so apparently consoles are banned in China so tencent and activision have put together a free cod game for China which includes all the best maps,game modes,weapons and perks from the most popular cod games....if you can figure out the Chinese menus,and enjoy the best of the cod games,this is worth the effort to dl and play.i sure hope they do an American release someday,but for now I can play the Chinese's really good!

cod online(China game release)
Crazy haha. I would prefer to just install my old copies of CODUO or something.. Still have COD4 on this machine but there's really only one server I can play on with the settings I have (I don't like allowing custom downloads...) and it's the same dudes every time haha.. mostly they just mess around. Might check out COD2 at some point, not sure if anyone plays that still. Good times.... sigh
Which one are you playing?
Let me guess:
- Game is pay to win (or has annoying ton of buyable bullshit)
- It horrible laggs because all servers are in China lel
- It's basically a rip off of an older cod, I am gonna guess Black Ops 1 or 2, since AW or something is too "progressive"
Sorry, but it is COD and Activion, I always expect the worst from them.^^
Activision will mit aller Macht an unser Bestes. -
Let me guess:
- Game is pay to win (or has annoying ton of buyable bullshit)
- It horrible laggs because all servers are in China lel
- It's basically a rip off of an older cod, I am gonna guess Black Ops 1 or 2, since AW or something is too "progressive"
Sorry, but it is COD and Activion, I always expect the worst from them.^^
I'm only posting this for those of us who enjoy some cod titles.
........and your "guesses" are inaccurateit does have micro-transactions.......those poor Chinese don't get to have consoles.
I know recently COD has gotten a bad rep. But back in the day it was great IMO. There was some serious skill on the rifles only servers, especially on 1.5. I should dig up some of my old screens from those days haha (again on my old comp..). For all weapons, I still think COD4 is the best. Although I haven't bothered with anything since world at war, haven't liked what I've seen in vids... But same goes for battlefield, haven't tried anything since bad company 2 (still play that at times). Anyways... you either like it or don't. Either is fine. Personal taste.
I should dig up some of my old screens from those days haha (again on my old comp..)
Yeah, dig it all up, I want to see all the maps and stuff you have there
I only played cod4 singelplayer when I was ill and it was ... aweful.
Oh I'm only talking about multiplayer.
Good to know - means there is still hope when i get what Punkbuster wants from me
what it wants from you?
i don't really know, it does not work (could not be initialized)
Oh, needs to be downloaded and installed.
Ah ok
I tried this COD Online once and it was running fine
I got the account of a friend for trying out
If you ask me it is like playing Call of duty Modern Warefare with some MW2 mapsI really enjoyed it. :3
About the "Pay to Win"... No you actually get all weapons by ingame currency you win through each game. The only thing which is limited are skins, but I usually dont care about my look since i want to play to shoot and not look awesomeSo I hope it will get released
I tried this COD Online once and it was running fine
I got the account of a friend for trying out
If you ask me it is like playing Call of duty Modern Warefare with some MW2 mapsI really enjoyed it. :3
About the "Pay to Win"... No you actually get all weapons by ingame currency you win through each game. The only thing which is limited are skins, but I usually dont care about my look since i want to play to shoot and not look awesomeSo I hope it will get released
Thanks for the description. I like the idea of mixing the maps up. Hope it gets release also, might just try it.
I played COD1 UO last night for the first time in like 6 years haha. It was great! But for some reason I get FPS drops. Runs at 91fps most of the time until the gun fire starts.. then it drops drastically and causes me enough lag that I die instead of having a chance to killing someone. Especially if I'm using a mg also, normally I stick with rifles. Gotta figure this one out.. sigh
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