Posts by ozzyjimbob

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    Oh sorry, i didn't mean to ignore your ideas, really! I love the idea of people dying and ending up in hell! It would add a real challenge! haa! it would really make people want to look after their character as well. they'd be like,"I'm being really careful this time! I don't want to go back....there...again!" haa! Then they'd shiver.
    I'd like to apologise again! I really didn't mean to disregard your opinions or ideas in any way shape or form. I guess i just got a bit excited. I am sorry friend. :saint:

    Thanks ZaCormyr! I just became tired of creating outdoor yard-things for my workbenches, and wanted something more interesting. I'm thinking of creating a new world, and making a big barn with an actual room for each bench, and have the room filled with the stuff you can make from the bench. So, the saw bench room would have lots of window frames stacked in the corner, and i'd make doors from planks, to stack up, and i'd re-create the lumber shelf idea. The block bench room would basically be littered with different types of blocks, cylinders, ramps..all kinds, and i'd add a plank underneath to make it look like they're stacked on shelves. haa!

    Haa! Nope! it wasn't intended as a religious term. I have no problem whatsoever with religion either though. People should have the freedom to choose their own path. ha!
    Hmmm! Good point! Randomly generated world, specifically placed items. Ummm. I didn't think of that one did i. ha! Thanks for the compliments ZaCormyr, it's great to hear that my somewhat odd ideas are making people happy. ha!

    Haa! Well, that function would be for players who want it. Thanks for the compliment, i really appreciate it friend. It's becoming such a deep game, and i think things like this would enrich the gameplay quite considerably. haa!

    Oh please don't give up drawing. Please! The more you practice, the better you get right? Just go for it, and i would love to see some of the things that you've come up with.
    Thanks so much for the grand words. it's great to hear that people are enjoying my work. That's what it's all about isn't it. Haa!
    Love the ,"to hell with the annoyed players." You're right. They should learn to adapt shouldn't they. After all, it is a survival game hee hee!

    mmm. I don't really like the idea of a Terraria-like corruption spreading over everything, as it really annoyed me on hardmode. It always seemed to spread like crazy and i had those eater thingys pesting my town. If we've worked really hard on something, i think most of us would be absolutely devastated to see it destroyed. We need somewhere to call home don't we. haaa! It's something which should be down for a vote isn't it i guess.

    Well, there's always the HellStone.
    That will probably be pretty valuable, but aside from that i agree. no real reason to go down into the scorching, nightmarish depths of hell, with all of the horrors from bad dreams. I like the idea of pairing the overworld and the hell biome side-by-side, so they kind of feed into each other. the process could keep repeating, and every time you do it, you get much more valuable gear, but it could vary so people don't get bored.

    Thanks ArcticuKitsu I appreciate that! drawing is something of a passion of mine. I love to draw things like this from my imagination. I thought about the sand stinger living in a kind of hole in the side of a sandy mountain in the desert biome, and it comes out at certain times in swarms to hunt. This would probably annoy the pants off of a lot of players though, but i think if we're going for realism here, they should be in. Or at least something like them. Haa! I've done some modern style furnishings. They're not brilliant, but i will add them soon. I also have some ideas for mushrooms. I know, a bit random, but what the heck. that's me....Ha!

    Haa! Not tomato plants surely? they give you like ten million tomatoes. haaa! We'd have crazy tomato world, where everyone has sprouts growing from their ears, and little leaves for arms and....(i will stop now. and sulk in a cupboard. ha!)

    I was thinking just the location. you could just hold the photo, then hold right mouse button, and then the photo comes close to your face with an animation like the sleeping thing. then you 'wake up' in the location in the photo.
    People can choose to make the game as easy or difficult as they like then. some will take a photo of hell to go straight there, while others will enjoy the adventure of walking and mining down to it. it opens up possibilities doesn't it. haa!

    I think it would be interesting to have an old battered camera, which is a really sentimental item to the character, and the photographs you take, create points to return to in the world, like memories.
    You could name them, for example 'the forest clearing', and use them in the inventory to jump to this place.

    There could also be an old family photograph album, which serves as the storage receptacle for all these memories.
    I think it would add a little bit of back story for the character, and something to build upon.

    Of course, the player decides who they are in the game, but i think that you can choose where you can jump to, or choose not to use this at all.
    It could even function as an actual camera,in conjunction with the computer.

    players who would not want to jump to points/memories, could basically use it as a camera. The images could even have some kind of secondary function to being memories. There could be an achievement feature.( take a photo of 10 spiderwebs for example)

    I think more stuff like this would be really beneficial to this game, as they're unique, and the game really deserves that.

    it's the same computer, and i keep a folder of images for uploading to rising world on my desktop. Adding to it as i create new ones.
    Perhaps it was a little glitch or something. No biggy! Cheers buddy!

    I have a suggestion for a kind of questy thing when biomes are finished. (And hell).
    There is this staff/tool which is blessed, and to get it you have to collect a certain item from each biome. probably in pretty perilous areas, where you have to really test your survival (and perhaps combat) skills.
    You take the components to a certain place to create it, like a blessed alter somewhere in the world.
    Then, (haa) you go down into the hell biome, and are able to bless cursed totems dotted around. I was thinking that there could be about ten in each world.
    When you destroy the last totem, then a very special dungeon opens, and you get to fight the hell guardian, who guards a vault filled with really rare and useful treasure.

    Does anyone know if there is a limit to the amount of posters we can add in single player? I added some books a while ago, loaded up the game days later.....and they were would be good to know, as i can then limit how much weird gear i put into my house. haa!