Standalone does not work in offline mode

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  • Hello, I've had the steam version for months and love it. I just purchased the standalone version and can't play offline. Starts if I have net connection otherwise closes. Any help would be great. I play only offline singleperson. Thank you.

  • Hello, I've had the steam version for months and love it. I just purchased the standalone version and can't play offline. Starts if I have net connection otherwise closes. Any help would be great. I play only offline singleperson. Thank you.

    Thanks a lot for your purchase :) Actually you can only play in offline mode if there is no internet connection available (or if our host is unreachable). If there is an internet connection available, the game will try to authenticate your serial when starting the game. However, this has no impact on your singleplayer game - it's really just an auth check if the serial is actually valid. No other data is sent to our servers and your world is still stored locally. Even if you lose your internet connection while playing, this should not have any impact on your game (at least when playing singleplayer).

    What do you mean with exactly with "game closes"?

  • Once the game is up and I try to start (offline) I get the choice of playing offline but the game then closes once I select offline play. I don't always have a connection... "closing" is I get a brief blank screen as though it wants to start but then closes.

  • Hmm... that's strange :thinking: Did you run the game at least once (with active internet connection)? The game has to download some game files first before it's able to run (otherwise offline mode cannot work due to missing game files)

  • That's really strange, I've just tested it and it worked as intended :wat: So you first press "Login" and get an error message about the HIVE being unreachable, then you press "Play Offline", right? Is there a file called "uid" in your game directory? Maybe try to run the game with active internet connection as Administrator (rightclick on the exe -> Run as administrator), also make sure the game is not installed on the Desktop (Windows prevents the game from writing to the hard drive then).

    //edit: I've moved the posts into a separate topic btw, since this issue doesn't seem to be related to the change regarding serials ;)

  • Hmm... I've tried and on another machine with a different account, but still wasn't able to reproduce this unfortunately =O Is there a file called "errorlog" or "hs_err_pid" in your game directory? Maybe try to delete the uid file in the game directory, then run the game again (while online). Once you're in the main menu, quit the game and run again in offline mode.

    If it still does not work, please try to enable the debug console (open the file and set game_debug_console to true, then save the file and run the game in offline mode). Once the game closes, please have a look if there is a log file in the Logs folder. If there is a log file, please upload it here ;)

  • Thanks for the file! I can confirm the game does not launch in offline mode with this UID :wat: That's definitely a bug... unfortunately I can't just release an update right now, so I'm looking for a workaround :thinking: Please give me a few minutes to think about a solution for this issue ^^

  • Thanks for your patience! :) I think we have a small fix for this issue (we've updated the launcher, you should get this update automatically when running the game). Please make sure the uid file is still in your game directory. Then run the game with active internet connection and make sure a "user.dat" file is created in your game directory. Now quit the game and run it again without internet connection (make sure to enter the serial if the "remember" box is not checked). Does it work now?

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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