting is done) (After the third offense of each item below, they get banned:
- Griefing a player's property (e.g. steeling items, killing a player).
- Excessive cussing in chat. Belittling other players in chat. Similar chat activity.
- Chat spamming.
I'm going to make that a Message Of The Day item, but putting one on the spawn portal would be good too. I'll see if I can make one that looks old and chiseled.
Is there an event triggered when opening doors and chests? I am wondering if we can assign owners to objects through lua, kind of like in the AreaProtection. Only owners and whoever they invite will be able to open the doors and chests made by the owners. Or maybe a PIN system like in some similar games.
I wouldn't have started at all if it weren't for KingGenius' AreaProtection example! Thank you all for that!
I'll be the scripting pioneer. Lol! Hopefully by the time I get done, we will have a lot of examples for new scripters.