Possible bug with items

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  • I have been playing around in the demo using various items as blocks/planks and I have noticed at times an item will just randomly break. It happened to some of the Toro lanterns that I was using as bricks while I was painting the terrain around the area. It also has happened to a number of the mining lanterns and wooden benches. Usually I am just placing/removing other items nearby when it happens. It's as though there's an invisible gnome wandering around with a giant invisible hammer. The mining lamps seem to be the biggest victim of this issue. I place them inside the toro lamps so as they light up, and often when I come back to where I was working the lamp will magically shatter as I approach.

  • There seems to be indeed a bug which causes nearby objects to break in certain situations. We're working on a fix :)

    In the meantime, you can "fix" this if you open the config.properties file with a text editor and set Game_GravityAffectsObjects to false

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