Surfaceworld-Hell suggestion.

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  • I have a suggestion for a kind of questy thing when biomes are finished. (And hell).
    There is this staff/tool which is blessed, and to get it you have to collect a certain item from each biome. probably in pretty perilous areas, where you have to really test your survival (and perhaps combat) skills.
    You take the components to a certain place to create it, like a blessed alter somewhere in the world.
    Then, (haa) you go down into the hell biome, and are able to bless cursed totems dotted around. I was thinking that there could be about ten in each world.
    When you destroy the last totem, then a very special dungeon opens, and you get to fight the hell guardian, who guards a vault filled with really rare and useful treasure.

  • Making use of Hell to open up a dungeon sounds like a swell idea. I approve of that. Right now I see Hell as a pointless place to go so I do hope we do have a purpose to go there. If it's a place to go when the player dies, that be brutal. Maybe something for difficulty level below hardcore that simply pushes you down into Hell to then force your way up while fending of zombie dogs and whatever else is down there......

  • Well, there's always the HellStone.
    That will probably be pretty valuable, but aside from that i agree. no real reason to go down into the scorching, nightmarish depths of hell, with all of the horrors from bad dreams. I like the idea of pairing the overworld and the hell biome side-by-side, so they kind of feed into each other. the process could keep repeating, and every time you do it, you get much more valuable gear, but it could vary so people don't get bored.

  • Forgot to mention that "Hell" should try and invade over-world biome when you play with their material. It should actually spread like dirt does in Minecraft to eventually ruin people's day. To mend the issue would be to slay the creatures & to tear up the landscape, disposing of the material in whatever manner you see fit.

    To add to this: would be awesome if we could have NPC humans to focus on tearing up any heavily corrupted landscapes by focusing purely on hellish items, also disposing of it in their own little world behind the curtains.

    HellStone? I guess. I did say to pair up Hell with difficulty so when you die on something below 'hardcore' that you would instead spawn in Hell to force your way back up instead of world being locked out for good.........More valuable gear.....Could, but then that's what dungeons are for. Note sure what the Trios have planned.....Not sure what to suggest even as it's still fresh of a game.

  • mmm. I don't really like the idea of a Terraria-like corruption spreading over everything, as it really annoyed me on hardmode. It always seemed to spread like crazy and i had those eater thingys pesting my town. If we've worked really hard on something, i think most of us would be absolutely devastated to see it destroyed. We need somewhere to call home don't we. haaa! It's something which should be down for a vote isn't it i guess.

  • Interesting idea. Might be a bit too religious for my taste haha.. just the word bless seems religious. I doubt that is your intent haha :P Anyway I like the idea of unlocking a secret area. Not sure how that would work in a randomly generated world though. I like the idea of gathering something from each biome in order to do something like crafting a special item and/or accessing a special place.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Haa! Nope! it wasn't intended as a religious term. I have no problem whatsoever with religion either though. People should have the freedom to choose their own path. ha!
    Hmmm! Good point! Randomly generated world, specifically placed items. Ummm. I didn't think of that one did i. ha! Thanks for the compliments ZaCormyr, it's great to hear that my somewhat odd ideas are making people happy. ha!

  • yeah I don't care if people are religious, just shouldn't be part of a game that's all.

    Ideas only seem odd because they are different then the norm. This is not a bad thing. No idea is bad really, it is just part of brainstorming. We can only find out what works by throwing all ideas on the table and hashing them out. ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Terraria? I totally forgot about that game. Well,.....I was thinking still in Minecraft terms with how a portal was intended to corrupt the landscape. Was still thinking the same thing that if you used Hell material above ground that it would simply 'infect' other materials over time, like dirt...just not as fast and irritating as in Terraria.

    But ya, still wanting to remention that there should be a feature that when people die that they should go to hell (A difficulty right under hardcore, or a toggle) so they can slay monsters below and build their way back up. It seems to be ignored, or easily missed and last time I shall mention it. On the next as anything hell bothers me.

  • Oh sorry, i didn't mean to ignore your ideas, really! I love the idea of people dying and ending up in hell! It would add a real challenge! haa! it would really make people want to look after their character as well. they'd be like,"I'm being really careful this time! I don't want to go back....there...again!" haa! Then they'd shiver.
    I'd like to apologise again! I really didn't mean to disregard your opinions or ideas in any way shape or form. I guess i just got a bit excited. I am sorry friend. :saint:

  • No worries. Didn't mean to guilt trip, just that it's easy to miss things seeing as how we're all focused on our own thoughts and suggestions XD. But yes, it would also assist with having people take care of their characters more. Doesn't have to be in easier modes, though it can be wedged inbetween hard & hardcore for those that want to use it, or even as simple as a toggle option. I always saw my host purposely die in Minecraft that it just annoyed me instead of munching on food so this should work against that to care more for your avatar.

    To add to this - Would be interesting seeing clones of yourself in hell on any other setting. Taking care of yourself and then coming across your own self below. Would be interesting.

  • That would be really weird! haa! cool! but weird. coming across copies of yourself in hell. Like versions of yourself trapped in a certain timeframe? haa!
    Are there any announcements regarding what the guys are coming up with next. I have my fingers tightly crossed for biomes. Or A biome. even if it was some kind of shore or beach. at least we would have some variation. It's early days though isn't it, so.....whatever comes has my vote 100%.

  • I loved the game from what iv seen so fare, but adding hell ect. its a total copy of minecraft.

    I enjoy the natual aspect, dont like monsters, rather hostile animals, hunters, indians what ever.

  • I don't mind monsters as such, as long as they live in hell AND STAY THERE! haa! That way, players/characters whatever, can choose to go down there and poke about...and die a horrible death. haa!
    Ha! Live in hell? it's sort of ironic really.....

  • I guess it would be trippy to see your dead copies with your customizable accessories on there, even more so if they're modded accessories. All the sword types all stuck in the Hell world for you to fight, if you so choose, to make your way out or your way in or some challenge.

    Hell was already added so not much we can do there. You can choose to go down there, or you can simply stay top-side. People's fears going to end up paralyzing time the more they fear Minecraft when comparing this to that game. Also, I don't mind some fictional monsters in the tone that Skyrim did it. If Rising World can keep it like Skyrim then all is good.

  • Haa! Being killed by your own weapon. That would be really ironic. Creating a mod for a personal weapon, then having this weapon being the end of you. haaa! I love it! Interesting and comical!
    I would welcome some monsters in the surface world, as long as they remain fixed to special biomes or something. I suggested a long time ago, that there could be a diseased biome, and it could have farms with deranged farm animals, and...other..things. That way, you can choose to face off with them, or 'play it safe' ha!
    There could even be deranged weapons available, or even materials you cannot get elsewhere. Ha!

  • Haha! Deranged weapons. I wonder if we all would be willing to insert wired-lances (search up weapons from Phantasy Star Online 2) and anything trippy down below in Hell. To give it a proper use (other than a place to spawn upon death; To be killed by your dead 'clones'; And minerals), I would love to recommend what Ozzy just did, but with 'phantasy' armor & weaponry, just in a corrupted hell theme stuck in tricky manners to obtain.

    Could go all Skyrim with the weaponry for those that desire those 'soul gems' or whatever from that game down there, or even keeping it regional by only having them effective down there. Wired claw lances would be amusing though, if the combat is going to be revamped to fit this game appropriately now that we have hostile Bears, Mooses, and Goats.

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