Account already In Use

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • I just had this problem; my router crashed and, upon restarting it, I can not log into the game as it says "Account already in use". This message appears not only if some "Rising World" (i.e. Java) process is still running in the background but, for whatever reason, the game loses connection without disconnecting (ex: crash, network failure, computer power loss, etc.).

  • Same problem, now. There was an ISP problem and lost connection for a few minutes. Now my account is already in use. There should be some way to "reset" the account... To prevent duplicate (fraudulous) connexions, the reset process should logout any connected clients that are connected to the Internet.

  • I don't know why the reset or disconnect when you timeout does not work properly on some cases :huh: I had a look at the database, indeed you are currently logged in. Are you really ingame right now, or is it still the old connection?

  • I am unsure at the time you checked the database. I tried every once in a while until it finally worked. I should probably have paid more attention of how long it took for it to succeed. Will do that next time.

  • The game just crashed (froze) and I had to kill the process again. It happened at around 10:55am EST (GMT-4.00).

    However, I may have a solution. Since the game already saves a "login.dat" file, once a user logs in, the auth server should return a login token (that should be saved in the users database along with the user login information), that would be saved inside a "session.dat" file.

    1. If the game exit properly, delete the "session.dat" file
    2. If the game is launched and a "session.dat" file exists, send the login token.
    2.1. If the login token is the same as the last generated login token, generate a new token and assume the user's game failed to exit properly.
    2.2. If the login token is different, the account is already in use (i.e. default to the default behaviour)
    2.2.1. If this situation happens often, report account for investigation (logging the connecting IP, etc. for more information)

    What do you guys think? It's simple and does not open doors for fraudulent usage.

  • I'm also getting this error after an alt+f4 closure. There were no processes to kill but to be sure I performed a reboot.
    Still the same error "account is already in use"

  • Although now, a few hours later, the problem seems to have been resolved. If that is due to any help from here, thank you.

  • And the problem is back. I selected quit instead of back to main menu.

    Once again I can't login due to the same error. I've killed redundant processes.

    Kind regards

  • Oh please no apologies needed. It's a beta, these things are meant to happen. Only way to find the errors.

    Thank you for an awesome game and encountering bugs in a beta is only for the good :)

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