Game map size

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I know the current version is not infinite and that the further you move away from 0 0 the more glitching you get between game chunks.

    I remember Red you saying that this will be improved in the new version, but can I ask to what degree and has this been something you have tested already?

    Just for a test, I just went to 500,000 500,000 and oh boy was that a horrible place to be in :wat:

    The question is, what would reasonably be the playable worldspace or will the Unity version be truly infinite?

  • There is unfortunately still no infinite world in the Unity version :/ Implementing proper origin shifting requires a lot of work, and would also slow down development of future features. It's still planned, but first we want to get some more features ready before spending a considerable amount of time on that feature ^^

    However, the new version uses camera-relative rendering, which greatly improves the rendering quality if you're far away from world origin. The Java version already had noticable z fighting at ~ 10,000 (i.e. flickering planks and posters), that shouldn't be an issue in the Unity version anymore :) I'd still consider areas at ~ 500,000 unplayable, mainly due to imprecise physics...

  • Personally I think the area between -32,000 and 32,000 it's quite well playable (despite slightly jittering hands). In the Java version, I considered an area between -10,000 and 10,000 (or maybe 15,000) playable. In fact there is much less jittering (and visual artifacts) at 32,000 in the new version compared to 10,000 in the Java version, for example. At the end of the day, it depends on what you consider playable in the Java version - apparently some people even managed to play at ~ 100k in the Java version :wat:

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