Posts by ozzyjimbob

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    1- That would be pretty awesome! I can see a medieval battle going on between armies from different factions, and these contraptions attacking castles. Even taking technology research from other factions in the form of some kind of stealth quest? Or just stealing their gear when you defeat them. haa!

    2- I'm not one for explosives myself, but if people want them, then fine! I hear, from a little birdy, that tnt is planned. Apparently you can get it by entering a command, but it doesn't work because it's not officially in the game. ha!

    3- Bear traps definately! Haa! That would make people very happy. But a variety of different traps for animals and perhaps even your enemies. haa!

    4- I really want wolves in the game. i would love to hear the howling on the night-time . And yes, i agree! they would make things pretty tough for most aspects of the game. haa!

    5- I'm sure that this kind of thing is planned. I can't imagine the game developing properly without the progression of some kind of tier system for armour and weapons. You have to start somewhere right? ha!

    6- Oh definately! i 100% agree with this. Blocks should have a strength feature or something for sure. i heard mention of doors breaking bit by bit as they are attacked. I always found it bonkers that the wooden blocks took the four hits to remove like stone. it's wood for goodness sake. ha! 2-3 hits for wood imo.

    7- maan! can you imagine having to take on bears without a bow throughout the finished game? that would be insane! ha! I'm pretty sure that bows, crossbows and some kind of rifle will be added at some point.

    You have some really good ideas DareDevil 2.0, and i think that most of what you have put down here has a chance to be added to Rising World.
    Take care Friend! :D

    Haa! Thanks. I'm glad you like it. It didn't take that long, but was quite fiddly. haa! I tried to create a part inside, so it looks like it's working. I'll put a snap of it on soon. haa!
    Trust me though, it isn't very interesting. haa!

    I think that the bears make building all the more rewarding. You can sit down when you've finished the initial build, and think. I had all odds against me, but i did it!
    Of course, i can understand those who just want to have a chill-out session with their building, and i definately understand how you feel. It seems like every time you find a nice space for a build, there's a sleeping bear snoring away slap-bang in the middle doesn't it. haa!

    Aah! Haa! Sorry ZaCormyr, i over-thought it (i do that a lot! ha!) and thought that you thought i had been inspired by a film or other game or something. haa! You see? even the bloomin' comment sounds daft. haa!

    Thanks to you for taking all that effort to reply to every single one of these ArcticuKitsu. I appreciate that. I did originally think that the 'Crazy Butcher' idea was a little....normal.. for rising world, but put it in anyway. haa! Glad you like the Toad idea. i thought it sounded pretty fearsome too. I would love to see that one. Wait a minute..would i? Ha! I like the 10 second idea too. It adds a feel of urgency. Nice!

    Awesome creativity! May i ask? Are these lovely creations all in the same world? If so awesome! If not they should be! A whole world of stuff like this, with this amount of detail...well! It would be unspeakably wonderful!

    Haa! Being killed by your own weapon. That would be really ironic. Creating a mod for a personal weapon, then having this weapon being the end of you. haaa! I love it! Interesting and comical!
    I would welcome some monsters in the surface world, as long as they remain fixed to special biomes or something. I suggested a long time ago, that there could be a diseased biome, and it could have farms with deranged farm animals, and...other..things. That way, you can choose to face off with them, or 'play it safe' ha!
    There could even be deranged weapons available, or even materials you cannot get elsewhere. Ha!

    1- Skeletons-They come out of the lava, and attack the player with their hook hands.

    2- Demon worshippers/ evil cultists- They wear black hooded robes, and attack the player with scythes.

    3- Bloody Leech- It crawls along, and launches itself at the player, sucking a small chunk of life from them each time.

    4- Decomposing Imp- it limps along, and bites the player, when within range.

    5- chained horror- mummified in chains, they spin around, unchain themselves, then the grisly creature underneath screams at the player, hurting them. The initial spinning feature hurts too.

    6- mouth of madness- like a bear trap, this huge grimacing face lies in wait on the ground until the player comes within its range, then it spits out bones, which come together to form various horrific creatures.

    7- flapping nightmare- a demon head with wings for ears, it hunts the hells then spits bloody spores at its prey, which burns for a short time.

    8- Toad of torture- huge lazy creatures, who slowly jump towards the player. When within range, they open up their huge mouths, and screaming bodies reach out and attack the player with their bony hands, with a small chance to drag them die.

    9- Crazed butcher- Runs aimlessly around, laughing. When it spots the player, it goes crazy with its bloody carver.

    10- Putrid waste- A misshapen, stationary blob stretches up in a ghostly face of torture, and spawns smaller versions of itself. Killing the putrid waste, spawns a random number of bloody leeches.

    I particularly like the toad of torture, but i would love to read what people think of these.
    I left out demons on purpose, because,well, they'll be there anyway won't they. haa

    I also had an alternative feature linked with the 'dragging inside the mouth' for the toad of torture. perhaps the mouth leads to another small room, where you have to fight off waves of horrific creatures, with a reward at the end. And the biggest reward in the game of course. Your life. haa!

    I don't know why people are so angry about the bear attacks. I'd be grumpy if someone disturbed my sleep as well. Haaa! You think this is bad, wait until you're walking along, minding your own business, and there comes along a lion. Or, you're enjoying the stars at night, and you get ambushed by a pack of wolves. This is just the beginning guys!.....and i'm very VERY afraid! haaa!

    (And very excited too)

    I don't mind monsters as such, as long as they live in hell AND STAY THERE! haa! That way, players/characters whatever, can choose to go down there and poke about...and die a horrible death. haa!
    Ha! Live in hell? it's sort of ironic really.....

    That would be really weird! haa! cool! but weird. coming across copies of yourself in hell. Like versions of yourself trapped in a certain timeframe? haa!
    Are there any announcements regarding what the guys are coming up with next. I have my fingers tightly crossed for biomes. Or A biome. even if it was some kind of shore or beach. at least we would have some variation. It's early days though isn't it, so.....whatever comes has my vote 100%.

    Thanks guys! Indeed these furnishings were intended for the modern age.

    ArcticuKitsu- there were no real inspirations behind these drawings beside my own 'playing with shapes' thing i do.Haa!
    I simply draw something over and over until i feel really good about it. ha! I'd love to see these in game too. I think that if they were put into a swamp biome, it would look really interesting, as the colours, i imagine, would contrast a little with the surroundings. i'd like to see them merge with the biome though, so perhaps the guys would change the colours a bit. haa!

    ZaCormyr-I simply put words together, but i like the way these drawings made a connection with you. Can i ask what it was that you were referring to? it has me intrigued now. Haa!