Determine when an NPC was created?

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  • How do I find an NPC's creation date?

    A saddled horse somehow wandered away a year ago, and to my amazement I found it again near my base! Its global ID is very low compared to my current horse, so it's definitely old.

  • Oh, actually the spawndate of npcs is stored in the world database :) Unfortunately you cannot access this data ingame... to get the spawn date, you have to open the world database (".../Worlds/<YourWorldName>/<YourWorldName>.db") with an SQLite editor (e.g. Navicat). Then open the "Npc" table and look for the npc in question. There is a column called "Spawndate" which contains a timestamp (in milliseconds), just copy that timestamp, remove the last 3 digits (to convert it from millis to seconds) and paste it here to get the actual date:

  • Perfect! Use to skip the millisecond conversion.
    Here's a SQL query to get all your horses:

    SELECT * from Npc WHERE TypeID = 31 AND Locked = 1 ORDER BY ID ASC

    I think there used to be bug where saddled horses would disappear after reloading. Happened to me several times.

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