Congrats on the new rewrite and a few suggestions

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  • Hi Red ,
    Sorry but I have been away for a long time . I was very Ill last summer (2018)

    I recently wiped my pc and started over. I did reinstall Rising world but there were some Issues with the game Adjusting my pc's brightness and not restoring it when the game exits so I took it off .

    I am glad you switched to a new engine and would like to make a few suggestions.

    Please finish the world Generation FIRST this time . I would suggest that you do ALL of the biomes, water , rocks , sky and everything FIRST.
    After you get the world looking right, then work on the other stuff.

    Last time you kept adding new biomes and water and it caused problems when new sections of the world were generated .

    Everything takes place in the world so the first thing that should be done is to get the world looking right, from every rock, leaf, Tree and grain of sand. Make the world look right before adding anything.
    This is the single most valuable asset of the game ..

    Also Instead of random half built , buildings , generate Nice look looking villages , towns and other stuff, Like the game alchemists awakening does, It even generates simple road systems here and there .

    I am going to wait for the new version this time .

    I wish you well. Make Rising world great :)


  • Hey, I hope you're well again! First of all, thanks for your feedback!

    Please finish the world Generation FIRST this time . I would suggest that you do ALL of the biomes, water , rocks , sky and everything FIRST.
    After you get the world looking right, then work on the other stuff.

    The new world generation is indeed one of the most important features of the game (and also one of the most time consuming features) ;) We will definitely take this opportunity to add more biomes and dungeons before releasing the new version, but this time we also want to make sure that we can add new terrain features in the future without breaking old worlds (that's one of the reasons why we want to separate the world into islands).

    However, if I really want to make sure that every single terrain-related feature or biome that comes into my mind is implemented before releasing the new version, it would probably take forever until the new version is ready :D We must therefore draw a clear line.

    Last time you kept adding new biomes and water and it caused problems when new sections of the world were generated .

    Yeah, unfortunately when I wrote the old world generation back then, I did not take this into account. I thought I could just adapt the newly generated chunks to the old world parts, and actually that did work for most updates, however, the biomes or water introduced so many breaking changes which made the conversion extremely complicated.

    The new version will have a more modular world generator, so we could easily maintain older versions of the world generator (to generate existing parts of the world) while still being able to generate new terrain features (e.g. new biomes) in unexplored parts of the world.

    Everything takes place in the world so the first thing that should be done is to get the world looking right, from every rock, leaf, Tree and grain of sand. Make the world look right before adding anything.

    There will be definitely some major improvements when it comes to the new version :) I'm happy with the first results of the new mountains, there will be a new announcement with some new screenshots very soon.

    I wish you well. Make Rising world great

    Thanks! :thumbup:

  • This is basically how the terrain generation in Alchemists awakening works, Rather then a vast ocean , it is a series of larger continents . It also Includes Volcanoes and other geological features. Geysers , volcanoes, steaming hot springs would be a first if you could pull it off.

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