disappearing home

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • hi, purchased the game last night and been good so far :) .
    however, anthing i built (bricks, walls etc) or placed (crafting stations) completely disappear from view when i move like 20 steps away. the only exception being light from the torch.

    this makes it very difficult to locate where i started building when going off to gather material in the daytime. in the night i can see the light at least.

    how can i fix this? my graphics are at max and i use nvidia gtx 780 graphics (if thats helpful)


  • You can increase the "Detail Distance" in your settings, it is responsible for the "detailed" area around you (which also contains objects, constructions etc.). The general "View Distance" is only responsible for terrain/vegetation, there are no objects or constructions visible in that area ;) We will change that somewhen in the future ;)

  • Maybe i can help you with a little trick, til we get a map or something you can simply click f3. In the left upper corner you can see the coordinates, this way you can find allways your home (you have to push f3 a few times to get back to normal game view.)

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